Wednesday, October 19, 2022

'I reported the phone as stolen and it is now flagged and shut off': Woman punishes ex-husband for refusing to pay phone bill

Let's just say that this guy had it coming! This thread was posted to Reddit's r/EntitledPeople subreddit by u/Dramatic-Move8793, who shared a ~dramatic~ story involving her ex-husband who she recently left after he cheated on her (along with crazy other stories she reveals in the comments section). Four months after she left him, the Redditor paid off their phone bill and her ex refused to pay her the full amount that he owed her. After a ridiculous joint conference call with customer service went awry, she got her much-needed revenge. 


Sure. In many instances, divorce is ugly and revenge is unnecessary for an already difficult process. However, given what we now know about this guy, this woman was entitled to some sweet sweet revenge. Let's just hope he doesn't enact revenge of his own after this. As we all know, these kinds of stories function like a vicious cycle. Keep scrolling below for the full story in her words. For more content like this, take a look at this revenge post about a strange roommate who eats dog food. 

Funniest Memes for People Who Are Always on the Verge of Giving Their 2 Weeks Notice

Maintaining a work-life balance can feel nearly impossible sometimes. Or really, the difficult thing is somehow balancing work, social life, and sleep. One has to imply got to give. Maybe take a second a think about which one you have been utterly neglecting. perhaps you owe yourself, or your friends an apology. We're assuming of course that you're not neglecting work because, well, we all need money. Neglecting work tends to not go well in the wrong one if you're hoping to be able to pay your bills. if that's not the case for you, then yeah, maybe you wouldn't care so much about answering those f*cking emails ad making sure to go above and beyond at every meeting.


So whether you love your job, hate it, love your coworkers, prefer to never speak to them again, or just love memes about the things you hate, you'll probably enjoy these work memes.

The Boldest Pickup Lines We've Seen On Tinder This Week (October 18, 2022)

From the looks of it, people are just getting bolder and bolder on Tinder. These pickup lines were compiled from Reddit's r/Tinder subreddit and involve both intentionally and unintentionally hilarious moments on the dating app, otherwise known as a hub for hopeless desperation. Some of these messages worked, and others at the very least made for great stories. Keep scrolling below for these ridiculous pickup lines, and for more Tinder-related content, check out these top trending dating app fails.

'She ended her reign of terror': Evil Karen PE teacher finally gets what she deserves after years of bullying

Mrs. Spike sounds like a real-life Roald Dahl villain...


This thread was posted to Reddit's r/EntitledPeople subreddit by u/sillywritingcat, who shared a long saga involving the numerous times her PE teacher growing up physically and emotionally bullied her and her siblings. It's actually wild that this woman thought she could get away with all this nonsense, but the system seemed to keep letting her get by despite tons of evidence of wrongdoing. This story is almost too good to be true, yet the details are so specific that it has to be. From the time Mrs. Spike made the original poster play kickball despite a grueling concussion to the time she made her run three miles with a twisted ankle, the stories just get worse and worse and worse. Finally, she got what she deserved but we'll let you read the details about how the original poster's family pulled it off. Keep scrolling below for the full story!


For more Karen content, check out this post about another Karen making a scene at a McDonald's. 

Infuriating Coworkers Complain About Flexible Working Arrangement, Makes Everything Worse For Everyone

Why would you argue against your own working freedoms? Pre-pandemic flexible arrangements were hard enough to come by, and post-pandemic corporate life is already quickly forgetting them—we see more and more posts every day about the evaporation of remote work.

This workplace is a perfect example of the recently-trending term "Crab Mentality"—which basically boils down to "If I can't have it neither can you." The term originates from the (alleged) behavior of crabs who, when trapped in a bucket, will drag those closest to escaping back down to the bottom rather than let them escape alone. It's the type of race to the bottom that you often see in hostile and otherwise toxic working environments, where everyone is in it for themselves, and no one wants to let someone else achieve success or "have it better". 

This is also similar to "tall poppy syndrome" which Wikipedia describes as "a cultural phenomenon in which people hold back, criticize or sabotage those who have or are believed to have achieved notable success." Basically instead of dragging someone back down before they can achieve success cultures where this persists have a habit of dragging someone back down once they are perceived to have achieved success. The end result, however, is the same—everyone is a loser.

The people in the workplace displayed exemplary "crab mentality" when they tipped the domino that started a chain reaction of events that would make the workplace less fun and less liveable for everyone. That's what makes these terrible coworkers so infuriating. 

