Monday, May 5, 2014

Good design solving a world problem: The WaterWheel

It amazes me that people apparently don't understand this.

The Amazing Style of Spider-man

Steve Jobs vs Bill Gates

Another alternate ending

This is cat country!

Blue Lava, Ijen Crater - Indonesia

7 Reasons Why Men's Lives Are Easier

Grenadier guard (Queens Royal guard) on his first day, with Mum and little Sister present.

I was a junior in High School.. and I still kick myself to this day about this...

Faith in Humanity restored

A woman in my local game store was complaining that GTA V wasn't suitable for her 13 year old son

How to deal with your last name

You're blaming the wrong person.

That's the way to control quadrocopters

My co-worker everyone.

Why my girlfriend fights with me

Many people should not have dogs/ cars, may karma be with you

Confession Bear

One of the last surviving guard towers built by Vlad III the Impaler.

I am the night... life

House... House

First world sheep farmer problems

He doesn't even need a girlfriend with a talent like that

Scumbag partners

When I was 4...

Seems a Bit Insensitive

Seems a Bit Insensitive

Submitted by: (via Joanne Casey)

Tagged: cards , dogs , fail nation

This is getting old and it insults my intelligence.

Nothing ever goes wrong when trying to impress girls at the pool, right?

I know I do

Everyone seems to love it, but...

But Please, Don't Disturb or Feed Them

But Please, Don't Disturb or Feed Them

Submitted by: (via Dating)

Really indestructible...

2nd Most Successful Fanfic of all Time

If you put all humans on Earth in a pile, they would take up a really small space in the Grand Canyon

My Japanese friend who just moved to Australia and is learning English at university just sent me this.

Saw this in the mall

Those Probably Weren't Going to Be a Big Seller Around Here Anyway

From now on, I'm going to use this guy instead of the puffin. Just My Opinion Panda.

I would never leave this couch

Baby Ocellot

Roomba kitten adventure

I'm not suicidal but...

Nope not gonna happen

Just Sweden

My dad is an amazing man!

Give Me a Hit of That