Monday, April 26, 2021

Karen Takes Sweet Time In Handicap Space, Gets Blocked In

On the list of simple things to do to avoid being a jerk, not parking in a handicap space is really near the top. It's incredibly easy to not park in one when you don't need one, but this Karen just couldn't resist. People notice, like this parking lot Grinch who saved the day when drivers kept illegally parking in handicap spots.

Husky Does Himself a Scream

Sure, there are plenty of dogs who can say "I love you." But how many can belt out a holler that sounds like a frustrated man who's just lost his job screaming at himself in his car? Probably not that many. It's unclear if this husky is capable of perceiving the existential anguish required to really scream like that, but damn if it doesn't sound like it.

Pool Collapses In Condominium

There was absolutely some faulty construction at play, or something here, man. Glad to see in the footage that nobody was around for the event of destruction. 

Chaotic Video Footage Of The Infamous "Josh Fight"

If you thought that something like Marvel's Avengers: Infinity War was filled with some entertaining action sequences, then you're going to be blown away by what goes down in the notorious "Josh Fight." Just last week, there was a viral movement that all stemmed from some Joshes squaring up in a group chat over sharing the same name. Naturally, the only thing to do about it was to plan a big meet up, and have all the Joshes engage in pool noodle warfare. 

Choosing Beggar Expects Free A/C To Be Delivered, Gets Rejected

There are way too many instances of choosing beggars complicating situations that involve people literally offering them free stuff. We're getting a strong vibe in this interaction that the choosing beggar was just dishing out all the excuses, to avoid having to do any actual "work" for their free A/C unit. Gotta love the aggressive positivity from the charitable person offering up the A/C. 

Check out some more juicy choosing beggar drama with this owner who responded to an absolutely ridiculous review of their auto shop.

Woman Cuts Out Copycat Friend Who Keeps Stealing Wedding Plans

Planning a wedding takes a whole lot of time, research, and decision-making. This person is coming to realize that their friend is just taking all her ideas to use at her own wedding, which is conveniently scheduled before her own. The wedding drama cuts hard and cuts deep, especially when it comes to horrible bridezillasand wedding Karens.

Teacher Given Pink Slip, Chooses Least Qualified Students for School Project

School drama can be strange. While it's probably not advisable to use the mediocre work of students to get back at faculty, this teacher played it cool in an unfair situation. That said, teachers often totally misjudge their students, like these students in this social experiment. In a twist on teacher/student expectations, here's a student who won an art contest to spite their rude teacher.

Terrific Tumblr Gems To Keep Things Tumblin

In case you ever find yourself caught up in what feels like a colorless day, devoid of inspiration, humor, entertaining randomness, you can always turn to the ever wandering minds of the Tumblr world to lead you down the wild rabbit holes that you otherwise never would've stumbled upon. These Tumblr gems are certainly a trip. For some more gold from Tumblr check out the recent riveting summary of the internet's infamous "Josh Fight" from a Tumblr user

The Most Bonkers Things That Happened To Employees

Someone on AskReddit asked for employees to describe the craziest things that happened to them on the job, and on top of that--how they were expected to continue working. The ensuing responses are filled to the brim with chaos. 

Regrettable and Rewarding Things People Did Out of FOMO

Fear of missing out, also known as FOMO, can manifest itself as a sort of modified peer pressure or loss/risk assessment and make us do things we normally wouldn't want to. Sometimes that's for the better, like making us step out of our comfort zones and go skydiving or something. Other times it can end in eating a whole bunch of ants.

Customer Doesn't Trust Tech Support Employee's Advice, Lives To Regret It Weeks Later

There are far too many irrational, impossibly entitled customers out there that insist on not accepting tech support employees' advice. It's like they call in to tech support just to pitch a fit, and take out some of the stress they've accumulated through their personal lives, on completely well meaning individuals in the realm of tech support. It's a whole toxic circus act, and hopefully less and less people go about participating in it. In this particular tech support tale, we get to read about a stubborn customer who proactively wastes his own time. Pretty good stuff. For another tech support tale, check out the time that an owner fired the IT guy, and then how the business was completely sabotaged afterwards

Choosy Beggar Expects Seller To Uber Game To Them

Um, it would literally cost more for the seller to Uber out to the choosy beggar than the original game costs. This whole interaction is nothing short of a puzzling, slightly frustrating carousel, where it seems like no solution is ever really in sight. At the end of it all, the seller just ends up having their time wasted. It's a shame that the world seems like it's never going to run out of entitled people and their ceaseless demands

Boss Leaves Leftovers In Employee's Truck, Rancid Petty Revenge Ensues

It sounds like overall Fred's heart was close toward being in the right place, but he wasn't quite there. Apparently, Fred had developed a bit of a nasty, careless habit of leaving his leftovers around the job site. When you're dealing with a half eaten (HALF EATEN) rotisserie chicken, there needs to be some kind of consequence. Thus, queue up the petty revenge. We can't even begin to imagine how overwhelmingly disgusting Fred's truck must've smelled. 

Neighbor Keeps Wasting Cops' Time Over Petty Matters, Loses Half Of Garden

Unfortunately, there are far too many of us that have ended up living next to a neighbor who has seemingly completely lost their grasp on how to act like a reasonable, vaguely sane and bearable human being. Some people end up drifting quite far out there, and the last thing you want to find yourself reckoning with, is having to live next to them. Fortunately, this tale of pro revenge has a happy ending for some folks involved, and it sounds like Steve got the wakeup call he so sorely needed. For some more lovely drama between neighbors check out this HOA member who got their neighbor's car towed, and then how the neighbor returned the favor

Boss Threatens Firing Over Jury Duty Absence, Gets Led Out in Cuffs

Jury duty is one of those necessary inconveniences of living in a society, and if you don't have a good enough excuse, get ready to miss some work. Employers basically know this too, and they're usually pretty accommodating to the reality of jury duty. Usually. This person's boss thought he was above the law, and the judge made it clear that that's not the case. There are easier and harder ways to later realize something is illegal.

Twitter Thread: The Wholesome Tale of Domino, the Lost Chicken

The cat and dog people get so much attention that you forget about the chicken people and their commitment to their birds. Here's the tale of Domino, Michelle Obrahma, their lesbian relationship, and some of the other chickens in the, uh, pack. Or flock? Is it called a flock? For some more wholesomeness, here's a neighbor who created a mind-blowingly wholesome fairy experience.

Tumblr Thread: Riveting Summary Of The Infamous "Josh Fight"

We just covered a wild Twitter thread that was setting the stage for the infamous "Josh Fight." Basically, a ton of random dudes on the internet with the name of Josh decided that they needed to go into battle to determine who was the worthy Josh. This summary from a Tumblr user provides all the highlights you could need from the fight. What a day it must've been. We wonder what's next for the world's Joshes. 

AskReddit Thread: New Hires That Absolutely Tanked

Sometimes, you have a new employee join your team and you can just intuitively gather that things probably aren't going to work out for them. It could be a matter of them not fitting in with the company culture, or perhaps something more comically senseless like them endlessly chattering away on the phone with their girlfriend for the entire shift that they were supposed to be working. 

Bizarre Video Of Jack Black In A Korean Gameshow

Just in case you needed another reason to love the mystifying, hilarious presence that is Jack Black, then this video will top you off. You've got to wonder what must've been going through Jack Black's mind when he was on this gameshow.