Keep reading to see the screenshots below. For more terrible coworkers check out this a-hole who told his coworker that she only got promoted because of her assets. 

Mother wonders if she's wrong for letting her 4-year-old son spend his entire life savings on her friends (and there's a lot to unpack here.)

When I opened this thread, I found myself first wondering, what kind of mother would allow her child to spend their savings on her friends? That quickly gave way to wondering why a 4-year-old has this much money in the first place—enough that they could afford multiple meals and gifts (at an amusement park nonetheless—not cheap). After pondering over these things, I finally came to terms with the fact that there are some very different tax brackets at play here than I was initially picturing.

Well… at least he hasn't been saving for very long! There's still plenty of time for him to recoup from this devastating financial loss. After all, he probably won't remember it—and if he does it will be as his earliest trauma. If his allowance (which appears to be larger than my paycheck) doesn't cut it, then the trust fund should certainly help out. There's a lot going on and a lot to unpack with this one.

Why does this 4-year-old have such an extraordinarily large allowance? It's not as if a 4-year-old can actually rationalize saving for a future. Are whatever parts of the brain involved in future planning even developed at four years old? Why on god's green earth has this mother allowed this infantile good samaritan to spend his entire savings on her adult friends? I can't help but picture some sort of "Mr. Moneybags" type scenario where all the adults are gathered around laughing and making light of the fact that this child actually wants to spend their money so that other people can eat. What a concept.

This whole situation is incredibly confusing, and it sounds like there are some conflicts happening between the parents behind the scene, but I'd say the commenters (and Reddit hivemind) have it right with this one. 


'HR is NOT your friend': Fresh out of college employee confides in HR and ends up getting fired

No matter how nice they are, do not trust HR...


This employee learned that the hard way. Even if the company seems like the most welcoming, open, honest company in the world, it's still a company and HR still serves a purpose. That purpose is not to serve you, but to serve the company. This thread was posted on Reddit's r/antiwork subreddit by u/Fake-mustache, who shared an anecdote about a fresh-out-of-school worker who was already struggling but who they were hoping would improve and perform better with time. The employee was put on a PIP for the last quarter and later went out for drinks with "Clive" from HR, eventually telling Clive that they had a job interview elsewhere recently. Clive quickly took this information to the CEO, and the rest of the story unfolds as you would imagine. Keep scrolling below for the original post!


We've seen plenty of instances of shady work practices, horrible bosses, and unsupportive HR employees. For more content like this, take a look at this story about an HR Karen who rewrote the company dress code.

Lunch-Stealing Coworker Ironically Self-Reports When They Try to Report Their Victim to HR For Hot Sauce Deception

Reporting someone to HR for some overly-hot sauce is a hot take when you've been remorselessly pilfering their lunch. 

You can't help but wonder how these lunch thieves manage to live their lives so perilously perched on the edge of vagueness. What do they do if they're not the biggest fan of the coworker-crowdsourced menu for that day? Ethical and moral arguments aside, I don't think I could handle the uncertainty; I need much more stability and consistency in my life than that to make it through a work week. 

You won't ever catch someone with a food allergy swiping mysterious unknown food—unless they already have a death wish. Can you imagine someone with a nut and crustacean allergy accidentally biting into Bubba's peanut-roasted prawn sandwich? That's a one-way trip to the ER you're not coming back from.

Keep reading to see the screenshots of the original thread as it was posted by user u/Ok_Mathematician887 to Reddit's r/AmItheA**hole subreddit.

For more terrible coworkers, check out these coworkers who are expert practitioners of the art of "crab mentality."

Mildly Infuriating Pics From Reddit That Prove Some People Just Suck

Were people born without manners, or is some of their stupidity due to a series of unfortunate events (Lemony Snicket, what up?) that took place long after and ended up creating entitled little monsters that for lack of a better word, suck? How do their brains work? What pills are they on? Whether it's a company or simply another shitty human on this godforsaken planet, there always seems to be some kind of inconvenience that frankly, could be easily avoided. Maybe some people are out there to get you. These pics that we found on the infamous subreddit 'mildlyinteresting' (Reddit, we hate to love you) make us want to rip out more than a few hairs. Sure, some pics are true to the name - mildly infuriating indeed - and some are just downright maddening. Perhaps NASA will find us another planet to live on, and if so, we hope that none of these types of people will join us there. Call us dictators, but they are not welcome on our watch! Scroll down for a bitterly annoying ride.