Thursday, July 7, 2022

Karen Asks Neighbor to Tone Down Their Fourth of July Firework Display For Her Dog’s Sake in a Florida Man Prank Video and it Sparks Debate in the Comments

May freedom reign

Mild Vandalism That Made The World A Much More Interesting Place

We can't exactly tell people to go out and write clever and stupid things on signs, but it does just kind of have a way of happening. It's inevitable, like gravity. These vandals slip in and out of the night, unseen by the public. They're seekers of their own kind of justice. Like batman, but with a sharpie instead of billions of dollars worth of assets to spend on crime-fighting. 

 It's hard to look at the words "public canal zone" without thinking about the terrifically fine ways one could simply scratch out a few letters and turn a regular sign into some magic. And sometimes one or two small changes, a post-it, or a well placed googly eye is all it takes. We're bored of walking around life and not seeing jokes on stuff, so the more quips get sprinkled into our dull, useless lives the better.

For the sign-hungry, here are some funny signs from this weird world.

Bad Brother Reprimands Sister For Breastfeeding at His Wedding, Internet Roasts Him Alive

A brother reprimanded his sister for breastfeeding her newborn at his wedding, an action that has drawn the ire of his mother and new bride. 

This story was posted to Reddit's r/AITA (Am I the A-Hole) subreddit by the brother, Reddit user u/Swimming-Exchange448. He posted the thread to see if he was in the wrong for "calling out" his sister during his wedding for breastfeeding without removing herself from the room. He was admonished by his new wife and mother for his actions.

Redditors generally have a pretty strong stance when it comes to breastfeeding: It's a natural and important thing that one need not be ashamed of. They generally don't take too kindly to those who would seek to shame or remove breastfeeding women from social situations.

Hopefully, the Redditor who posted the thread can approach this feedback with an open mind and learn and grow from the experience. Maybe next time he will listen to his new wife and mother's feedback and not resort to taking lessons from the internet.

There's no shortage of family drama surrounding weddings on the internet. Take this recent story of a half-sister who insisted on wearing a wedding dress to her sister's engagement party

Keep reading to see screenshots of the thread and reactions below.

Karen Calls Cops on Woman for Eating a Burrito Bowl on a Floaty Outside in her Yard, New Level of Petty Unlocked

Legend has it you can still hear her flip-flops flopping

Employee Is Late Due to a Wreck, Karen Customer Decides to Take Punishment Into Her Own Hands and Tricks Them Into Bringing Out Every Shoe in the Store

Karen needs to mind her own d@mn business. 

Tumblr Thread Takes on the Scam That is Calling Lab Gems "Fake"

If you've shopped for the jewelry you probably know just how much of an elaborate scam everything involved with it is. Diamonds are almost like some kind of cryptocurrency as every bit of value we put into them is completely manufactured. Jewelry companies control the flow of diamonds into the market and keep the flow as low as possible in order to create a false scarcity, giving the illusion that these jewels are rare and valuable. In reality, there are warehouses of the damn things out there somewhere just sitting there. 

This scam has evolved further, with the rise of technology we can now actually manufacture gems instead of just manufacturing their scarcity. Of course, this would (and should) bring the whole house of cards crashing down if it wasn't for the effectiveness of the industry's marketing and propaganda. They've somehow managed to convince us that these manufactured gems are "fake" when they're essentially exactly the same thing.

Anyways, we stumbled on this Tumblr rant on the subject and found it highly entertaining. Keep scrolling to see it below.

For more entertaining and oddly educational Tumblr threads check out these Hacks On Adulting Effectively.


Scummy Landlord Demands Extra Month's Rent On Move-Out, Wants to Keep Deposit Too, Guy Shuts Them Down

This predatory landlord has attempted to extort their tenant out of an additional month's rent and employed shady strategies to try and keep their deposit. 

This story was posted to Reddit's r/MaliciousCompliance subreddit by Reddit user u/YerTime, who shared the story of their compliance with their landlord's exploitative terms. The story strikes many similar tunes to this story that was posted to the r/ProRevenge subreddit

Comments focused on the legalities surrounding this shady practice, which far too many opportunistic landlords utilize. 

"In some states what they did is blatantly illegal," commented darthcoder. "In MA if they don't put your money in escrow, you are eligible for triple damages. If they don't itemize the damages or return your deposit in 30 days, triple damages."

At the university I attended, many university apartment complexes would utilize similar strategies to try and cheat student tenants out of their deposits. It was a given that, no matter what condition you left your unit in, you would never see your deposit again. They would always find some way to justify keeping it. In the apartment I lived in Junior year, we took extensive photos that showed we had left the unit in same-or-better condition. Yet, we never saw a dime of our deposit. This practice becomes even more predatory when you consider the fact that you need references from previous landlords to secure future housing. So, fighting for your deposit almost ensures that you won't be able to use them as a reference in the future.

My understanding is that this is extremely common in university towns and suburbs. Do you have a similar experience?