Thursday, January 27, 2022

Strangers Share Their Dirty, Shameful And Juicy Little Secrets

They say that every lie incurs a debt to the truth, and sooner or later that debt is paid. They also say "what you don't know can't hurt you." It seems like "they" have a really unpredictable attitude toward lies and secrets. Or maybe there's just a figure of speech to explain away any action you want to take at any given time, no matter the consequences.

Sometimes it feels like secrets are the grease that holds society together. If we knew everything about the people around us, we'd either learn to accept each other or we'd just be too disgusted by each other's inner lives to look each other in the eyes every day. It's hard to come to work and sit down next to a coworker for 8 hours knowing that they listen to ska.

So these are the small secrets people keep to themselves. They might be wholesome secrets. They might be company secrets that people can share now that they've left. They might just be petty decisions people made, or irrational and embarrassing choices that people made in the moment and didn't want anyone in their real social circles to find out about. Anyway here are people's dirty little secrets that they decided to share with the world.

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