Tuesday, January 24, 2023

McDonald's Accidentally Hands Guy $5,000 Instead of His Food Order, Valiantly Returns It, Goes Insanely Viral and Doesn't Know What to Do

This man was thrust into major local popularity and he has no idea what to do with it, and that is somehow making him even more popular! 

Josiah Vargas recently went insanely viral overnight after posting a TikTok video of a McDonald's incident where he ended up being the hero. Some employee, who must haven been overworked, exhausted, or something, handed Vargas a McDonald's bag, thinking it was his drive-thru order. However, after he drove away and looked inside the bag, he found wads and wads of cash. It turns out they accidentally handed him $5,000 of their deposit money. Vargas, being a good samaritan, returned the money and the employees of the McDonald's were so relieved and grateful they were crying and hugging him. They also gave him $200 and a free month of McDonald's.

He didn't care about any of that, but it didn't matter, because after he posted that video he instantly blew up. He went viral on the app and has no been interviewed on local news outlets, radio stations, and more. He has no idea how to handle the overnight fame, but says he is getting help from his Gen Z sister. Apparently, it was her idea in the first place for him to make a video of him returning the money. Now, her is simply trying to figure out how to be his awkward self while also using his new fame to it's advantage. His awkward videos are so true to himself, it's actually working and making him even more popular. 

See the full story and videos below:

'We got a pre-paid debit card with my dog's name on it': Puzzling mystery ensues after woman keeps getting mail addressed to her dog Skipper

It all started a month after a couple moved into a new home with their dog. They had hardly been in their new place for more than a month when they started getting mail that was not addressed to them. Usually, people will get mail from the previous tenants or something like that. But this couple was getting mail addressed to their dog. 

At first it was funny, the dog's first piece of mail was a Jiffy packet of recipes. It was addressed to their dog's first name Skipper and one of the couple's last name. They asked all their friends and family if they had done this, but they were all just as confused. They checked all of their accounts to see if maybe they put their dog's name down for something and forgot, but they hadn't. Even their dog-related accounts, like the vet's office or their Chewy account was not under their dog's name. 

It got even more confusing after receiving two at-home Covid tests in the mail addressed to Skipper and then a pre-paid Western Union debit card with Skipper's name on it. That is when they took to TikTok to see if anybody else has experienced this. What should they do? They called Western Union and they just said someone must have sent it to them in their dog's name and that's that. So now they have all this free stuff… Well, technically their dog does. 

Check out the whole story so far below!

'I don’t owe this money but in fact they owed me': HOA tries to trick tenant into paying aunt's debts, tenant fights back

Your daily reminder that HOAs are the worst! This thread, which was posted to Reddit's r/MaliciousCompliance subreddit, is just further proof of this well-known fact. In this instance, the Redditor had been living with their aunt, the owner of the apartment, when she died. The Redditor was then led to believe by the HOA that they were responsible for paying off her debt.


First of all, the Redditor was not her next of kin, but that didn't matter for the HOA, which tried to trick the Redditor by making them the primary tenant after the aunt's death so that they could settle the issue. Well, when the Redditor crunched the numbers, they realized that they actually overpaid their portion of the rent and that the HOA owed them a significant amount of money. Thankfully, they stood up for themselves and traded strongly-worded emails until finally, they were able to get someone on the phone and prove them wrong. Hats off to the original poster for sticking with it and winning out in the end! We rarely get to see a story involving an HOA and have it end positively. Keep scrolling below for the full details. For more, check out this post about a shady landlord and a disastrous apartment fail.

'AITA for insulting my sister’s wacky baby names?': Woman disagrees with sister's "stripper" baby names and causes dispute

This sister brought out her sister's rage when she gave her opinion of her sister's baby names. Now, it's usually never a good idea to "Yuck someone's yum." but — here's the thing: She's right.

There are a couple of things that are concerning about the sister's behavior, both with how she regards her pregnancy (and the personal significance she's loaded into it) and the names she is suggesting using.

If you think your unborn child represents what is going to be your "redemption," then oh boy, do I feel bad for that child. There's nothing like having the weight of perfection poured onto you before you're even born to create a future adult with "gifted child burnout" or severe entitlement issues — depending on how things play out. 

