Saturday, October 18, 2014

Of course! Come in!

To the guy with the Eiffel tower puzzle

Evolution of Germany

This should make you feel better...

"knock... knock"

Turns out Starbucks will fill Das Boot with pumpkin spice frappucino.

On word... dream

Being a normal looking gamer girl and a 9gagger.


The Hunt is On for Two of the Silliest Looking Thieves Ever

The Hunt is On for Two of the Silliest Looking Thieves Ever

Yes, that is a lightsaber in the other guy's hand.

Submitted by: (via Metro)

My face when someone presses the crosswalk button after I just pressed it...

Homemade PC Case

Best way to start an important day

Having a smoke

Opening five beers with a chainsaw

My life

My favourite halloween costume so far this year

Don't Give Up On Your Dreams

A lighthouse

Will you learn faster how to drive this way?

A guy lets his friend go crazy with a sharpie on his car

Facepalm Level: Ebola

Just realized when I received a package today

Long lost alternative ending to the show Lost

Nope nope nopedy nope!

What does the middle one stands for?

What would you name him?

You came to start a new life in my country?

Ladies and gentlemen... Jim Carrey

Birthday present from my grandma. She gets it, man

An unfortunate name tag.

So, they installed a "Christmas Tree" in the middle of Paris...

When cashier ignores your hand and puts change on the counter

Arab girls be like

When someone sneezes in class

Girls can relate

He does have a way with words. Even when he's trying to be friendly it comes across crass.


This Is How Halloween Is Celebrated Differently Around The World. It's Awesome.

Notorious P.O.P.E

T-shirt with coordinates for scratching the back precisely

Y'all don't give Chemistry enough credit.

Halloween Venom Girl!

London's New Tube Trains Come From The Future

Probably the best porn title ever

This looks like loads of fun. And would confuse the f*ck out of people.

Pull over!