Friday, January 31, 2020

Retail Workers Share Their Breaking Points Moments

A collection of AskReddit replies to Redditors that worked in customer service and dealt with total nightmares | So won't price match this even though sitting there under wrong tag No cannot I am sorry had done before seen done before so know can be done Explain again price match policy works go round and round about 10 minutes before she pulls Let speak manager.

Someone on AskReddit asked for people that have endured working retail, to share their biggest customer service nightmares. You know, those moments when you're at your breaking point and the Karen in your vicinity is testing the very outer limits of your sanity. 

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Radiohead's "Creep" but The Lyrics Are Google Autocompleted

Billy Cobb did this striking rendition of Radiohead's "Creep," except the last half of every line was replaced by the google autofill results from the first half. Sounds pretty good. It's fun to know what people are searching.

Submitted by: (via Billy Cobb)

Tagged: Music , song , lol , radiohead , funny , weird , creep , google

Jimmy Kimmel Interviews Stoner From Michigan

This guy is an absolute gem. 

Submitted by: (via Jimmy Kimmel Live)

"1917" Trailer Remade In SpongeBob Version

This is what the internet was made for. Creative innovation at its very finest. 

Submitted by: (via Carnage-Boy)

Threatening Signs That Aren't Playing Around

Creepy signs that aren't joking around at all when it comes to warning people | THIS PROPERTY IS PROTECTED 24/7 BY SECURITY CAMERAS 20 OR MORE WOLVES

These scary signs are not messing around at all when it comes to handling their jobs in a serious matter. It'd take some kind of careless lunatic to consider ignoring the warnings in these. 

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Twitter Bonds Over January Being Too Long

Twitter users bond over how long January felt.

People are bonding on Twitter over just how long January has felt. It could be something to do with coming fresh off the holidays, or maybe just the actual number of days, but one thing for sure is that January certainly feels like one very long month. 

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Overworked Security Guard Gets The Last Laugh

Security guard gets revenge on company that wrongfully terminated them.

This security guard found themselves in a terrifying, potentially life-threatening situation with an employer that wasn't going to budge. Eventually, things shook out in their favor. Sometimes employees take a more direct approach, like the way these workers responded to their boss saying they were unqualified for their job.

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Twitter Reacts To PETA's Rejected Super Bowl Ad

Twitter reactions to PETA's rejected Super Bowl ad.

PETA is facing a bit of backlash after sharing their Super Bowl ad that was rejected by the NFL, on Twitter. The comments are pouring in, and would seem to carry the common theme of general outrage and confusion over a display of clueless stupidity. I mean, fish don't have knees. Come on. 

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Tumblr Thread Pokes Fun at How Adorable Humans Are

Tumblr thread is a list of reasons humans do cute and sill things.

Being a land of creativity and obsession, tumblr has its favorite things, on of them being looking at human nature from a humorous outsider's perspective. This series of Tumblr threads explores humans as space orcs, and this Tumblr thread imagines an alien invasion being fought off by Earth's wildlife.

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IKEA Employees Share The Worst Meltdowns They've Seen

IKEA employees describe the worst family meltdowns they've ever witnessed.

IKEA employees are sharing the most impressive or overwhelmingly discouraging meltdowns they've seen from families and couples shopping in their store. There is something about IKEA that really puts a couple's relationship to the test. If you're really serious about someone, you might as well plan a date to IKEA to see if the relationship is going to stand the test of time. 

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Tumblr Thread On Men Being Objectified

Tumblr thread calls out how men are objectified too.

This Tumblr thread explores the ways that men get objectified by society and throughout the media. Additionally, it covers the whole part about how bodybuilding culture can be a load of BS. Good stuff. 

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Facepalms That Were Deep Fried In Stupidity

Facepalm moments that need to be erased from the earth.

