Monday, August 26, 2019

Incompetent Boss Insists Special Contractor Be On Call 24/7, Ends Up With $10,000 Invoice

Stupid boss makes contractor go on call and pays huge bill.

Those phone calls are almost as expensive as talking to local singles in your area. Usually having a stupid and demanding boss doesn't leave you with getting paid thousands of dollars for doing almost no work, but seeing it happen here is encouraging. Dumb bosses usually just make people frustrated or cause everyone to quit at once. Honestly, this story just makes us want to be programming contractors now. 

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Choosing Beggar Gets Denied After Asking For Cheap Wedding Favor

Choosing beggar gets denied after asking for a ridiculously cheap wedding favor.

This choosing beggar refused to bring reason and rationality into the equation from the get go. Clearly they were hoping for something of a more "free handout" nature, and seemingly rolled their eyes at their friend's very agreeable discount offering. 

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Woman's Boss Mistakenly Sends Her Crude Text, She Hires An Attorney

Woman's boss accidentally sends her a crude text that was meant for his buddies, and she decides to hire an attorney.

This woman's boss accidentally sent her a dirty text about her "boobs being out" and she decided to hire an attorney. He's currently freaking out. 

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Incredibly Photogenic People (16 Images)

A collection of really photogenic people that look like they can't take a bad picture.

We're not sure what's going on with these people, other than the fact that it looks like they're simply unable to take a bad picture. A quick flash of an effortless, shiny and polished smile in the middle of a race? No problem! Do they just wake up and roll out of bed looking more put together than some of us on our best days, or what? The camera just seems to show some people more love than others. 

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Entitled Wedding Guest Who Was Only Given A Plus One RSVPs For 21 People

Wedding guest who was given a plus one, ends up RSVPing for 21 people.

This feels like it falls somewhere in the league of Bridezillas and wedding dramas. This ridiculously entitled wedding guest who was only given a plus one, ended up RSVPing for 21 people. How about the audacity? It's unreal. What compels someone to overreach like that? The lack of situational awareness is daunting. 

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Lady Asks Fake Customer Service Account for Help, Wonderful Trolling Ensues

Parody Customer Support

When this woman asked a parody customer service Facebook account to get back into her game, they made sure to make her experience as strange as possible. Not sure if this woman was in on it from the start, just playing along, or if she was just super desperate to get back to playing her casino game. Either way, the things you can do with a fake customer service account are absolutely wonderful.

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Co-Worker Tries To Get Woman Fired Over Breast Implants

Co-worker tries to get a woman fired over her breast implants, and repeatedly harasses her.

This woman's co-worker repeatedly harassed over her breast implants that she got because she had cancerous cells. That is swinging mighty low. From there, she decided to report her to HR, and a bunch of people wrote statements during the process. These statements revealed her co-worker to be the nasty, toxic individual that she was; and she was fired shortly thereafter. 

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Musician Tells Story of a Fan Who Rode a Stolen Horse To A Party with Photo Evidence

Musician recounts story of a fan who rode a horse to a house party and took a photo.

Not sure what the takeaway here is, but this is some straight up cowboy shit. I guess for starters, don't steal horses. Honestly, if you don't know what you're doing, don't even get close to horses. And if the cops stop you riding a horse that's not yours while you're under the influence, we don't really even know what could happen to you. Can they tell if it's a hot horse? Can you get a horse DUI? We just know cops can enforce some real stupid laws if you're being a real asshole.

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Choosing Beggars That Wish The World Let Them Live On Its Tab

A collection of choosing beggars that want the world to give them a ton of free handouts.

The world seems like it's never going to run out of choosing beggars who just want everyone to give them everything for free. It's impossible to negotiate with a stubborn fool who has adopted the mindset that they are NOT going to meet you in the middle, on a price negotiation. The worst thing about someone who wants (or expects) something for free, is that it's the best thing to them, and the worst thing to the person that's being asked to fork over their service/product for free. These choosing beggars just need to give it a rest!

