Sunday, October 24, 2021

Tenant Puts Divider On Balcony, Talkative Neighbors Take Offense

There's something about the talkative people in this world, where when they're told to give all the blabbering a rest by the ones that are tired of listening, they can tend to get pretty offended. In this particular scenario it sounds like the chatty albeit friendly neighbors next door were not going to stop with their constant chatter anytime soon. It seems like the tenant who had exhausted their willingness to listen anymore wasn't really left with any other options. And then when they do exercise control over what they can actually control, their neighbors insist on being especially aggressive. Not cool, man. 

Entitled People and Their Ceaseless Antics

The sun never sets on entitled people and their imaginative demands. You'd think people would be done with bosses who demand to be thanked for providing such "generous direction" and Karens who get fired for being too much of a Karen, but they never seem to back down with their boldness. The worst part is that they never seem to think they're in the wrong. It's beautiful, in a way, the laughable antics of entitled people.

Restaurant Messes Up Woman's Meal Twice, She Sends It Back, Gets Guilt Tripped

From the get-go it sounds like this woman was committed to being a mindful and reasonable customer. The restaurant failed to serve her meal as she asked for it twice. Even with that going on, she exercised patience and understanding. After all of that though, her friends then have the audacity to send her on a guilt trip over the fact that she didn't eat the meal that had meat in it. On top of that, they give her a hard time over the 20% tip that she left. 

Annoying, Inconvenient and Infuriating Things That Just Aren't Right

Being upset and miserable isn't always a choice, but sometimes we have the option to seek it out in the form of annoying and off-center imperfections. Maybe this kind of thing doesn't bother you. But it probably does. As people with free will, we have the freedom to sit there and gripe at images of sloppy imperfection or stare in delight at delectable images of satisfying perfection. The choice is ours.

Tumblr Thread: Ridiculous Cons People Pull Off Through Complete Confidence

Man oh man, it's a Tumblr thread like this that might lead you to walk through life with just a bit more caution about strangers' underlying intentions. Specifically, whether or not that random dude who shows up wearing a work outfit similar to the company you work for, actually works for the company. Honestly wonder if that little bit about Leo DiCaprio is true or not. If it is, that's hilarious. For some more gold from Tumblr check out this wild Tumblr thread about a neighbor Steve and the abominations. It's a trip. 

Tumblr Expounds On The Meat-Eating Nature of Plants

Sure, some trees look like they're eating stuff, but it should be noted that trees themselves are low key monsters. Trees suck nutrients out of whatever organic matter they can get their roots on, so it stands to reason that they have the option to wake up and choose violence. The things don't even have real feelings, thank god they can't chase us down. Quickly, that is.

"You Had One Job" Moments Of Professional Inadequacy

Professional life has one central tenant that we all try to abide by: try as hard as possible to do as little work as possible. Most of us are able to get away pretty well with this, but some of us fly too close to the sun and our lazy incompetence is seen in the form of "not my job" moments. Make way for glorious professional apathy.

Entitled Customer Shows Up When Restaurant's Closed, Leaves Nasty Review

The entitled people in this world that have the gross audacity to go ahead and stink up perfectly fine establishments with dishonest and downright nasty reviews because their entitlement wasn't catered to in the first place, are in a league of their own. Obviously, we're not talking about the kind of league that you'd ever want to find yourself in. We're just glad to see that this "customer" was dealt with in righteous fashion. Everyone has their breaking point, and eventually someone comes along that isn't going to put up with all of the toxic behavior. For another ridiculous case of entitlement, check out this Karen who demanded the exact change and then got upset when actually got it

Guy's Dentist Happens To Know Everything, Might Be Real Life Superhero

We really hope that this is true. You can never really be totally certain if what's being shared by Tumblr's wonderful and wandering minds is actually rooted in truth, or a mere impressive work of fiction. With that being said, Dr. Z sounds like he's undeniably the world's best dentist and a bit of a heroic polymath as well. Like, just imagine having a pint with this guy over some good old-fashioned bar trivia. He'd probably put on such a stellar performance that he'd be promptly asked to never return. Too much knowledge can definitely rub some people the wrong way. If you want some more gold from Tumblr, check out these resplendent Tumblr gems of random hilarity

Sister and Mother Insist Woman Babysits Her Sister's Children For Three Days a Week

There's nothing like the forced labor of an unwilling family member, eh? If I'd known this scheme existed I'd invite my sister over to wash my car every week. There's years of wasted potential there. 

Having family members around to offer their support can mean the world when you're in need of a helping hand or short on the time/experience to tackle something. But support has to be willing and given. It can't be forced or required. That's just your entitlement speaking. 

That being said, if either my sister or I ever have car troubles you know exactly who we're calling. We're entitled, as his children, to the Dad AAA service.

Relatable Tweets And Memes About Getting Old

Time is a tricky beast. It's as if when you want it to move along quickly it chugs along like it's wearing ankle weights, and then when you want it to slow down for the sake of being able to fully appreciate those golden moments, it falls between your hands like sand. Before you know it, you've watched another decade go by, and suddenly you're overhearing the younger generations laughing about the olden days when lunatics used to burn CDs. Oh, those were the days, the days before finely polished Spotify playlists. 

The Worst Neighbors People Have Experienced.

A bad neighbor is one of those problems you just kind of have to deal with until it moves away, gets evicted, or dies on its own. Every kind of housing situation has its downsides. Living in an apartment complex and hearing someone's extra-curricular activities sucks. Living next to someone who keeps throwing dirty diapers on your lawn is a phenomenal way to be constantly frustrated. Didn't Sartre say that hell is other people? For some absolute animals who made it into people's homes, here are people's worse houseguest experiences.

Tumblr Thread: Batman's Normal Son, Brad Wayne

Batman's psychology has always held a special place in our hearts. Maybe it's the brooding darkness. Maybe it's the inherent weirdness of a billionaire genius detective martial artist who punches crooks in a bat costume. Maybe it's the extreme seriousness and psychological drama punctuated by tight pants. This time, Tumblr users explore the concept of a member of the bat-clan who's just like, a pretty okay guy. For more tumblr deep-dives into superheroes, here are Batman villains as talk-radio therapists and the saga of a mystified man who's able to identify superheroes.

Mad Lads Who Made The World Their Big Briny Oyster

The world is full of rules, and that's just not acceptable for these mad lads who blazed their own trail. The way of the mad lad is one of deceit, manipulation, and a commitment to the bit. It's a lonely road because so few of us choose chaos, but when it works, it works. May the mad lads of the world reap the rewards of their toil.

Employee Isn't Being Paid For Being On Time, Malicious Compliance Ensues

Being lambasted by a manager for showing up on time is one thing, but when you find out they're not actually paying you even after you've clocked yourself in? Then it's time to get creative. It's disappointing to learn that even small things in life can become a power play, but those moments are a good opportunity to learn how much power you actually have in any given situation. For example, this store owner who wouldn't change their number so a dude fought back.

"Not My Job" Moments Of Professional Apathy

There are times at work when we couldn't be bothered to care. How much we don't care varies from person to person, and high-level ambivalence towards our jobs lead to some interesting "not my job" moments of failure. If one thing's for sure, you don't want the guy painting road lines to suddenly not give a rip if the lines are straight. Still happens though.

Unconventional Problems Skinny People Have

The skinny aren't really seen as a group that gets a ton of hate, but no population is without its unique obstacles. Like, even the tall have tall people problems from the constantly cramped. Upon review, it seems like the skinny have a much harder time floating than the rest of us, plus their lack of ass padding makes sitting a challenge. What a world.