Saturday, August 23, 2014

One of the greatest woman ever!

Someone accidentally broke my bike's headlight but put money

(under supervision) Toddler jumps into deep pool and swims across to safety

My train is a timemachine!

Schoolwork has me a bit stressed lately, friend sent this to lighten my mood

You Cannot Even Say No to Savings Like These

It's like she's trying to tell me something, I know it!

When someone insults me as a joke

A deep quote from wind waker

My 6 yr old was tested at school to see if she could be placed into the advanced program.

Summer of 1950s

Preach it, God!

Safety First, That's Why This DIY Genius is Making a Fireworks-Proof Metal Suit

Submitted by: (via colinfurze)

Tagged: fireworks , DIY , dangerous , Video , g rated , win

It was only a boop

Can you find the hidden tiger?

When he gets in trouble this is his time out spot.

33 Things Americans Should Know About Canada. Seriously.

Whenever I hear people babble on about how we need to colonize Mars because we are destroying Earth's rainforests

Pure. F**cking. Genius.

Elijah would

You're only as old as you feel.

This happened this past weekend.

Thanks, Mom...

Full of Wisdom

Full of Wisdom

Submitted by: Unknown

Amazing prism table

Evolution of the Hamster ball

He always blushes when I wave

Decided to lose some weight after hitting 340lbs. 3 years later = 155lbs lost. Here's to diet and exercise!

I was pleasantly surprised on my drive home from work today.

90' kids will know this

Anger clouds judgement

Does anyone else miss this awesome show

He's been in this business longer than anyone else. You can trust Lawyer Dog

Saw a double rainbow today in Belgium

Find myself reading this all the time...

Heart Broken

Seen Walking The Streets Of Istanbul

Just Enjoying a Beer

Just Enjoying a Beer

Submitted by: (via Brosnaks)

Friendship bracelet

The best bar conversation ever

Another Use For That Baby Carrier

Another Use For That Baby Carrier

Submitted by: (via johneydepp)

Manhattan drug lord loot are coins to Mexican drug lord loot

Watching my bf tried to back his F350 into a crowded space in the hotel parking lot.

Clouded Leopard cub

Is it too soon?