Every now and again the world throws us a moment of such impressive ignorance that we find ourselves instinctually responding with a good old-fashioned facepalm. Facepalms are always going to be there to remind us that there is always someone else out there just a little bit more lost than ourselves. 

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Tutor Accidentally Calls Student By Name Of Their Laptop

Tutor mistakenly calls student by the name of their laptop.

This tutor schooled himself. Sometimes you get caught up in the motions of the job, and you end up being a "tutor" who can't even get their student's name right. To make matters even better, you botch their name to such an extent that you're literally calling them the name of their laptop. Beautiful stuff, really. 

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Tumblr Thread On How Magenta Doesn't Exist

Tumblr thread makes a case for why magenta doesn't actually exist.

Well, we learn something new every day. In this case, we're dealing with the revelation that magenta doesn't exist, and is actually just imagined by our brains. 

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Resourceful DIY Solutions That Have Our Respect

Funny low budget DIY fixes

You think you have to be a big spender Mr. Rockefeller fat cat to afford a toilet seat warmer? Not when you have some socks lying around! With a wish and a prayer, some technical know-how and the ability to overlook installations that look like they are literal garbage, you too can be a DIY master. Not everything has been invented quite yet, hence these useful and interesting innovations to make life easier.

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Thursday, January 30, 2020

Kid Acts Like Baby After Losing Case

This guy just took home a huge L. Especially the moment that his girlfriend literally tells him to stop crying while he's off camera. 

Submitted by: (via Joshua Van Deren)

Beaver Drags Carrots Home For His Family

Not so far off from how I might look at the end of the night, dragging home a bag of greasy food. This beaver is setting new kinds of work ethic goals. 

Submitted by: (via Max Bure)

Diver Gives Octopus In Cup A Shell to Hang Out In

 Life might seem a little bleak in a cup. This octopus is literally viewing life as a cup half empty. At first the octopus was confused and hesitant about not living in a cup, but it eventually came around.

Submitted by: (via Pall Sigurdsson)

Gamer Builds Theme Park Of Perpetual Torment

Can't even imagine what this guy would accomplish with The Sims and a free hour of gameplay. 

Submitted by: (via Let's Game It Out)

Workers Respond after Boss Says They're Unqualified for their Job

Guys respond to boss telling they're unqualified by only doing the parts they're qualified for.

Imagine being denied a promotion because you're deemed unqualified for a job you already do. Sometimes, when work is unfair enough, overworked employees can revolt by literally just doing their job description. When people apply themselves they can become lords of efficiency, opting to work smarter and not harder.

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Tagged: boss , manager , job , work , lol , pay , story , funny , win

Wild and Dumb Things People Wanted Loans For

Dumb things people got loans for

Personally, we'd wish we could move money around as recklessly as banks themselves do and get bailed out with no repercussions, but anyway here are some stupid and weird things people wanted to invest in. People have stupid business ideas that are worthy of sitcoms, and generally make bad decisions. For some more people who were interesting with money here's an entitled mom who lashed out when her baby sitter quit and times that spoiled rich kids had their world burst by real life.

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Tagged: Sad , bank , loans , loan , ridiculous , funny , money , stupid

Guy's Internal Monologue Discovery Ruins His Day

Guy's internal monologue discovery ends up ruining his day.

This guy's seemingly innocent discovery about how our brains work when it comes to the "internal monologue" process ended up inspiring quite the ripple effect. People were shook. To learn that other people in the world are able to have an internal narrative, while others aren't, was too much for some folks to fathom. 

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Chinese Residents Get Creative During Coronavirus Lockdown

Twitter users share the ways that they're staying preoccupied during the Coronavirus outbreak.

The coronavirus has left many streets across China empty. It looks like a ghost town out there. There are pictures of vacant subway stations in the middle of the afternoon, and apparently even KFC and Starbucks are closed. Chinese residents are working on maintaining their sanity during lockdown by getting real creative with the indoor activities. Good to see some triumph of the spirit during such a troubling and frightening time. 

