Saturday, February 15, 2020

Clever Comebacks From Savage Silver Tongues

Clever comebacks from witty individuals | if get married going refer my husband as "my first husband remind him he is easy replace should make him happy knowing there's way out. Twitter Books @TwitterBooks Last book made cry Sprinklr Replying TwitterBooks University Physics with Modern Physics 14th Edition by Hugh D. Young, Roger Freedman Roger Freedman @RogerFreed No doubt tears joy.

We're back at it again with a fresh round of fiery comebacks. These people brought the heat with their words. 

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Strange Things That Happened in Public Restrooms

Strange and funny things that happened to people in public bathrooms | LiccFlair 6.4k points 2 days ago 3 had pleasure hearing some poor soul trying pass kidney stone movie theater restroom. His screams would have scared shit out if wasn't why there first place.

A public restroom can be a strange place. It's a public place built for some of the most private things people do. You end up meeting some wild characters and your most vulnerable of times. For some toilet humor here's funny bathroom graffiti, and a bunch of creepy cursed toilets.

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Entitled Grandmonster Steals Granddaughter's New Clothes

Entitled grandmother steals grandson's new clothes and exchanges them for steel utensils | My entitled grandmother stole my new clothes and exchanged them steel utensils. So gave away her utensils can read more about my grandmother my post history better understand kind person she Indian and my country, till few years ago could get steel utensils door door vendors exchange clothes. This barter system still exists villages and some small towns.

This granddaughter hit the end of her rope. It sounds like grandma had all kinds of toxic boundary issues, and went so far as to steal her granddaughter's new clothes to trade them in for some new utensils. New utensils! Pure madness. From there, it was a quick and brutal revenge that resulted in those very utensils being donated. The look on the grandma's face must've been priceless. 

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Tumblr Thread about Depicting Prehistoric People as Cool Dudes

Tumblr thread about ancient humans having feelings and being reconstructed with smiles | today things disproportionately emotional about thrill-be-damned 's facial reconstructions prehistoric humans like, look at this part-homo sapiens, part- neandertal man well over 30,000 years ago doesn't he just look like dude wanna hang out with?

It's kinda hard to look at our distant ancestors as people who had thoughts and feeling similar to ours. Like yeah, a neanderthal didn't know what it felt like to be stuck in traffic, but they still had families and priorities. This Tumblr thread expresses an interesting way of thinking about life before us. Tumblr can actually make history fun. For some more historical stuff, here's Tumblr's discussion of where ideas for some mythical creatures came from.

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Twitter Users Combine Last TV Shows They Watched With Video Games

Twitter users combine the last TV shows they watched with video games for crossovers | tweet by JewelKnightJess *Commissions 0 v @JewelKnightJess last TV show watched is now getting crossover with last videogame played

Twitter user @JewelKnightJess kickstarted a thread that has people combining the last TV shows they watched with video games, for creative crossover results. Pretty fun to try out!

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A Dad's Epic Petty Revenge With A Spite Cow

Dad takes a big petty revenge in epic story about a spite cow | about eat something real quick then l'll tell story about my dad adopting cow out spite didn't know could love someone so much without ever having conversation with them tbb. My parents built their house and lady next door decided she didn't like they moved because she used there being an empty field there my parents grow flowers competitively and their back yard is giant garden so her loss guess

We can all only hope to achieve these heights of epic petty revenge in our lifetime. Never underestimate the power of a spite cow. 

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Cop Gets Stuck On Fence

Some days bring more struggles than others. For instance, this cop who likely had no idea his day would throw him the curveball of getting stuck on a fence amidst a thrilling chase. 

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Most Wholesome Things Strangers Did For People

The most wholesome things that strangers did for people.

People are out there actually spreading some positive energy. These wholesome actions taken by perfect strangers made a profoundly positive impact upon their recipients. We're all sharing this universe together. Sometimes a selfless action taken to cheer someone else up means more than you could ever know. 

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Weird and Awkward Album Covers

Awkward weird fail album covers | blonde woman touching her forehead to that of a ventriloquist dummy AMEN! RAINBOW BEVERLY SVETLANA GRUEBBERSOLVIK TAMIA MY LIPS ARE BLOWING woman playing a recorder

Every artist has their own idea of what people will like. Whether or not these people were successful in their day, it's clear that their album art has not aged well with the passage of time. Some of these unfortunate covers look like mugshots. Here are more creepy and weird album covers of the past.

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Quick Tumblr Thread Explains Shorthand Writing

Short Tumblr thread explains how shorthand writing works | Red @redgermz Saw this on Facebook and sent my brother, who is pharmacist. Unsa man na b 10:29 AM Paracetamol atrophied Using Gregg Alphabet as reference can see most letters atrophied" are present. But why no "o" vowel, and why is "ph" written as "f Simple shorthand cut out all vowels word writing down, with exception words BEGIN or END with vowel (hence at start being present or like atrophied make more readable sound could be harder

Turns out those seemingly indecipherable scribbles actually do mean something. 

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Plumber's Hilarious Fail Makes For Lovecraftian Nightmare

Hilarious story about a plumber's fail results in a true Lovecraftian nightmare | catchy Q Follow catchymemes O Malgayne 19h my grandfather young he owned roadside motel, and my mother used do work around motel family building old and they had bad pipes, so visits plumber were fairly regular occurrence over there.

This plumber unknowingly traumatized the hotel staff when it came to the innocent act of trying to unclog a toilet. That snake must've looked like it was actually possessed by some kind of demonic spirit. 

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Revenge Of The Week: Fifty Employees Vs Greedy Business

Employees band together to challenge a greedy business owner.

What a ride. And that's what makes this the latest revenge of the week. We've got a greedy business owner blinded by a ravenous hunger for more money at the expense of hard-working employees, and then we've got the employees: a crew of 50-some people that come together and show the power of teamwork in the face of an unjust obstacle. Good stuff. 

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Stranger Things Teaser Inspires Imaginative Marvel Crossover

Stranger Things teaser inspires fans to imagine a crossover with Marvel.

Marvel's certainly seen stranger things evolve in its vast universe than some sort of unexpected "Red Guardian" origin story. Anyone who's enjoyed "Stranger Things" and is familiar with/enjoys Marvel will appreciate this crossover conspiracy theory from fans. Just imagine if Hopper was the Red Guardian. That'd be kind of dope. 

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Pizza Delivery Employee Keeps Failing Same Customer

Pizza delivery employee keeps failing the same customer | r/tifu JOIN 5d u/Kyle TIFU by continuously making customer angry delivering them pizza used deliver pizza actually most fun job have ever had am usually really good with people but

This pizza delivery employee couldn't seem to catch a break. The poor guy just stumbled from one fail into the next. Fortunately, it sounds like everything ends up working out for him with his especially unlucky customer. Probably best that the two dudes go their own separate ways. 

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Psychological Tricks and Ways to Mess With People

askreddit tricks and ways to mess with people

If you do too many of these you're almost guaranteeing that people will thing you're a complete psycho, but one or two probably couldn't hurt. Learning psychological facts or ways to mess with people likely won't make you more adept at navigating social situations than actually talking to people earnestly, but these are at least fun.

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