Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Mother-In-Law Installs Camera In Woman's House, Family Sides With Mom

In a mind-boggling breach of privacy, this woman's mother-in-law secretly installed a camera in her adult son's room to make sure he was being taken care of well enough after an accident. To make matters more confusing and horrible, it seems like everyone in this family is so used to this kind of behavior that not only are they tolerating it, but they're trying to tell this woman that she's over-reacting.

Unless this lady is Misery-ing her husband in his bed, it's pretty unlikely that she's doing such a poor job of taking care of the dude that it would warrant a 24-hour live feed to a 33 year old man's room. The internet responded by basically telling her to get a divorce immediately. So, not a whole lot of terrifically constructive feedback, but not necessarily unwarranted. The whole thing just feels too creepy. At least she found out before it was too late and the mom busted out the popcorn for a Saturday night viewing. Yikes.

For some more absurd parental overreach, here's the mom who stole her children's birthdays for years.

Old Recipe Cards We Hope No One Ever Tried

The thing with recipe cards like these from Jell-O or weight watchers is that they seem less like helpful suggestions and more like dares. It's as if a roomful of people thought "obviously there are only so many graceful and tasty uses for aspic, but maybe if we just get weird with it, we can convince bored housewives full of valium to try this making garbage if only because they're so underwhelmed by their own lives that they might want to see what their husband has to say when they serve a vertical salad." And someone else was like "I mean I hate it, but honestly it's not the most absurd idea we've had. I mean this company started when we just decided to boil a bunch of horses."

Because honestly, these don't even look like food. A lot of these look like those abstract bot-created images designed to look familiar but also completely confusing at the same time. Like, to the point that your eyes have trouble focusing.

At the end of the day, we can only hope that these cursed foodsweren't made by people who thought these were good ideas, but simply by people from some kind of special interest group like "the herring council" trying to make up a bunch of potential recipes to use herring.

Entitled Karen Accosts Random Guy at Home Depot, Insists He Works There, Demands He Collects Carts

It often occurs that maintenance, tech workers, and other contractors end up getting accosted by Karens and other predatory customers when they are called to do jobs at retail locations and stray into the line of fire. 

These workers, who are sometimes just grabbing lunch at the store in question, are granted a small glimpse into the life of a retail worker. When you work retail, customers often have zero regard for you as a person and couldn't give less of a sh*t whether or not you're on a break or even working.

God forbid you're even just an innocent bystander and fellow customer who just happened to wear a shirt the same color as the staff. It doesn't even have to be remotely the same tone. The customers will swarm you like vultures to a fresh carcass. Just wear a maroon crew neck to a target, and you'll see exactly what I mean.

 I'm sure most of us had made this mistake before and apologized profusely after being corrected by the person we presumed was an employee. But some entitled people, including Karens, will be utterly unable to admit that they have made a mistake. They will insist that you work there and become very angry when you insist that you don't. 

This is precisely what happened to u/ShellSwitch in this story when he was accosted by a Karen while eating his lunch in the Home Depot parking lot. He handled the ridiculous situation that unfolded with grace and ease.

Entitled Sister Drops Her Kids Off For Unscheduled Babysitting, So Sibling Drops Them Off At a Daycare, Forces Sister to Pay

What would you do if your sister dropped her kids off unannounced when you had important obligations to attend? Especially when you already explicitly told her that you were unavailable?

That is the question that readers of r/AmItheAsshole are trying to answer in their replies to this thread. The topic was posted by u/sotireddofthis to the popular Reddit subreddit this week with the following title:

AITA for dropping my sister's kids off at a daycare and making her pay for it?

As indicated in the title and evident in their selected username, u/sotireddofthis is incredibly tired of their older sister's sh*t. When her sister asked her to babysit her four and six-year-old so that she could attend a party, u/sotireddofthis told her that she was unavailable due to uni requirements.

Her sister turned up anyways and dropped the kids off, so u/sotireddofthis took them straight to daycare and told her older sister she needed to pay for the service.

Sounds like an elegant solution to us. 

What do you think? Was u/sotireddofthis in the wrong? Read on and let us know what you think below. 

Idiot Cousin Towed After Blocking Guy Into His Own Driveway

There's nothing better than a family member who preys on other members of the family's kindness. These entitled a-holes count on you not standing up for yourself to get their way and take advantage of you. There's always the vague, implied threat of drowning you in controversy and drama should you dare to speak up. At that point, it would be your word against theirs, and you might find yourself further shocked at how many family members end up taking their side.

Grifters can never be satisfied with what they're already taking, so things naturally escalate to the point where enough is enough, and you need to take that stand.

That's precisely what happened when u/armandoL27's entitled cousin decided to park them into their driveway. The cousin had been leaving for the local airport and wanted to avoid paying for parking. So, he parked directly behind his cousin's work truck without asking and took his keys with him on the flight. 

u/armandoL27 decided he wasn't dealing with this baloney and had the car towed so that he could go to work.

20 Photos of Highly Unusual Birds That Are Amazing to Behold

Reddit's r/PicsOfUnusualBirds subreddit has been the site's Top Growing community today. The subreddit hosts a menagerie of photos of some highly unusual feathered friends, and they range from absolutely amazing to Orwellian-Horror levels of terrifying. The subreddit has been exploding in popularity as users flock to the subreddit to stare in awe at these fowl photos. 

The Shoebill Stork is one such bird that I wouldn't want to meet down a dark alleyway. The bird has been a popular topic of discussion online for the last few years due to their haunting appearance that gives them a foreboding presence akin to that of some kind of Erdrich being. 

Know Your Meme has this to say regarding the Shoebill's popularity online.

Shoebill Storks (Balaeniceps rex) are a species of bird known for their tall height (up to 5 feet) and wide-set bills. Online, shoebills are often discussed for their bizarre appearance and behavior.

One of the earliest known online discussions about the bird's strange appearance was launched in a Democratic Underground Forums[4] thread titled "Behold! It's the ugly ass shoebilled stork thread!" submitted by user Guy Fawkes on March 16th, 2006 (shown below).

Browse on and be amazed at these feathered friends. 

Management Demands Customers Have to Wait No Longer Than 15 Seconds, Employees Comply and Nothing Else Gets Done

Anyone who has ever worked retail knows how stressful it is handling a constant stream of customers while you're trying to do inventory or stock shelves. It's a total mind destroyer that seems to tear your brain into two as you repeatedly try to swap between talking to customers and then refocusing on your task—before being, again, forced to handle the next customer. As the minutes and hours pass, you begin to realize that you're not making any headway on restocking today and finally submit to being stuck at the front counter. 

Some types of retail require constant handholding, and so, as long as there is a customer in the store, you will need to be directly at their side. Other retail types are a little different, and customers are happier to browse on their own; this seems to be the type of location described in the story, which was shared by u/BobertGnarley to the r/MaliciousCompliance subreddit.

Clever Developer Hacks Life, Discovers How to Automate His Job and Work 10 Minutes A Day From Home in This Trending Story

There has been a sharp increase in the recent trend of posts of employees claiming to have automated their jobs as soon as they were asked to work from home or remote full time. 

Just take, for example, this Reddit user who posted that they were able to automate their job for 5 years before anyone caught on.