And that's before you even get to the name; commenters here have it right: if you desperately want to express your individuality by naming your child something extravagant — save your child the hardship and change your own name to that instead. 

. . . 

Keep reading to see this story and pass your judgment. Next, check out

Entitled Family Demands Medical Assistance, Embarrassed by Over-the-Top Emergency Medical Response

Be careful what you wish for! If what you desire is urgent medical assistance (for a non-urgent injury) from someone who isn't qualified or even capable of providing that assistance.

The real truth of the matter is that this family felt entitled to receive attention from this customer service representative simply because they were a customer service representative — and that's what they're there for, right? To justify your need to feel important.  

I don't know if I can really stand by this college's employee policy of not intervening and providing assistance in any medical emergencies — that's why good samaritan laws exist. You should do whatever you can to help or save someone who is having a medical event; instating policies that demand otherwise is just evidence of the kind of antisocial and negligent hellscape that modern corporatism has thrust upon us. This feels especially relevant here since an allergic reaction to a bee sting can be life-threatening if it causes anaphylaxis. 

In this case, though, the sting was very non-threatening, and this family just wanted—no— demanded attention. In the end, they got their comeuppance in the form of exactly what they requested… The monkey's paw curls.

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For more MC, check out this amicable divorce that got ugly when this guy's ex-wife got greedy.

Under the sea: 20+ Marine biology fails for maritime memers

Dive off the deep end into some shrimply incredible fish memes.

Most of the ocean has still never been discovered, even by the mid 2020's! Somehow, humans have visited outer space and explored vast amounts of dry land on Earth, but the ocean is still the Wild West of undiscovered fishies. Roughly 80% of our oceans have never been seen by human eyes. Who knows what's actually down there? Only about 5% of the ocean has been properly documented by scientists, so your guess is as good as anyone's. 

The people who study the ocean believe that there are still millions of undiscovered species of fish and animals living deep in the depths of the sea. Then, there are many more millions of microorganisms that are too small to see with the naked eye. 

For today, we'll have to make do with the types of fish we do know about, like your common sharks and your generic clownfish. Someday, though, marine biologists will find the coolest fish ever, and then we'll celebrate. Check out these excellent (and highly specific) marine memes below! 

Then, pick a relatable relationship tweet or meme out of this funny selection to send to your significant other

‘What’s the Worst Part of Having a Kid?’ : Funniest Relatable Parenting Confessions for the Crowd That Never Sleeps

Were you one of those people who were warned beforehand about the struggles of being responsible for another human being? Or did you glide into the abyss, blissfully ignorant? Either way, they don't just sit there and look cute, as I'm sure you're well aware of now. They are little gluesticks, literally and figuratively. First, because they waddle around you constantly, just always… there. Secondly, they use actual glue and smear it on your couch, in the name of art. They sure are little monsters, but these monsters also happen to be a duplicate of your heart, that walk around freely, which is pretty terrifying.

While scrolling through r/AskReddit, I came across a question posted by u/ApprehensiveShock655, 'What's the worst part of having a child?'. Unsurprisingly, the post garnered a lot of attention, and other users had a lot to say.

If you have kids, or friends who have kids, these confessions below are pretty spot-on relatable-wise. Scroll down to check 'em out. While we're talking about schooling the little ones, click here for some Gen Z entitledness that'll make you roll your eyes and question what the heck happened to humanity.

Karen Leaves 1-Star Review For Tattoo and Piercing Studio, Owner Claps Back

This Karen needs to realize that Tattoo and Piercing studios are probably the last places that are going to put up with nonsense like this. It's no small wonder that they didn't just turn her away when she showed up 15 minutes late to the appointment. Especially since they were staying late in order to keep this appointment. 

No way. If this Karen arrived at the Fail Blog tattoo and piercing studio 15 minutes late she'd arrive to find the lights off and doors locked. 

There is a whole list of other issues that would have prompted us to turn this Karen and her daughter away. Sorry, go back to the cruddy studio where you got the piercing done. 

For more Karen's out in the wild. Check out this Karen who was mocked for mistaking another customer for an employee.