Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Fan Makes Britney Spears Chuckle

Understandably, nobody could keep it together. An absolute golden moment. 

Submitted by: (via Britney Spears)

Man Promotes Renaming Boneless Chicken Wings

This guy is clearly not messing around. He's ready to face a very real problem head on. 

Submitted by: (via Matt Novak)

Teacher Rejects Mom's Request To Separate Daughter From Poor Classmate

Man, as far as helicopter parents cases go, this is one of the worst we've ever seen. This mom had the nerve to send a teacher an angry email about what kinds of kids she's comfortable with her daughter spending time with. Honestly, sounds like a nightmarish situation. Teachers really have to deal with all kinds of maddening BS. 


Text - r/AmltheAsshole + Join u/blueuglydolls • 22h Aita for telling a mom she doesn't make the rules in my classroom? Not the A-hole First year teaching (second grade) l'll try to make this quick. So let's call the two girls Hannah and kelly. Now Hannah's mom is on the PTA, very involved, it's clear they have money, and overall her kid is great. Now I noticed Hannah's mom being really hovery over her in the classroom when she would volunteer but whatever nothing crazy.. Hannah and kelly have be


Text - friends with her anymore because she didn't have a high Quality enough family that her family was junkie. Our school has a zero tolerance bullying and exclusion rule. When I went over to talk to Hannah she explained that her mom told her she couldn't be friends with Kelly for those reasons but that she really wanted to. I told Hannah her mom didn't make the rules for my classroom. Well I ended up getting a nasty email from Hannah's mom saying that it's her kid, she will decide who's frien


Text - This to me disgusting. If she doesn't allow them to play together outside of school that's her choice but l'm not playing those games in my second fucking grade classroom. I took the emails and my concerns to our principal who agreed with me. My own mother told me "parents have that right your being a little bit of an ass" So lay it on me I guess am I the asshole here? 5 4 2 7 1 8.6k 567 1 Share


Text - daslinda • 21h • Partassipant [1] NTA But be warned, that entitled mum is going to be a pain in your ass and not going to be the last... Good thing telling your principle right away. And for the future keep doing that, document everything to prevent hearsay. And at last: I wish you all the best as a teacher! Go on, teach the shit out of the children, become the best teacher you can be! With this to start, i know your gonna be an awesome one Reply 1 2.0k ...


Text - Pighillian • 22h • Partassipant [2] NTA She's a terrible mother who will only ruin her daughter's social life. Like you said, what happens outside the classroom is out of your control but don't let that kind of prejudiced bully behaviour into your classroom. Reply 9.4k ...


Text - wind-river7 • 21h • Pooperintendant [59] NTA. I would talk to the principal about having this woman doing volunteer work in your classroom. If she can't control herself around second graders, she may need to be reassigned to volunteer elsewhere. Reply 225


Text - Novel-Imagination94 • 21h NTA. What a horrible way to raise a child. I don't know why your mom would say she has that right, that's not how schools work. Reply 337 ...


Text - yoshivoicebottomtext • 22h NTA, she can't really expect you to enforce this in the classroom right? what a witch Reply 627 ...


Text - After_Refrigerator91 • 21h • Partassipant [1] NTA. Terrible mother. Good on your principal for having your back. You sound like a great teacher and they're lucky to have you! Reply ...


Text - Amazonwarrior14 • 21h NTA!!!!! As a teacher myself, I know the HUGE struggles of bullying and making sure everyone feels included. It's really not fair to tell any kid at that age that they can't play with another kid. Mom really doesn't have any control over the rules of your classroom. You're the professional with the degree. Would love to see her say all that in a meeting with an administrator and Kelly's parents if she tries to switch her daughter's class. You're doing the right thing


Text - catttmommm • 21h NTA But as a more experienced teacher, I think you could have handled it differently. I might have said something like, "even if we aren't friends outside of school, we can still be kind to everybody in our classroom community." What you said undermines her mom's authority, and while I think her mom is wrong, she's still her mom, and you don't want to send the message to kids that they can disobey their parents' rules when they aren't around (which is how a kid can easily


Text - dmcat12 • 21h • Partassipant [1] NTA. And I know you won't do it, but I would want to leak that email & attitude out to every other parent & let them know about Judgy McJudgerson up there on the PTA and see how far her little power trip lasts Reply 27 ...


