Thursday, January 27, 2022

Competent Guy's Job Usurped By Unsafe Coworker, Lets Him Dig His Own Grave

We've all had jobs where one coworker has been able to simply play the game better. If you're the kind of person who lets their work speak for itself, depending on your field, you might actually be at a disadvantage. Having a coworker who brags about their work, takes too much credit, and does shoddy work that has somehow gotten through can make them look like a superhero even though their MO is cutting corners.

But in some professions, when the ramifications of bad work can be something like the injury or death of another coworker, the destruction of property, and your own public shame, people like this often have the tendency to meet their own professional roadblocks. In this situation, all our protagonist had to do was watch while his coworker made a large and dumb mistake. Luckily it was just small enough to result in some destroyed equipment rather than the actual loss of life or limb.

If you are currently working at a job where you have to do your coworker's or even manager's job for them, we wish you luck. Maybe for some catharsis, enjoy this time a Karen manager tried sabotaging an employee so that employee stopped doing her job for her.

Snooping Mother-In-Law Caught in the Act When She Triggers Hidden Glitter Bomb, Feigns Innocence, Plays Victim

When u/itsbettertobelucky realized that her mother-in-law was snooping she decided to catch her in the act. 

She went upstairs to see what her mother-in-law, who was supposed to just be using the bathroom, was up to and caught her well out of place. The mother-in-law just pretended that she had "gotten lost" upstairs on her way to the bathroom. As if.

When u/itsbettertobelucky approached her husband about it, he just brushed her off saying that she "Just get[s] annoyed at this because everything [the MIL] does drives [her] crazy." So u/itsbettertobelucky realized that she needed some hard evidence if her husband was going to believe her and deal with the issue with his mother.

They had the in-laws over for the holidays. u/itsbettertobelucky had previously attempted, at this point, to catch her mother-in-law in the act by putting glitter on door handles. That proved to not be effective enough. She needed harder evidence to undeniably catch her mother-in-law in the act. To achieve this she rigged an envelope, filled with glitter, over the door to the office. 

Lo and behold... The mother-in-law ends up covered in glitter for being where she's not supposed to. But now the husband and his family are taking the mother-in-law's side. 

u/itsbettertobelucky wants to know... Did she do the right thing? Who is the a**hole here?

25 Chowder Heads Who Seriously Didn't Get Jokes

We are human, so naturally we like jokes. We like obvious jokes, stupid jokes, complex jokes, memes that make almost no sense, absurdist deviations of space and time, fart jokes, creative misspellings, some puns, and people getting kicked in the nuts. Of course it's not uncommon to have to reread something in order to get it. People are anything but transparent, and understanding subtext is a skill that makes, in our opinion, jokes funnier.

But there is a type of person out there who just doesn't get it. Sarcasm leaves them scratching at their own empty heads, the acoustics reverberating like so many an empty dormitory bathroom. Absurdist takes have them angry, wondering "where is the joke?" There is no jokes, that's the joke honey. And it's fine to be confused. But it's the anger that sets them apart.

It's okay to not get a joke. But to be an ass simply because you misread something, or try to repeat the joke back to someone having taken it literally? That's a sign of piquant dumbassery that leaves you a champion of oblivious people who didn't get the joke. Enjoy your crown of non-humor, you dry, dirty sack of used hospital rags.

Dad Forces Teenage Girl to Drive While Crying as "Strategic Trauma" to Teach Her a Life Lesson in Viral TikTok

"Crying and throwing up on the highway while driving perfectly is a resume skill."

Strangers Share Their Dirty, Shameful And Juicy Little Secrets

They say that every lie incurs a debt to the truth, and sooner or later that debt is paid. They also say "what you don't know can't hurt you." It seems like "they" have a really unpredictable attitude toward lies and secrets. Or maybe there's just a figure of speech to explain away any action you want to take at any given time, no matter the consequences.

Sometimes it feels like secrets are the grease that holds society together. If we knew everything about the people around us, we'd either learn to accept each other or we'd just be too disgusted by each other's inner lives to look each other in the eyes every day. It's hard to come to work and sit down next to a coworker for 8 hours knowing that they listen to ska.

So these are the small secrets people keep to themselves. They might be wholesome secrets. They might be company secrets that people can share now that they've left. They might just be petty decisions people made, or irrational and embarrassing choices that people made in the moment and didn't want anyone in their real social circles to find out about. Anyway here are people's dirty little secrets that they decided to share with the world.

Cousin Wants To Do Interpretive Dance At Dad's Funeral, Gets Shot Down

Sure, everyone grieves differently. But it's safe to say that most people wouldn't completely appreciate a full-on casket dance while they are sad. This person was put in the interesting position of having to fight their cousin on their insistence of doing an interpretive dance segment at his own father's funeral. Damn, dude. Get your own dead dad.

The Aunt and cousin didn't take their dismissal lightly but honestly, these things are more about what the deceased would want. And it's extremely safe to say that having a dude dance on his grave might not have its intended impact on the memory of the dearly departed. That thing would be a full-on spectacle, man. They were even planning one recording it. At that point, isn't it sort of obvious that maybe this whole venture isn't right for a funeral?

If, for some reason you want to see people make someone's loss about themselves, here's the shameless unhinged nice guy who decided to shoot his shot at a recent widow. Aren't people so interesting?