Friday, March 15, 2019

Genius 4-Year-Old's Epic Fart Cannon Idea Goes Viral On Twitter

fart cannon twitter parenting social media funny fart - 7737861

Twitter User, @RobynBresnahan, shared a moment between her and her son, where she told him that school was cancelled, and he assured her that it was no problem, cause he was ready to talk about FART CANNONS. Yes! My dude, this 4-year-old inventor is destined for greatness, and it all started with hopping on a radio show to chat about the world's unknowing, sore lack of FART CANNONS. You can check the audio out for that over here

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23 Stupid And Terrible Design Fails to Fill Your Failometer

advertisement FAIL product bad idea design construction model ice cream bathroom toilet awful stupid - 7720709

What happens when people don't review their work? Misplaced toilets, stairs to nowhere and advertisements that look like living nightmares. Some of this stuff was planned, but still turned out to be crap anyway! And boy are we glad it happens.

The truth is, this stuff is child's play. Here's some darker and dirtier design fails to really get your motor running.

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Clueless Woman Multitasks Lawbreaking Activities On A Highway

Not only is she driving the wrong way on a highway, but she looks all kinds of bothered when the cops pull her over to interrupt her phone call as well! 

Submitted by: (via Columbus Division of Police)

Startled American Teaching In China Gets Harsh Cultural Lesson From Campus Security Guard

FAIL China cringe america tifu culture - 7948549

Sometimes the teachers need to get taught a lesson. That being said, this sounds like one particularly uncomfortable lesson outside the classroom. 

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Tagged: FAIL , China , cringe , america , tifu , culture

Bold Driver Rage-Traps Jerk in Tale of Parking Lot Justice

parking lot revenge trap cars petty jerk amazing story win parking - 7947013

It's what we've always wanted to do when we see someone hoarding a perfectly good parking spot. This person just happened to have the energy, time, and dedication to really make it happen. Hats off to these acts of somewhat petty but always satisfying displays of street justice.

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Tumblr Thread Hilariously Mocks Fake Rare Melon Post

mocking tumblr pizza lies trolling truth photoshop watermelons Photo ridiculous food funny funny tumblr - 7948037

We're huge fans of calling out ridiculous and stupid lies on the internet, as well as long, specific and hilariously overthought tumblr threads. But when the two collide. Oh hell yeah. Anyway beware people lying about magical melons online.

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Wendy's Roasts McDonald's After It Gets Burned On Twitter With More Savagery

twitter St Patrick's Day McDonald's wendys roast ridiculous funny - 7950597

It is somewhat of an ongoing goal to lob Wendy's softballs on Twitter, for them to hit absolute home runs off of. Most of these are centered in some way on McDonald's, and how their ice cream machines are busted. Wendy's has yet to let us down. But then again, they are the Roast Master of Twitter. See here for a collection of their roasts, if you need confirmation. 

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15 Stunned Doctors Share Stories Of Their Dumbest Patients

FAIL medicine morons cringe ridiculous doctors stupid - 7950853

The amount of dumb in this post is LEGENDARY. You can't cure stupid, but you can help it find its way in this crazy game of life. Thankfully we have patient doctors around to help the cause. 

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The World's Pettiest Road Rage Incident In 13 Ridiculous Tweets

twitter road rage petty social media angry ridiculous - 7948805

Chad and Karen gave the rest of the world a gift. They explored the outer depths of their pettiness in a road rage incident that inspired one of our favorite Twitter threads of the year. 

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Heroic Man With Cerebral Palsy Deadlifts 185lbs While Arnold Schwarzenegger Cheers Him On

Arnold Shwarzenegger cheering this heroic man with cerebral palsy on is the inspiration your Friday needed. GET.INSPIRED. 

Submitted by: (via ArnoldSportsFestival)

15 Haunted Twitter Users Confess Their Most Awfully Awkward Conversations

wrong number FAIL cringe Awkward phone conversation ridiculous texting funny - 7947269

This collection of cringe-packed conversations was inspired by Jimmy Fallon asking Twitter what their most awkward texts were. The results are filled with regret and fails and even innocent laughs. 

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11 Victorious Medical Professionals Describe How They Changed Anti-Vaxxers Minds

medicine doctor awesome askreddit medical win - 7946501

We can get so caught up in sharing the wild times anti-vaxxers filled the internet with bizarre acts of seemingly mindless ridiculousness. Like that time we saw someone ask about an "outdoor bedroom." Yes, that happened. See here. With that being said, let's steer our focus to the times medical professions DID get through to anti-vaxxers, and ultimately change their minds. They turned fails into wins! 

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A Quick Helpful List of Emotions We Feel but Fail to Explain

feelings tumblr list interesting words definition language explanation emotions funny - 7945733

Life is full of moments and feelings that we seem to have trouble explaining in one word. Luckily, someone has come up with one. For example, if you've ever been lost in a big loud anecdoche and all of a sudden you're overcome with rubatosis, you might find yourself having a jouska.

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"Hide The Pain Harold" Uses His Meme Fame For Good

András Arató, the face behind the classic memes, has had a resurgence in popularity over the last few years as people have gotten to know the real him. Recently he was featured in a Helpline advertisement in Hungary, where he lives. Even without knowing the language, his performance pretty touching. It goes to show how universally relatable the guy is.

Submitted by: (via

21 Mental Slips That Drove Temporarily Oblivious People Insane

obvious askreddit confused ridiculous funny dumped stupid - 7944709

This one's inspired by an AskReddit thread that asks, "What is the human equivalent of Koalas can't recognize eucalyptus leaves unless they're on the tree." You might connect with more than one of these mental slips. 

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17 Wholesome Things To Make Your Day Of Fails Have Less Suck

wholesome FAIL faith in humanity uplifting win - 7942661

These wholesome images are here to uplift you from the dark pit of despair. No promises on whether you'll be able to stop yourself from tearing up over at least one of these emotionally-stirring images. Sometimes there's just too much wholesome to do anything else, but let the tears out. 

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21 Hilariously Moronic Times People Flipped English The Bird

FAIL speech english text mistakes conversation lol tweets dumb funny tweets dirty spelling funny stupid - 7943429

You know what they meant to say, but the road that it takes to get there is long and full of failure. These types of mistakes aren't rare but boy does it make us feel smart to see someone make a small mistake that makes a world of difference on the back end.

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A Quick Hair-Raising Video Of A Toronto Small Plane Narrowly Missing Traffic

That was EXTREMELY close to a monumental fail. Can only imagine what kinds of words were being yelled in the pilot's seat at the time. 

Submitted by: (via Angeline 11 Media works)