Sunday, September 26, 2021

Ex-Wife Demands 75% of Husband's Pay In Divorce, Nuclear Revenge Ensues

There's no getting around the fact that people are prone toward fits of psychotic spitefulness when their marriages fall apart. Love drives people to crazy lengths, and a love gone sour is bound to do the same thing. It sounds like this mad lad kept his wits about him as things unravelled. That goes without saying the level of spitefulness is almost terrifying. Yet, at the same time it sounds like he proceeded to walk through life in a respectable enough fashion, and made the most out of taking just a little bit of a pay cut. Pack some more revenge drama on your plate with this story about a neighbor who brought furious wrath upon themselves by repeatedly parking in a woman's driveway.

Jerk Cuts In Line, Customer Tinkers With Jerk's Bike For Petty Revenge

One of the elements that run rampant throughout many grocery stores is that a whole lot of customers are just trying to take care of their necessary shopping as quickly as they can. Fortunately, this doesn't result in too many instances of people just being downright rude to one another. However, every now and again a wildly entitled customer comes around who just refuses to play by the rules. The rules are there to try to keep the whole scene from descending into unmanageable chaos. It sounds like this guy learned his lesson when he went to bike those groceries on home. Check out another glorious petty revenge where a tech savvy employee took revenge on a cookie-stealing coworker.

Old People Who Struggled To Master Social Media

Most of us have some older relatives on Facebook who just don't seem to get it. They'll try to use their own status as a google search bar, try to talk to Mark Zuckerberg directly, and respond to innocuous posts in extremely angry all caps. We should give these old people wrangling with social media some credit for having to navigate technology that only came out when they were well into adulthood, but we should also acknowledge that sending a direct message to Walmart and demanding Todd be fired is an objectively dumb thing to do. But here we are, watching old people do their best on social media.

Sweet, Nostalgic Images Right Out Of The 90's

Time sure flies. One moment you're a kid with your biggest worry being about snagging a new KOOSH after you misplaced your prior one with friends, and the next thing you know, you're rocking that 9-5 chasing the next paycheck. Let this sweet collection of nostalgic images from the 90s serve as a wholesome and bittersweet trip down memory lane. If you want to keep getting ripped on nostalgia from the 90s check these pics out as well.

Unhinged Friend Hits On Friend As A Test, Calls Him A Creep, Still Expects Help Moving

People have experienced some really weird tests of friendship, like this friend who demanded their friend travel with mysterious package and then threw a tantrum about privacy. This person decided it would be a super awesome idea to test their friend by aggressively hitting on them. If this is the type of person who thinks this is a reasonable way to go about things, maybe it's clear why they had to move in such a hurry anyway.

Funny Tweets To Grind Boredom Into The Dirt

Twitter is like if you took a bunch of carrier pigeons, made them carry everyone's most weird and inconsequential thoughts, then shot them out of a cannon into a tornado, then had to scoop all the remains with a snow shovel into a dumpster full of tires, lit it on fire, and tried to read the letters as they burned and floated away. So naturally, there's some good stuff in there. Here are some more funny tweets to build character and cultivate strength.

Sayings and Behaviors That Give Away Americans

If you don't want to be outed as an ignorant American abroad, take notes on this junk. And if you want to stand in defiance and proudly seem more American, take notes as well. Or just go ahead and talk loudly about tipping and ambulance fees. Here are some awkward and obnoxious things said by American tourists.

Nasty Managers That Drove Their Employees To Madness

Many of us have muddled through the soul-sucking experience that is working a customer service gig under a maniacal manager. Not only can you find yourself working underneath the supervision of a manager who is on an unbelievable ego trip, but you usually have to weather waves of horribly entitled customers that seem stubbornly committed to making everyone else's days worse. If this thread got you going, check out these customer service memes to dull the grind.

Son Can't Afford Rent, Moves Back In With Parents, Dad Sets Rules, Son Flips Out

Life loves to be difficult. Just when it seems like things might be flowing along smoothly enough, bam, a curveball gets tossed your way. Sometimes, if you're lucky enough that results in having to temporarily move back in with your folks until you're able to lock down your next gig. With that being said it sounds like this kid has just a little bit of immature entitlement going on. So, when his dad went ahead and set some ground rules, the kid did not handle the whole situation too well. As you might be able to imagine, the moral judges of Reddit's AITA community were quick to side with the dad on this one. But hey, you be the judge. 

VP Bullies Coworker Over Shirt, Doesn't Realize Who He's Talking To

It must have been interesting to have been a fly on the wall during the full swing of 80s business garbage, power plays and synergistic mumbo jumbo, but at the same time it seems like something that would be totally fine to have missed out on. Apparently this guy's "thing" was a cultish insistence on white shirts. For another stupid case of bosses mistaking someone's identity, here's this Walmart manager who fired a guy from a job that wasn't his.

Hilariously Absurd and Dumb Life Pro Tips To Not Do

Everything wants to call itself a life hack, but it's not exactly a life hack when it can also be called "just stealing." So here are some hilariously dumb life pro tips if you like the idea of pepper spraying yourself and going to jail to get a "leg up" in life. C'mon, really jack your game up with these bad life pro tips.

Freaky Times People Dodged Life-Ruining Bullets

Sometimes it's obvious right away that you've dodged a bullet, like when you're looking at a fresh hole in your wall where you were standing a second ago. Other times it's less obvious, like discovering your high school crush is now on the no-fly list. We've all had some close calls, and sometimes it just makes us shiver to think about what could have gone wrong in our own lives. But learning about other people's close calls is pretty cool.

Funny Signs That Made Humor Very Public

There's just something nice about sarcasm in a thousand point font. Signs dispense jokes and wisdom when we didn't necessarily ask for them, but that's good because sometimes we didn't realize it was exactly what we needed. There's something so confident yet folksy about jokes that are large and in public.

Tech Savvy Employee Takes Revenge On Cookie-Stealing Coworker

It's just never a good idea to play around with the people in your company that run the tech side of things. They have a whole lot of knowledge-backed power available at their disposal. In this case, it sounds like our tech wizard's coworker was a good enough sport about the ongoing, sly and petty pranking. He must've been progressively more and more shook before he caught on to what was actually happening. Keep the revenge drama going with this tale about a grandpa who unleashed a pro revenge on some pranksters.

Thread: The Weird Questions People Have Asked Different Professionals

They say there are no stupid questions. Maybe we'd personally have less contempt for people if that was true at all. Here are some weird questions people had for professionals of varying fields. And props to that couple for not covering themselves with bear spray. While these might be weirder than dumb, here are some straight up dumb questions people were asked. For some more professionalism here are sciences judged by lickability.