Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Bridezilla Demands Gifts Above $250 From Wedding Guests

Bride demands that wedding guests bring gifts worth over $250 to the wedding | hey weren't informed by Mike s mine and Christian's wedding next month! If buying us gifts requirement is buy us gifts above $250 either or christian

This bridezilla came out strong with her request for gifts over $250 from anyone who wanted to attend the wedding. Sounds like the wedding was serving as a convenient way to ask people to empty their pockets; but only if their pockets had over $250 in them. 

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Bart Simpson Voice Actor Tries To Get Recognized, Cringe Ensues

She definitely surprised this guy who was busy just trying to get through his shift. It looks like this might be an ad for Barclay's, but we're thinking the beauty of the fail is that they assumed people would recognize her voice. Yeah, no. 

Submitted by: (via Nancy Cartwright)

Cat Thinks Long and Hard before Hitting Dog

Ruta gives it a long think before trying to mess with this dog, Howie. The dog's face kinda says "oh my god it's happening again isn't it." He is having none of it.

Submitted by: (via VITALY PETRUKHIN)

Barcode Instrument Lets Musicians Scan Some Jams

This bar code reader is connected to a a speaker rather than a cash register, and scanning different bar codes generates different sounds. It sounds like it makes good impromptu techno. Pretty cool.


"The Expanse" Prop Master Sends Fan Stuff

"The Expanse" prop master sends a fan a ton of cool stuff.

"The Expanse" definitely has an established fan base going. In this case, a fan of the show gets contacted by the prop master from "The Expanse." Amazingly, the prop master offers to send the fan some cool stuff from the show. It's stuff like this that just warms the heart. Don't even have to be a fan of the show to appreciate someone fulfilling another fan's dream. 

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Rare Insults That Bruised People's Egos

A collection of rare insults that were creative and brutal.

Rare insults will always manage to melt our icy hearts. They're often creative and brutal, and likely leave whoever is on the receiving end of them, speechless. The online world will always have people ready to spew the next insult, so why not spice it up a bit by thinking outside the box. These folks definitely pulled it off. 

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Boss Blocks Dude's Promotion, Dude Blocks Boss' Job

Boss blocks guy's promotion, so he proceeds to block his new job opportunity.

This employee's boss ended up getting burned in the long run as result of his own BS. Specifically, he stopped the very deserving employee from getting a promotion because he didn't want to worry about hiring for the night shift position. Well, the boss' self-motivated laziness ended up contributing toward his downfall in the long run. 

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Tagged: boss , satisfying , job , revenge , work , Reddit

Antiques Roadshow Memes That Are Logically Sound

A collection of antiques roadshow memes that are timelessly entertaining.

Antiques roadshow memes hold a special place in our hearts. The captions from @KeatonPatti are a pleasant mix of dark humor and wit. You might just surprise yourself by wanting one of these bizarre items. 

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Stupid Things People Believed as Kids

Funny and stupid things people believed when they were children.

It's no myth that children are bizarre and stupid. They believe every lie, have a horrible sense of logic, and a lot of them can't read. So it makes sense that many of us remember the incredibly dumb things we believed as children. Some of them even make some sense before you remember how stupid you were.

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Some Dumb, Stupid, Wonderful Puns

Funny and dumb puns

It's hard to tell if we love or hate puns. When they're bad, you just want to call the police and sit in the corner facing the wall. But sometimes we feel like we need a ration of puns to satisfy our wordplay cravings. How much you like puns at any given time probably depends on your mood, as well as how many bad ones you've had to see recently.

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Tattoo Parlor Has Epic Response for Entitled Customer

A bad customer leaves a one star review for a tattoo parlor so the business has a funny response.

Sometimes people feel like being a paying customer makes them impervious to criticism, but when it comes to responding to entitled customers who don't reveal the full story, the businesses themselves tend to have some pretty damning responses. Here's one where a business owner leveled with a guy who complained over a dollar taco. This one has an interesting twist regarding that pesky "voice was too high" remark.

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Self-Titled Geniuses Who Bragged All Over The Internet

People who think they're brilliant.

The internet is absolutely smeared with the mental diarrhea of people who think they're the smartest person in the world. Whether it's claiming to be smarter than a supercomputer, having more potential than a celebrated professional, or just claiming to have a superior taste in children's cartoons, the internet has been sprayed with the cringeworthy bragging of self-titled geniuses.

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Wild Karen Gets Bested By Petty Revenge At Airport

A "wild" Karen gets bested by a petty revenge while at the airport | r/pettyrevenge posted by BookwyrmsRN Current petty revenge progress airport edition. Well. This is developing story edit and update as happens flying Houston Florida today work. There is plenty time before my flight starts boarding.

What a splendid tale of a wild and entitled and generally tough to be around "Karen" getting her comeuppance at the airport. The commute life when it comes to navigating the airport is full of enough hoops without the wild "Karen" inserting herself into the mix. Sounds like this traveler hit their breaking point, and made a petty revenge out of the moment. 

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AskReddit User Examines Male Perception Of Romance

AskReddit user examines the male relationship with the idea of romance | r/AskMen Posted by FitzDizzyspells Female Why don't men get as much thrill over fictional romances as women do? Men fall love too, so why don't they enjoy good love story? And if do are favorites TV, books, movies Discussion

This AskReddit user decided to look closely at the male relationship with the idea of romance, and how the drive to find love can shape a man's life. This won't apply for everyone, but it's an engaging read, nonetheless. 

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Customer Prevents Robbery by Mistaking Mugger for Employee

Customer recognizes mugger and thinks he works at convenience store | r/IDontWorkHereLady Posted by BraidedDivide Old lady mistakes mugger as employee work convenience store has strict "always comply with muggers" policy think because 's cheaper them deal with losing whatever's register than fighting suit an employee hurt defending

Usually when someone mistakes a customer for an employee it's some kind of horribly entitled Karen who mistakes someone and they just roll with it, but this time it was the staff who had the customer to thank for their case of mistaken identity.

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