Thursday, June 24, 2021

Animal Does A Perfect Smoke Alarm Chirp

What is that? Some kind of deer thing? Whatever it is it sounds exactly like a smoke alarm that's low on batteries at 2 am. You know that moment, when you've been ripped out of your one good dream by the chirp of that stupid dumb idiot disk way up on your ceiling? Now you're trying to find a chair in the dark just so you can shut this stupid thing off. Why do smoke alarms even exist?

Yeah, probably some type of deer.

British Lad Can't Stand The Sight Of Home Makeover

Well, there's a clear and vast difference in preferences for when it comes to what each person from this couple was looking for with their home makeover. For what it's worth, the presenter was pretty aggressive when it came to standing her ground. Like, she wasn't hearing the lad out at all. She just kept trying to force her artificial opinion on him. Suffice to say, he wasn't having any of it. 

Man Attempts 30-Second Pitch On Live TV, Fumbles Hard

Oh, Richard. It's alright, my guy. Some of us are better at getting the words to flow when put on the spot than others. Really the move for Richard should've been to just bail when he had the chance. But that last little moment when you can see the resilient traces of a fire in his eyes....and then he doesn't fully commit when he tries to go back to say more. Ouch. Ah well. Life goes on. 

Cursed Products That Exist For Some Reason

There are a multitude of those bizarre products out there that immediately render you speechless when you lay your eyes on them. Sometimes, the product itself is so ferociously cursed that it pretty much gives off the vibe that it fell right out of a wormhole or something. You'll find yourself sitting there, scratching your head, furrowed brow, the whole deal, and completely blinded by confusion over how the product ever came to be in the first place. 

Impatient Customers Attempt To Give Waitress Fake Tip, Other Customers Intervene

It's a story like this that really lends itself to the whole belief that many people can definitely benefit from working customer service jobs. When you're forced to grind through shifts in a hellish, steamy, downright frantic dish pit where it feels like time itself is moving along like it's wearing ankle weights, you can develop a whole lot of empathy for anyone else who has to work the same job. Or, if you end up working the floor and dealing with unfortunate waves of unruly customers, the same principle applies. 

The hope would be that people wouldn't need to suffer through those jobs to be reasonably mindful when it comes to respecting people working customer service jobs, but it's glaringly evident that that is not the case. So, when this customer was caught red-handed for trying to pawn off a straight up fake tip to a hard working waitress, their whole game was exposed. Seems like the appropriate move. Could the kid have approached the conversation with their mom a bit more gently? Sure, but otherwise they weren't in the wrong. 

"Not My Job" Moments Of Professional Apathy

There are times at work when we couldn't be bothered to care. How much we don't care varies from person to person, and high-level ambivalence towards our jobs lead to some interesting "not my job" moments of failure. If one thing's for sure, you don't want the guy painting road lines to suddenly not give a rip if the lines are straight. Still happens though.

Guy's Dentist Happens To Know Everything, Might Be Real Life Superhero

We really hope that this is true. You can never really be totally certain if what's being shared by Tumblr's wonderful and wandering minds is actually rooted in truth, or a mere impressive work of fiction. With that being said, Dr. Z sounds like he's undeniably the world's best dentist and a bit of a heroic polymath as well. Like, just imagine having a pint with this guy over some good old-fashioned bar trivia. He'd probably put on such a stellar performance that he'd be promptly asked to never return. Too much knowledge can definitely rub some people the wrong way. If you want some more gold from Tumblr, check out these resplendent Tumblr gems of random hilarity

Employee Isn't Being Paid For Being On Time, Malicious Compliance Ensues

Being lambasted by a manager for showing up on time is one thing, but when you find out they're not actually paying you even after you've clocked yourself in? Then it's time to get creative. It's disappointing to learn that even small things in life can become a power play, but those moments are a good opportunity to learn how much power you actually have in any given situation. For example, this store owner who wouldn't change their number so a dude fought back.

Entitled People And Their Imaginative Demands

As many of us know, it's oodles of fun dealing with entitled people and their laughable antics. It could be an unhinged mom who wants you to pay her to take care of her children. It could be a guy who insists on you driving 4 and a half hours to drop off your free barbeque. It could be a Karen secret shopper who's too much of a Karen to do her job. It might just be a dude who wants to pay for swimming lessons with his terrible poetry. Whatever it is, entitled folks are always a barrel of something.

People's Experiences Working On Notoriously Bad Movies And Games

The kinds of thoughts that must possess someone who finds themselves stuck working on a movie or a video game that they instinctually know is destined for utter disaster must be terribly overwhelming. It's like, part of you probably just wants to dip ship and pivot into something that might actually shake out favorably. While, at the same time the other part of you could feel some kind of irrational loyalty to see the sinking ship down as it approaches its ultimate demise. Maybe these people's stories about what it was like for them to work on infamously bad movies and games will make you feel better about the failed projects that you were tasked with seeing through. 

Entitled Customer Shows Up When Restaurant's Closed, Leaves Nasty Review

The entitled people in this world that have the gross audacity to go ahead and stink up perfectly fine establishments with dishonest and downright nasty reviews because their entitlement wasn't catered to in the first place, are in a league of their own. Obviously, we're not talking about the kind of league that you'd ever want to find yourself in. We're just glad to see that this "customer" was dealt with in righteous fashion. Everyone has their breaking point, and eventually someone comes along that isn't going to put up with all of the toxic behavior. For another ridiculous case of entitlement, check out this Karen who demanded the exact change and then got upset when actually got it

Biggest Plot Holes In Reality Itself

Some days it can feel like you're living in a matrix more than the other days. There are many elements that go into this big ole cocktail that is "reality" that can end up misfiring, and leaving you genuinely confused over how something just occurred. That comment about the whole matter of sleep/consciousness is a great start for what naturally ends up being a very trippy thread. It's almost like sleep is its own kind of cutscene situation. Unless you're able to retain some kind of "control" through a practice like lucid dreaming. 

Pretty weird how when you first "wake up" in a dream, the dream world can amplify in its vividness and look more real than the world that you end up experiencing when you're back in an awake state. Sometimes, it's best to not fall too far down those rabbit holes. 

Thief Nephew Steals His Way Out of College Money

No one is prepared to tolerate a thief, and this guy's nephew stole himself a ticket to 40K extra in college debt when he decided to abuse his uncle's trust. It doesn't seem like too good of an investment. People deal with thieves in professional settings too, like this lunch thief that got outed by a coworker's revenge or this employee who got a raise for catching a stealing manager. For some sneakiness that lies in the realm of the absurd, here are cons people pulled off through complete confidence.

Bad Life Pro Tips To Really Jack Up One's Game

As people, we're constantly fretting over the next best move. We don't want to make rash decisions, so we seek out advice that best fits our situation. But that advice sometimes isn't so great. Sometimes, it's bad life pro tips that won't help at all. Be they wildly self-destructive or heinously immoral, some pieces of advice are just hilariously dumb and bad tips to avoid.

British Karen Tries To Get Free Food, Gets Reality Checked Instead

While an alleged 25 minutes is a very long wait for some fast food, it seems like this entitled British Karen might've been trying to score some free food instead. Well, this guy was having none of the attitude. Hopefully he was able to keep his job, but at the same time it seems like he'd hit his breaking point, and probably didn't care either way in terms of how things shook out.