Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Woman Shares Powerful Twitter Thread On ADHD

Woman shares a powerful Twitter thread on ADHD.

Twitter user @sayitslp, shared a powerful and relatable thread on what it's like living with ADHD. It's being shared by many that live with ADHD themselves, and seem to connect with the way she's explained a life with ADHD. 

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Tour Manager Berates Staff, They Revenge With Bad Feedback

A mean tour manager berates his staff and talks down to them, so they take their revenge and he ends up losing his job.

This tour manager decided to berate and talk down to his staff, and ended up paying the ultimate price. You see, that staff that's responsible for making sure things run smoothly decided to tinker with the feedback. Sounds like that alone ended up costing the guy his job. Yikes. 

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The Time Gorbachev Did a Pizza Hut Ad In The 90s

The 90s were a strange time. In this case, a 1998 pizza ad that featured the former leader of the Soviet Union, Mikhail Gorbachev. This article on the Gorbachev Pizza Hut Adstates that he needed the money for a foundation, and it was the only high profile commercial offer he took.

Submitted by: (via Tom Darbyshire)

Irritating Moments That Bother The World

A collection of irritating images that bothered people in the world.

These irritating moments are enough to drive anyone's inner perfectionist absolutely nuts. We all have those things that just get under our skin. Whether it's the way the sheets seem to resist us when we're trying to put them on the bed, or that moment when you get down to the fumes on a ketchup bottle and have to squeeze the rest of it out with all your strength. These are likely to leave you grinding your teeth. 

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People With Emotionally Difficult Jobs Share Their Best Days At Work

AskReddit users with emotionally difficult jobs share their best days at work.

Someone on AskReddit asked for people that work in emotionally difficult jobs, to share their best days at work. Sometimes sh*t doesn't hit the fan, and we can actually manage to get through a day at work in peace. Those days are rarer for some than others. 

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Twitter Users Share Odd Ways To End An Email

A collection of Twitter users share odd ways to end an email.

Twitter users are brainstorming the weirdest possible ways to end an email. Things like ending the email with an "insincerely" are not the recommended route to peaceful email correspondence. 

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Hiring Managers Share Their Biggest WTF Moments During Interviews

Hiring managers share their biggest WTF moments with applicants.

Someone on AskReddit asked for hiring managers to share their biggest WTF moments with applicants in the hiring process. If you show up for a job and proceed to babble on about how excited you are to work with your exes, you're not going to get very far. 

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Unfortunate Moments of Failure and Chaos

Unfortunate moments, messes and fails.

There's a lot of ways things can go wrong. Seriously, life has an almost unlimited supply of unfortunate times life got derailed by chaos. Engines start on fire, tanks of paint burst, pizzas get burned, and children cry. We're all just trying to get through the day, but sometimes the day has moments that give us grief.

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Brain Farts So Bad They Could Clear a Room

Brain farts and mental mistakes that made people look awkward.

People shared their stupid mental mistakes and switch-ups, commonly known as brain farts. It's not really your fault, most people have so much to focus on on a daily basis that sometimes we don't put enough effort into our own speech. But still, switching up a few letters can mean the difference between saying you've just been hit in the shins and you've just shit in the bins.

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Millennials Roast Boomers On Twitter With "Ok Boomer" Meme

A collection of "ok boomer" tweets that poke fun at the generation.

Millennials are infamous for being "so sensitive" and here we have the baby boomers going off over a simple meme. The "ok boomer" meme plays on the "Karens" of the world that get all worked up over nothing. It would seem these generations are determined to butt heads online. 

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Cook Puts an End to Customer's Complaints of Burgers Not Being Cooked Enough

Cook overcooks a burger for a bad customer.

Was this guy actually upset with his burgers or was he trying to just get free ones? Some people are really touchy about their food and would prefer to have a terrible tasting blackened burger than a delicious and still safely cooked one. The fact remains that this cook made sure he wouldn't have to complain ever again. Some customers will never learn, but sometimes it works to be honest with awful customers.

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Guy Makes An Actual Drum Machine In Excel

The drum and base part is especially godly. 

Submitted by: (via Dylan Tallchief)

Blursed Images That Are Both Blessed And Cursed

A collection of blessed and cursed images.

These images are a sweet combination of unsettlingly cursed and wonderfully blessed. Thus, we introduce "blursed" images. They're kind of messed up, but also strangely wholesome. Hard to put your finger on it. 

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That Time a Kid Talked Mad Crap about Being the Next Person to Revolutionize Computers

Gotta love that mention of "The Next Bill Gates?" It's been over a decade and sadly we haven't heard of Episoft. It's fine and dandy to build your own computer using old parts, and you can't knock them for ambition, but the way he talks about phoenixes rising from ashes is just awesome. You can expect a lot from a slow news day in Maine.

Submitted by: (via Darren Tilley)

Bride Implodes On Facebook After Keeping $30K In Gifts from Cancelled Wedding

Bride's family demands money back from insane entitled bride who cancelled wedding.

This is the natural continuation of this entitled bridezilla who cancelled a wedding and kept 30K in gifts. Naturally, the family had more to say about her decision to spend their money on herself, as they all scrambled to ask for their money back. Officially she's rescheduling, but since she made the decision to spend the money, hardly anyone seems to believe her. We've seen entitled morons, but this is incredible. What a world we live in. 

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Girl Thinks Guy In Bear Suit Is An Actual Bear

Girl thinks that guy in bear suit is an actual bear during commercial, gets called out on Twitter.

Now this is peak Twitter. This girl got enlightened on Twitter after complaining about a "bear" being mistreated in a commercial. The biggest catch here is that that is no bear at all. Just a dude in a bear suit...

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Choosing Beggars That Don't Know How To Be Reasonable

A collection of nightmarish choosing beggars that want everything from the world for free.

We're back at it again with a fresh collection of choosing beggars that refuse to approach the negotiation table with anything close to a reasonable attitude. They just want all the free handouts, and nothing less. 

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Woman Declines To Hold Co-Worker's Baby, Gets Shunned

Woman declines to hold her co-worker's baby, and proceeds to get shunned for it.

When this woman decided that she wasn't up for her holding her co-worker's baby, and made that known, she proceeded to get shunned by a very critical rest of the office. Was she in the wrong for not wanting to hold the beautiful baby, or was it really just a simple scenario of her exercising her free will? I mean, come on. 

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