Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Guy Suspects Wife Is Cheating, She's Actually Going to Denny's to Use The Toilet

tifu, reddit, denny's, today i fucked up, story about wife going to a denny's to use the bathroom

You really hope this shit is real. It would take a herculean amount of willful ignorance not to notice that your significant other is leaving the house every time they need to use the bathroom, but to be fair, some couples are actually really, really terrible at communication. For those of you who like toilet stories and completely lack class, here's a hilarious airplane bathroom story.

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Man On Twitter Asks What Women Will Do With Their Lives If They Live Till 80 Without Kids

sexism, twitter, fail, social media, cringe, stupid

Twitter user @StefanMolyneux, started up a full-fledged shitstorm when he tweeted out a particularly controversial tweet, wondering what women will do with their lives if they live till 80 without having kids. The response from various women on Twitter was one of strong disapproval and general disgust. This idiotic tweet ranks right up there with another man's sexist list of 6 steps to keep a man that reads like it's right out of the 1950s.

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32 Times Women Were Dealt Savage Roasts On Reddit

roast, reddit, insult, mean, brutal

These women were dealt ruthless roasts on Reddit. Some of these are definitely crossing the line from being fun and playful, into coldhearted and cruel. But that's a good old roast for you. Sometimes the best roasts are really just plain mean. All that matters is if the roast victim is up for the challenge, after submitting themselves to the heat.

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Controlling An RC Car Inside A Cylindrical Drone

This is perfect for people who work from home, but still want to enjoy that commute. 

Submitted by: (via Voysys)

12 Fiery Insults That Are Just Plain Mean

A collection of rude and especially spicy insults.

Try and break these insults out on that next irritating person who you've given up on trying to get along with. One of these might just be brutal enough to break their hearts. 

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Tagged: banter , mean , insult , rude , wordplay

17 Cursed Images Pulled Fresh From The Depths Of The Underworld

Cursed images that are weird and uncomfortable to look at.

We know you guys can't get enough of that cursed images madness. There's something strangely addicting about looking at images that make your insides squirm while confusing you with a nice dosage of WTF. These cursed images are all kinds of messed up, but we suspect you'll appreciate them because of that, all the more. 

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Man Somehow Ends Up As The Only Passenger On A Delta Flight

Director Vincent Peone, got to enjoy a private jet like experience when he defied the odds and ended up being the only passenger aboard a Delta flight from Aspen, Colorado to Salt Lake City, Utah. Peone managed to document his bizarre and hilarious experience, and at one point captures some of the crew members loading up a ton of sand bags to add weight to the plane, because he was the only passenger on board! 

Submitted by: (via GoatWoW)

Bathtub Trays Get Mocked On Twitter For Not Understanding How Women Take Baths

Bathtub trays get mocked on Twitter for not understanding how women actually take baths.

This bathtub tray is getting properly mocked on Twitter for failing to accurately represent how women take baths. I just picture many ruined iPads after seeing these ridiculous ads. 

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25 Cool Tattoos That Turned Scars Into Art

tattoos that incorporate scars, tattoo of a bird using a scar as a branch

Got an unsightly surgery scar that you wanna jazz up? Bam! Fishbone! We've seen our fair share of really not great tattoos. Bad tattoos are a dime a dozen. But these are flippin' cool. Here are a bunch of clever ways people used tattoos to cover up and repurpose scars and birthmarks into cool looking artwork.

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Tagged: cool , blemish , art , injury , scar , tattoos , body , surgery , win , scars

Twitter Thread Calls Out Toxic Femininity For Being Equally Disgusting And As Real In Every Way

Twitter users call out toxic femininity for being equally as disgusting and abusive as toxic masculinity.

Just be nice to each other please! 

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35 People's Kids' "Weird Flex, but Okay" Moments

Stories of children's weird flexes.

It's a pretty well known fact that, well, kids are stupid creatures. Kids aren't necessarily good at anything, so when they get a chance to brag, they take it. Even if it's the smallest thing you wouldn't think of as a real achievement, they'll let you know about it. Here are some strange flexes people saw in their own kids as well as themselves as children.

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Choosing Beggar Leaves Idiotic One Star Review, Store Owner Fires Back with Justified Condemnation

A choosing beggar leaves a bad review and gets a response from the owner.

This reviewer had the nerve to call a suitable response to their insulting offer "unprofessional" and inadvertently went in for round two. The world is full of frustrating cheapskates, but when someone leaves a ridiculous review like this they leave themselves open for an utter takedown of their entire character.

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This Video of Cenozoic Animals Singing is A Gem Of The Internet

You didn't know you needed this, but here's a video version of this conversation of a person who needed photos of cenozoic animals with their mouths open so he could photoshop microphones into them. It's simple but by god it's one of those wonderful gems of the internet.

Submitted by: (via Monochromemutt)

20 Twitter Users Share Their Biggest Car Fails

Twitter users share their biggest driving fails.

Jimmy Fallon asked Twitter users to share their biggest car fails. The resulting tweets are full of dangerous disasters. People can be reckless animals on the road. 

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A Tale Of Two Neighbor Cats Falling In Love Through The Window

A Twitter thread about two neighbor cats falling in love through the window.

If this adorable story of two neighbor cats falling in love across the street isn't the most wholesome thing of all time, then I don't know what is. Oh, and this is definitely a better love story than Twilight. No question about that. 

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Photoshop Trolls Toy Endlessly With Guy Who Fell Asleep During Road Trip

Guy falls asleep during road trip, so his girlfriend asks Photoshop trolls to mess with a picture of him sleeping, online.

Ok, this wins. When this guy fell asleep, his girlfriend decided it was the perfect time to ask the internet to toy with him on photoshop. The resulting photos are too damn good. There's something hilarious about a guy who's clearly in an unshakable deep sleep, getting teleported all over the place to action-packed scenery. 

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Jerk Driver Messes Up Bicyclist, Gets Hit Back In The Wallet

story about cyclist getting hit by car then winning the lawsuit

If there's any lesson to be learned by all parties here, it's that it's a good idea to have insurance. Another one would be to not falsify your own insurance documents. Another thing might be, don't tell the person you hit with your car to go to the police while screaming that they'll never get a penny out of you. Not only is it a bad look, it kind of sours the relationship. Sometimes people go all out for revenge.

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29 Things That Scream "I Am Very Smart"

askreddit, iamverysmart, intellectual, dumb, stupid, ridiculous, intellectual

You don't want to find yourself classified as an r/iamverysmart, intellectual titan. The following are signs that you might fall under that category, or you might be one of those rare actual enlightened few, that keep your smarts to yourself. 

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Footballer Thanks His Wife And His Girlfriend During Interview

Mohammed Anas got caught up in one cringeworthy fail during an interview where he thanked his wife and his girlfriend. He went on to deny any claims of infidelity, and said that "everyone knows I call my daughter my girlfriend." Uhh, I don't think that's what you meant, my dude. 

Submitted by: (via Block TV Gambia)