Sunday, February 6, 2022

Guy Sets His Dogs Loose on Criminal Neighbor Kids After They Break Into His House

Man, what do you do in a situation like this? Harassed constantly by criminal underaged children who won't leave you and your pets alone on your own property. We've seen some really terrible neighbors in stories like this and people have had worse ways of dealing with them.

CPS should definitely be getting involved because it sounds like their mother is raising some feral animals. 

What would you do in this situation? I would be concerned that using my dogs to "scare" the kids might end up with one of the kids getting bitten or attacking my dogs which would inevitably end in forced euthanization. That or my crazy neighbors would take out some kind of revenge on my animals. 

I'm not sure what other options this guy has other than getting the kids removed from their home. Which is probably best-case-scenario. 

Ominous Signs That Mean Business

The world is big, and with it come a lot of threats. There's quickly rising water, bees, brain-eating amoebas, big holes and errant explosions to name a few. To name a few more, there are cliffs, electricity, angry biting monkeys, slippery cliffs, dangerous machinery and fires. So it makes sense we'd need a lot of spooky signs that say a lot with their creepiness.

And even though the signs are spooky, it's better than the alternative, which is just a pile of corpses. So maybe we can all thank the signs for their continued service, as well as the people who were smart enough to put them there. The modern world may have its figurative pitfalls like taxes and going to work, but at least we're all mostly literate at this point and able to communicate warnings of literal pitfalls to each other.

Oh yeah, also goats covered in poison ivy oil. There's another hazard. Didn't know stinging goats were a thing, but once again, happy to be aware of it now.

Husband Demands Fifty Percent of His Wife's Business After Not Supporting Her Idea

I'm firmly convinced that this guy is off his rocker but it sounds like this relationship might have some more deep seated issues that are only coming to light because of the situation. I can't imagine not supporting my partner in their endeavours or ideas. We're supposed to be there to strengthen each other and encourage each other to be their best selves. 

Imagine this, your wife has an idea for a startup business to earn some extra income. You poo-poo the idea and talk it down, maybe say some things stronger than that. Lo and behold, despite your negativity she is successful. What do you do now? Maybe an apology and congratulations are in order, for a start.

Nah, stuff that. Let's just demand half of the profits and threaten divorce because I'm an entitled piece of sludge. 

Any differing opinions out there? Pretty sure this is going to be a quick verdict.

Targeted Teacher Gets Manipulative Principal Fired From Her Position

Just out of school and starting her teaching career. A teacher found herself in a new school. She notes, retrospectively, that she completely missed some obvious red flags and warning signs regarding what was to come.

These warning signs included a lack of responses to her emails early on, requesting what she needed to start at her job. She then arrived at her classroom to find it being used as a storage closet.

When classes actually started she didn't even know what the class schedule was. She didn't know when she would be seeing any of the classes she was teaching. 

She then ended up with two classes at the same time!

She would soon find herself faced with an adversary in a more powerful position and would use all the resources she had at hand to gain the upper hand. It seems pretty clear that the Principal was targeting this new teacher and was just overall a manipulative bully. 

Some parts of this story are incredible, maybe even a little incredulous, but it is an entertaining story that is well worth the read.

For more ProRevenge check out this slumlord who wouldn't let a company out of their 5-year lease.

Karen Says She Knows CEO, Tech Support Calls Her Bluff

There are a few ways to get what you want in a customer interaction. One of those ways is to follow proper procedure, listen to what the person on the other end has to say, and adjust your expectations accordingly. But this is not the Karen way. The way of the Karen would have you believe that patiently waiting for help is an assault on one's character. The Karen way would have you think that if you don't raise your voice and insult people, that you will never be satisfied. The Karen way contends, preaches, and evangelizes the virtues of screaming, threatening, and lying your way to the bottom. The way of the Karen, as many of us know, is the way of ruin.

Karen thought she could get through on a lie, but had another thing coming when tech support got wise to her BS. For a more direct approach, here's a boss who used an eye gag to remove some problem customers. And sometimes, fellow customers join in, like this customer who weaponized the tip jar to defeat a Karen.

Writer Roasts Michelin Star Restaurant On Twitter, Delusional Chef Responds With Ridiculous Argument About Horses

This writer and blogger took to Twitter to tell the tragic tale of the "Most singularly awful meal of (her) life." She doesn't pull any punches and absolutely roasts the restaurant and the chef himself. First, retweeting images of his tattoos and then posting the absurd response that he sent to her. 

The entire evening appears to be utter shambles as the dining guests struggle their way through minuscule portions and rancid food from one of the "best" restaurants in the world. 

Looks to me like fine dining has been sucked way too far up its own you-know-what.

The entire thing is capped off when the Chef of the restaurant responds with a transparent argument about "what is art" that was probably ripped out of a High School textbook.  

Flick through the tweets here and check out her blog post about the fiasco.