Thursday, May 7, 2015

Am I Supposed to Lick it Off the Picnic Table?


Submitted by: (via Brown Cardigan)

They Really Had to Edit Game of Thrones for Canadian TV

How in the World is This Charmer Not Taken Already?

Please Direct All Cheating Inquiries to the Wife

There's a Twisted Creativity in Just How Lazy This Move is


Submitted by: (via jerrylovesbacon)

Tagged: pro tip , lazy , clever , phone , g rated , win

Pete is Definitely the Biggest Winner You Can Find in Online Dating


Submitted by: (via Runt of the Web)

Free Money From the Cops! Offer Only Valid if You're a Doofus.

facepalm,free stuff,ticket,police,failbook

Submitted by: Unknown

Watch a Swarm of Robots Organize Themselves Into Shapes

These small robots developed by computer scientists and engineers at Harvard can organize themselves into a collective programmable shape. 

The next step?

Submitted by: (via Harvard University)

Tagged: robots , science , Video

Esquire Published a Review of "Ultron" from a Kid, but This Neckbeard's Comment Steals the Show


That is an honest to god comment on a review of Age of Ultron that Esquire published. The twist being that the review was written by a 9-year-old boy (which is pretty fun in its own right). The star of the show though is clearly this stunning example of the geeky fandom.

Here's the text of the review in full, for easier reading:

The premise for this whole article is false--the movie was actually made for me: a middle-aged guy that grew up on comics books, and has enough disposable income to totally geek out and buy the movie, the toys, etc in an effort to re-capture the youth that is quickly disappearing in the rearview mirror. It was made for the geeks that read every blog post about the who's and why's, looked at all the production stills and followed the negotiations between Marvel and Fox to allow Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch to appear in both films. It was made of the geeks that watch a less-than-stellar show like Marvel Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. simply because it is part of the MCU. It is made for the geeks that actually know what the MCU stands for. It is made for the geeks that are scared they will have their first heart attack before we finally get to see Thanos on screen for any longer than a fleeting cameo (2019 or 2020).

Stand aside 9 year olds, this isn't your movie. It is mine. And I loved it.

Submitted by: (via Esquire)

You Weren't Supposed to U-Turn There!

Submitted by: Unknown

How Not to Tap the Keg

whoops,gifs,keg,after 12,g rated

Submitted by: (via Bits and Pieces)

Tagged: whoops , gifs , keg , after 12 , g rated

Watch a Swarm of Robots Organize Themselves Into Shapes

These small robots developed by computer scientists and engineers at Harvard can organize themselves into a collective programmable shape. 

The next step?

Submitted by: (via Harvard University)

Tagged: robots , science , Video

Shaq Eats the Floor on Live Television and the Internet Has a Field Day With it

That's the man himself, tripping over his own size 72 shoes (rough estimate) while walking away from the desk on TNT during the Clippers/Rockets game. Early reports indicate that Jack was able to secure the rest of his magic beans and run away from the falling giant of basketball. 

And here's some of the best of what the internet offered in response to the seismic event in sports coverage:

Submitted by: (via NBATODAY24)

If She Could Catch a Fish Like This With a Toy Rod, She's a True Angler

Submitted by: (via JukinVideo)

Tagged: fishing , Kickass Kid , BAMF , Video , win

Some Are Calling This the Table Tennis Point of the Century, and It's Easy to See Why

And here we thought this footage was sped up...

Submitted by: (via Official ITTF Channel)

Next You'll Tell Me There's More. Ridiculous!


Submitted by: (via Brown Cardigan)

Tagged: cemetery , news , whoops , duh

News Blooper of the Day: Fox 2 Anchor Calls Wednesday a ‘Dry Hump Day’

Fox 2 Detroit’s Amy Andrews had an interesting way of describing the weather on Wednesday morning.

The news anchor was chatting with Jay Towers and Alan Longstreet about the day’s forecast, with Andrews noting how fast the week was progressing as it was already “hump day.”

“Hopefully we’ll have a dry hump day,” she said.

And the reaction of her co-anchors was priceless.

They took to Twitter later to respond to her little slip of the tongue.

Submitted by: (via Patrick D. Iadipaolo)

Discovery of the Day: Grandmother Finds c0caine in Nature Valley Granola Bar

Breakfast of champions.

When Cynthia Rodriguez opened up her Nature Valley granola bar back in March, something dropped out and she thought she had won some sort of prize.

It turns out the “prize” was actually a tiny bag of c0caine, according to KENS5 News.

The Texas woman reported it to the authorities, who confirmed it was a drug, but they don’t yet know how it got into her snack treat.

General Mills, which owns the Nature Valley brand, released a statement on Wednesday denying anything to do with it.

“We referred this to the police department in March, and are confident this did not happen in our facility,” they said.

Rodriguez said she got the granola bars as part of a sample pack from someone a local store and it didn’t appear to have been opened.

While she may be worried about it happening again, someone on Nature Valley’s Facebook page just wants more.

Submitted by: (via USA TODAY)

Call Upon the Eagles!


Submitted by: Wendy Lui

Tagged: birds , gross , gandalf , failbook

Won't Somebody Give Me a Hand?

work chair image Won't Somebody Give Me a Hand?

Submitted by: (via firstmemes)

Tagged: chair , work , funny , image

I'm Sure Carlos is Just a Friend!


Submitted by: (via Metro)

Tagged: sign , Awkward , cheating

More Comfortable Than Sleeping On A Bed Of Nails?

Lawsuit of the Day: A Nebraska Woman is Suing All Homosexuals in the Name of Jesus


A 66-year old woman from Nebraska is suing all gay people, because she thinks homosexuality is a sin, and she wants the law to finally acknowledge it.

Also because she is out of her mind.

Sylvia Driskell filed the lawsuit on May 1 with U.S. District Court of Omaha, and in a handwritten, 7-page document she lists herself as the “ambassador” for the plaintiffs “God and his son, Jesus Christ.”

The defendants are listed as simply “homosexuals” – presumably, every single one of them – which would make for quite a full courtroom.

Here are a few passages from the lengthy, incoherent argument:

I Sylvia Ann Driskell; Contented that homosexuality is a sin, And that they the homosexuals know it is a sin to live a life of homosexuality. Why else would they have been hiding in a closet.

Never before has Our great Nation the United States of America And our great State of Nebraska; been besiege by sin; The way to destroy any Nation, or State is to destroy its morals; Look what happen to Sodom and Gomorrah two city because of the same immoral behavior thats present in Our Nation, in Our States, and our Cities; God destroy them.

After the news broke, Dan Savage simply Tweeted that he hopes to get a chance to testify, which would be amazing.

You can read the whole insane document here.

Submitted by: (via Omaha)

It's Some Kind of Ice Cream Flavor, Right?


Submitted by: (via LlamaManatee)

Time to Add That Item to the Inventory


Submitted by: (via MercenaryOfOZ)

Tagged: security , facepalm , bike

The Best Wrong Number

wrong number,gross,Awkward,texting,failbook

Submitted by: Jarclan