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Useful and Interesting Innovations to Make Life Easier

Innovations and inventions

You might think everything has already been invented, but you would be wrong, you dumb idiot. Here are some devices and things that make life easier and more efficient, or are at least clever. And on the opposite end, here are relatable and dumb times people accidentally invented things that already exist.

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Tumblr User Expounds Tolkein's Wonderful Nerdery

Tumblr user explains how Tolkein used his extensive knowledge of linguistics to make details in Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit | mirkwoodest One ballsiest things Tolkien ever did write 473k words about some hobbits called frodo, sam, merry, and pippin and then write appendices their names are actually maura, ban, kali, and razal, mirkwoodest

Tumblr users apparently have a lot of time on their hands, and they use it for amusingly specific and labor intensive thoughts like the relationship between elves eyes and the curvature of middle earth, or discussing the full versions of classic sayings. We're glad people get so into stuff, like this Tumblr thread that makes history fun.

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Gamers Ask Nintendo For What They Really Want

Video gamers start Twitter thread about Nintendo console modifications.

Twitter user @Fobwashed started a thread about just the kind of console gamers really want from Nintendo. Things quickly spiraled into people getting all kinds of creative when it came to how they envisioned desirable modifications. 

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When People Didn't Know Who They Were Talking To

People who didn't realize they were talking to experts on topics.

The anonymity of the internet allows a lot of people to pretend to be experts on things, as well as pass massive judgement and throw accusations around like a furious ape tosses fresh hot crap. Here are times that people were sorely mistaken and didn't realize they were talking to someone who knew a hell of a lot more then they did. Sometimes these end decently, like when the writer of Men in Black was told not to mansplain Men in Black.

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Bridezilla Demands Gifts Above $250 From Wedding Guests

Bride demands that wedding guests bring gifts worth over $250 to the wedding | hey weren't informed by Mike s mine and Christian's wedding next month! If buying us gifts requirement is buy us gifts above $250 either or christian

This bridezilla came out strong with her request for gifts over $250 from anyone who wanted to attend the wedding. Sounds like the wedding was serving as a convenient way to ask people to empty their pockets; but only if their pockets had over $250 in them. 

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Pizza Delivery Employees Reveal Their Weirdest Customers

Pizza delivery guys share their weirdest experiences while at work | posted by impgrl369 Had someone answer door once with snake on his shoulders. Not like milk snake or garter but ball python. Probably about 6 feet long. As he closed door heard him say someone hadn't reacted at all lol. Sounded so disappointed.

People that have worked as pizza delivery employees are dishing out their strangest experiences while on the job. Whether it's opening the door to scantily-clothed lunatics, or being greeted by a dude with a literal ball python, you never know what kind of curveball that job might throw you. Working as a pizza delivery guy puts you on the frontline of navigating people's weirdest habits, to get them their damn pizza. Sounds like a fun job. 

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Tumblr User Expounds Tolkein's Wonderful Nerdery

Tumblr user explains how Tolkein used his extensive knowledge of linguistics to make details in Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit | mirkwoodest One ballsiest things Tolkien ever did write 473k words about some hobbits called frodo, sam, merry, and pippin and then write appendices their names are actually maura, ban, kali, and razal, mirkwoodest

Tumblr users apparently have a lot of time on their hands, and they use it for amusingly specific and labor intensive thoughts like the relationship between elves eyes and the curvature of middle earth, or discussing the full versions of classic sayings. We're glad people get so into stuff, like this Tumblr thread that makes history fun.

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Facts That Feel Too Obvious After Hearing Them

Facts that feel obvious | posted by YummyMango124 never mentioned Humpty-Dumpty an egg.

Learning is supposed to make you feel smart, but sometimes you hear something that makes so much sense that it just makes you feel like an idiot for not having known it. It's not wuite as bad as these obvious things people realized way too late. For something darker, here are random facts that we had no business knowing.

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