Friday, July 8, 2022

Mining Equipments Operator on TikTok Finally Figures Out Why Blue Collar Workers Always Fall for the Toxic Person

Toxic traits attract toxic romances. 

In-Laws Mock Daughter's Burn Scar, Mad That Their Comments Didn't Go Overlooked

These in-laws' unkind comments about a girl's burn scars have caused a rift in the family. The poster of the thread explains that he has been dating his fiancée for two years and had spent very little time with her family during that period. He also explains that his daughter has a burn mark on her face that she is very insecure about.

This thread was posted to Reddit's r/AITA (Am I the A** Hole) subreddit by Redditor u/aintnoworries0 who pulled his daughter out of the situation with his future in-laws. He is wondering if it was wrong or rash of him to leave with her when his in-laws began calling attention to her burn mark, making comments about it and making her feel insecure and uncomfortable.

Commenters resoundingly have voiced that he is a good father for taking the steps that he took while others have suggested that he may want to re-evaluate his relationship with his fiancée.

"OH, OP, your fiancee has shown her true colors," commented coloradogrown85. "She doesn't in fact care about your daughter. If she did, she would have realized that your FMIL suggesting you "photo shop out the scar so it doesn't distract" is hella insulting. If I were you I'd rethink the wedding and that family. They owe YOU and JUDY the apology not the other way around. NTA."

Farmer Gets a Karen Neighbor from the City and All Chaos Breaks Loose, the Irrational Demands and Antics Just Keep Coming

She's already called the cops on him AND the fire department for things that were her own dang fault… 

Owner Sends Insane Email After Kitchen Staff Walk Out

This email has gone viral online after it was posted to the popular r/antiwork subreddit.

The thread was posted to Reddit's growing subreddit that deals with the issues surrounding worker's rights. It consisted of screenshots that were allegedly sent by an employer in response to a walkout that was orchestrated by the kitchen staff of the establishment that the sender owns and operates. 

Toxic workplaces are often put on blast on the popular subreddit. Another recent thread saw users commenting on a workplace that wrote up a mother for attending her son's emergency surgery

The email contains several veiled threats that promise to get retribution on those responsible for the walkout. Yet, as Reddit commenters have pointed out, there is no evidence or discussion of firing the individuals who left in the middle of their shift, hinting that this employer is one of the many in the service industry who are struggling to recruit and retain staff.

"That's a long-winded way to say " I am so garbage at management my staff walked out and I'm incapable of taking any responsibility so I am blaming you and threatening your life" commented Reddit user No_Vegetable7280.

Overall, reactions to the email have followed either this vein or encouraged the receiving parties to file a complaint with authorities for the threatening nature of the email. 


IT Manager Charges Massive Party to Company When 'Bad Boss' Forces IT Department to Work on the 4th of July

An IT Department Manager shared their story of being forced to work on the 4th of July by a "Bad VP." The story was shared on Reddit's r/MaliciousCompliance subreddit by Reddit user, u/TheLightningCount1, who shared their brilliant method of exacting what revenge they could on the uncaring VP by charging a massive 4th of July office party to the company card.

Having a holiday off of work is one of the best changes of pace you could possibly ask for. It offers you a chance to do something different in order to escape from the monotony of your weekly routine. That's why they exist. They're intended to be a day where you can escape from it all to spend the day with loved ones or in a beloved place. 

Working a holiday completely spoils this essential experience and is one of the most toxic parts of the modern working landscape. Recent trends such as Black Friday and midnight openings on Thanksgiving have helped to erode the sanctity of these days. Now, working a service job or retail often means having to miss this holiday time so that you can keep your job. 

Scroll on to see this wild story below.