Sunday, November 11, 2018

10 Times Ryan Reynolds Gifted The World A+ Witticisms And Banter

twitter social media ridiculous ryan reynolds funny - 6738949

The man's a national treasure. All hail Ryan Reynolds!

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20 Of The Luckiest People To Walk The Planet

Some of the luckiest people ever share their stories when everything seemed to work out perfectly.

Some lucky bastards just seem to have all the luck in the world! These people were basically dealt a winning hand right out the womb. 

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Tagged: awesome , win , lucky

Bike Thief Gets Instant Karma

Instant karma came to collect, and she wasn't ready for it. 

Submitted by: (via ViralHog)

Facebook Comments Section Erupts Over Whether Gratin Is An English Word

mouth breather facebook social media ridiculous stupid culture - 6784517

Some mouth breathers simply refuse to be reasoned with. This is one of those times. 

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21 Game Show Fails That Would Make Steve Harvey's Mustache Explode

question game show wheel of fortune FAIL answer family feud dumb steve harvey funny stupid television bad quiz wrong TV ridiculous tv shows - 7121669

Thousands of hours of game shows on TV over the years means that there have been of thousands of opportunities for bona-fide idiot responses.

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Ice-T Sets Twitter On Fire After Sharing He's Never Had Coffee Or Bagels In Real Life

crazy ice t surprising Music bagel coffee ridiculous reaction - 7121413

Turns out TV ISN'T real life, guys. What are we supposed to believe, after this soul-rattling revelation? 

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15 Fails From People With Wonderfully Terrible Judgment

FAIL shopping cringe ridiculous funny - 6772229

Their fails are what keep us going!

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Guy Goes Down Strange Ancient Ruins Rabbit Hole In Awesome Twitter Thread

twitter history funny interesting - 6755589

The kind of Twitter thread we live for! Rabbit hole approved. 

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14 Of The Craziest, Most Unexpected Overheards People Have Been Caught Up In

twitter overheard cringe social media ridiculous funny - 7119109

Never know what you might catch wind of while you're out and about NOT eavesdropping. 

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Man's Story About Most Bizarre Find At Client's House Is Extremely Hard To Not Laugh At

wtf bizarre client askreddit weird - 7119621

Fair to say it was NOT a typical day on the job. 

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Tagged: wtf , bizarre , client , askreddit , weird

11 Absolutely Moronic Things Clueless Customers Have Done

customer service customers cringe ridiculous funny stupid - 7118085

Customer service won't be enough to help guide these lost and wandering mouth breathers...

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10 Employees Reveal The Real Reasons They Showed Up Late To Work

employee truth coworkers honesty confession ridiculous - 7117829

These half-baked excuses are towing the line between making that next paycheck and getting booked for a ride on the Funemployment Train. 

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17 Random Wildly Entertaining Australian Shenanigans From The Land Down Under

nature crazy insects tumblr australia funny weird animals - 7117573

The verdict's in from various Aussies, and apparently this fine collection of totally random "Australian" moments is on the money. Also, after these I am so ready for a visit to Australia. Even though the land's brimming with deadly creatures that are all seemingly designed to take us out. 

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