Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Woman Vows to Send Increasingly Weird Sign-Offs on Emails to Her Boss Until He Notices

With palpable vibes

30 People Share The Dumbest Things That People Brag About

There are a lot of legitimate reasons to brag about something. People might not like it when you do, but if you just received your doctorate in quantum fractal space robotics after 9 long years of toil, it makes sense to throw a few photos on Facebook saying "go me." If you've just broken a power lifting record, you get a few weeks to say "hey there I am literally the strongest."

But then there are some pretty common things that raise a few eyebrows when someone tries to spin their ignorance or very real personality defect as a sign of "toughness" or "brutal honesty." Needlessly going without sleep or rest isn't a brag so much as a sign that you're probably being manipulated. Saying that you don't eat vegetables isn't exactly a brag. It just means that you probably spend an excruciating extra 40 minutes on the toilet daily. Enjoy trying to push out your trophy.

Here are some satisfying times people witnessed someone's ego get crushed.

Creepy Sister-In-Law Won't Stop Copying Woman, Demands To Know What Shampoo She Uses

It's fine to be interested in someone's tastes. And in turn, it's flattering to be asked about your preferences. There's nothing very wrong with asking someone what kind of shampoo they use if it's one isolated incident. 

But when someone deliberately copies your aesthetics in what very much seems like a desperate attempt to "become you," that is some creepy stalker behavior. This woman's sister-in-law is throwing tantrums to know what kind of shampoo she uses. She's dying her hair the same color, copying her clothing and bought the same bed sheets. It's understandably frustrating, and commenters were pretty astute in pointing out that this exceeds the limits of reasonable behavior. 

A few others had some terrific ideas about what to do to make her stop. Some plans were more devious and permanent than others. But consensus was that this is freakin' weird.

A Delectable Dose of Funny Tweets From the Twitterverse

Twitter is kind of like being inside of any given person's brain, except without all the constant violent fantasies. For that, try Facebook. Maybe the best part of Twitter is that you're not always being reminded that your friends and family are all achieving their dreams, going on expensive vacations, and learning how to paddleboard. Twitter is more like witnessing everyone's simultaneous panic attack, and for that we are grateful. There's also some strikingly bad takes on there. "It's not my responsibility to look both ways before crossing the street" kind of bad. But hey, it is what it is. We're bored, boring people. And sometimes at the end of the day all we really want is a reminder that someone out there is being clever. That, or they're self-reporting some terribly awkward thing they said to their dentist. Those are great.

Here are some more funny tweets to decimate that clawing boredom.

Recruiter Approaches Candidate and Asks For Expected Salary, Angered By Honest Response

Interviews can be incredibly nerve-wracking experiences, especially since there is usually such a power imbalance between the two parties. Often the interviewee is the one who is desperate to find a role; interviewers know this and use it to their advantage.

A recruiter contacted this 'gig worker' on a job searching platform. They aren't really looking all that hard for anything but are keeping their "eyes open" just in case something more stable comes along. So when the recruiter approached him, he decided to entertain the proposal. When he asked about pay, the recruiter flipped the question back on him and asked what his "expected salary" would be. When he answered and answered truthfully, the recruiter took offense. Obviously, it wasn't what they expected.

The thread was posted to r/antiwork by the 'gig worker,' Redditor u/Main-Yogurtcloset-82. They posted the topic to the popular subreddit to share their story.

Commenters were quick to condemn the recruiter's audacity and shared their own recruitment horror stories.

Worker Cries to CEO Husband Over Unfair Treatment, He Oversteps and Now Everything is a Mess

This worker was getting a pretty hard time from her supervisor. The post lends one to believe that there were discriminatory motivations behind the supervisor's actions. However, as some commenters have pointed out, if the poster got her position in the first place because of nepotism then it wouldn't be completely unlikely that she has been getting a hard time because she is unqualified for her position. 

Whatever the reason there's a lesson here somewhere… And it's probably that companies have rules about nepotism and working with family members for a reason. When she mentioned what was going on to her CEO hubby he took matters into his own hands. He got way more involved than he should have been in a project that was many levels below him, ironically putting himself out of his depth due to lack of perspective.

This thread was posted to r/AITA (Am I the A-Hole) by the worker/wife who got her CEO/husband involved. She's wondering if she is in the wrong for mentioning it to her husband in the first place. Now that her coworkers know who she is they are treating her completely differently (can you blame them?) 

The truth is, she's not directly the A-Hole just for mentioning it to her husband. She is kinda the A-Hole for hiding her relationship with the CEO and allowing this situation to eventuate by not reigning in her husband's reaction. The husband is the A-Hole for getting personally involved for personal reasons in something that's way below his pay grade. The supervisor is the A-Hole for being an A-Hole. Really, everyone involved in this shit-uation is in the wrong and responsible for it.

The Top Tinder Moments of the Week (June 21st, 2022)

Another week, another list of Tinder Moments. I sincerely hope that this week has treated you kindly and you're coming off a burner of a long weekend. 

From this week I'm going to start including some of the top comments and reactions from the posts. Just shake things up a little bit and add a little more context and color. 

So welcome again to this week's Top Tinder Moments, a collection of the hottest trending Tinder memes, profiles, and conversations that have been floating around online over the last week. As always, there's a heavy dose of fresh content, but the occasional 'classic' tends to inevitably pop up too (looking at you, one-armed girl… for the second week straight.)

This week in online dating, we've seen some totally desperate dudes. One of them even spent $20 just to say hi to a girl he was fawning over, only to get shut down. Nice to see that Tinder is taking some monetary inspiration from Only Fans.

Scroll on for this week's selection.