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Feeding A 1 Tonne Crocodile Named Tripod

Matt has a 1 tonne, 17 foot, pet crocodile named Tripod, who manages to wolf down a whole pig leg in a matter of seconds. Yes, he's a good boy, but he would absolutely eat him in a heartbeat! 

Submitted by: (via Matt Wright)

People Tell The Grossest Things They've Eaten out of Politeness


Is offending someone's grandma worse than eating soup the noxious soup she made out of rotten chicken, soy sauce and boiled eggs? For some people it was. It's actually amazing what kind of food atrocities some people will put themselves through to save face. It's harrowing, in a gross sort of way.

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Guy's Grandmother Falls In Love With Dungeons & Dragons While Battling Cancer (30 Tweets)

Guy's grandmother falls in love with Dungeons & Dragons game while she's battling cancer.

We're not crying, YOU'RE crying. This guy's grandmother fell in love with Dungeons & Dragons while she was battling cancer. The feels trip is truly brutal in this story; but at the same time, it's a beautiful tale of a strong woman finding peace in the bonding experience of playing a board game with new friends, and family. 

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Botched Arrest and Escape In Canada Has Woman Falling Through Ceiling

Last year in Spruce Grove, Alberta, two suspects put up a fight the likes of which made for an absolutely riveting two and a half minutes of security footage. While the man amazingly (and stupidly) faces off with a police offer, the woman tries to find an alternate route out. Oh, and it's set to music too. 

Submitted by: (via MarkSkull85)

25 Ridiculously Bad Spellers Who Need To Read A Dictionary

People spelling words terribly.

Listen, words are hard. We don't like reading all that much, and we keep forgetting how to spell the word tomorow. Tommorrow? Tomorrow. There we go. Anyway, these folks, and other abysmal spellers of the world have no business misspelling what they're misspelling, and the results can become fun flights of the imagination. 

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Guy Creates Disgusting Pizza And Is Proud Of It

The fact that he's proud of this monstrous creation is the scariest part. 

Submitted by: (via Fabiano Sousa)

Tagged: FAIL , pizza , gross , ridiculous , food , Video

15 People Share Strange and Insane Chains of Events from History

Strange chains of events from history.

One thing leads to another. Sometimes one small change, like the death of one noble or the  use of some kind of pesticide, can cause unintended consequence that reverberate throughout time and space. A lot of this stuff has ramifications to this day. Sometimes they end with a great big historical "F*ck you".

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Animal Refuge Reveals The Gigantic Mr. B, The Chonk of Chonks

Animal shelter reveals a gigantic cat on twitter.

The Morris Animal Refuge swears this guy isn't a bobcat, but holy crap is the 26 pound Mr B a big boy. For a story on someone who accidentally DID try to adopt a bobcat you can read this funny craigslist ad about a mistaken animal lover who thinks they've found a stray cat. We're big fans of animal shelters with a sense of humor, like this pet shelter that gives cats crazy names.

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Strange Things People's Bodies Do That Aren't Quite Right But Not Worth A Doctor's Visit

Strange things that people's bodies do that aren't quite right, but also aren't worth a visit to the doctor's office.

Someone on AskReddit asked for people to share those strange things that their bodies do that aren't quite right, but don't necessarily warrant a visit to the doctor's office. The resulting insights might do an effective job at reassuring you that our bodies are actually just bizarre machines that come with their own series of weird glitches; but aren't life-threatening. 

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Man Farts Into Microphone At A Red Carpet Event

"Alki I don't want to put my mouth on that. That's absolutely disgusting!" 

Submitted by: (via Trisimbol)

Tenant Gets Evicted, Lies About Eviction And Ends Up Paying $20K

Tenant lies about eviction, tries to say they're still on old lease, and ends up paying $20K.

This tenant got evicted and tried to lie their way out of the eviction by saying their old lease was valid. That didn't work out too well for them in the long run, and they ended up forking over $20K in a payout. 

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