Text - WhySoManyOstriches • 17h NTA. At ALL. Thanks to you, Hannah will become a compassionate and understanding human. TBH, my sister's best friends growing up BOTH had horrible home lives in less prosperous neighborhoods. Hanging out at our house gave them peace safety and a chance to see another way of living. They both now have amazing families/homes/college degrees. Because of "hanging w/ Hannah". And they have been amazing foster sisters and daughters to0- so it wasn't a one way street. Ke


Text - kostis12345 • 20h NTA, you are a good teacher and her mother is horrible. Also professionally speaking (I am a high school teacher) her mother's behavior is also out of line, she can't dictate to the school special rules of conduct for her daughter, moreso when they are based on classist prejudices. Reply 3 ...


Text - PigDoctor • 18h NTA NTA NTA. THANK YOU for doing what teachers should be doing when they encounter a situation like this. Many of the people I know (including myself) have experienced bullying that teachers overlooked (or even overtly participated in). A teacher like you could have made all the difference. Really, a second grader isn't responsible for her parents choices, even if they were much worse than described here. And as you said, this mom can choose not to let them interact outsid


Text - princesspurrito36• 19h nta. Not at all. But document, document, document. It cannot be said enough. About everything. You may find this parent will intervene on behalf of other students/ parents about any perceived slights or concern. Be very careful and deliberate with your words and cc your principal and/or counselor if appropriate. Ask for one of them to join you in all parent meetings/ calls with this parent. Better to be cautious and dot your i's and cross your t's. Reply ...

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Boss Gets Fired Unethically, Pro Revenge Ensues

What we have here is a painful example of nepotism at its very finest. It's this kind of shady behavior that has an unfailing, uncanny knack for sinking a company. We're just grateful that this particular employee was able to carry out the pro revenge that they did. Check out another juicy case of pro revenge with this aggressive girlfriend that had the audacity to steal from her ex's bank account.


Text - r/ProRevenge u/LS-CRX • 5h + Join Fire my boss unethically? Enjoy paying for my unemployment benefits! This took place more than a decade ago. I started working for a small branch of a company and got along really well with my boss (the branch manager) and used to compare him to Michael Scott (not to his face), I would have been Jim Halpert in this scenario. After working there for a while, my boss was approached with an "awesome" offer to go manage a bigger branch a few hours away. This


Text - Text - My boss graciously turned down the offer, his kids had just started at their new schools and he didn't want to uproot them again (he'd relocated to take the current position). This was not taken well by our corporate office, but they couldn't fire him for it... not directly. A few weeks later I saw our office manager (a lady nobody in the office liked) in my boss's office filing paperwork (or so it seemed) which was odd but not alarming. The next week my boss was going to be on vac


Text - None of us had lost our keys, we were all sitting together and could easily confirm this, so I texted my boss to ask him and he had no CLUE what she was up to. I got a bad feeling about what was happening. I called him after the meeting and told him to come by my house Sunday when he got back from out of town. I explained that I was 95% certain they were planning to fire him Monday, I didn't know what reason, I just had a gut feeling. I said it was too bad because if he was fired I wouldn


Text - So we did, and he was fired Monday (for misfiling paperwork of some sort), and I definitely did not go back to work. They tried calling me in, and I told them that my boss had fired me already. I took the proof with me to the unemployment office and was good to go... until they (former employer) disputed my claim. I had a hearing (on the phone) with the unemployment office and my corporate HR person: HR: "He wasn't fired, the paperwork he submitted with his claim isn't the right paperwork


Text - HR: "He was fired" Unemployment: "Why was he fired?" (getting exasperated) HR: *mumbles* "For doing paperwork incorrectly..." Unemployment: "Well that is hardly the fault of the terminated employee!?!! How is he to know that the paperwork is invalid that is coming from their supervisor?" They told my HR that they could rehire me or not, but my claim was valid. They couldn't rehire me because they'd already filled the position. Sol got to collect unemployment for a while before moving on t


Text - For the record, it is VERY likely that they would have "invented" a way of firing me after they got rid of my boss. Had they done that, they would have made CERTAIN that my termination was such that I wouldn't be eligible for unemployment, I took that power away from them by getting fired preemptively. I am also positive that when I saw the office manager in his office (while he was away) she was arranging the setup for him to be fired. 2 2 1 1 3.1k 135 1 Share

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Mistaken Brain Lords Who Believe They're Geniuses

Social media has given ridiculous people a place to insert their supposed genius into everyone else's lives. It could be that these absurd people think they're geniuses because they once took a bogus IQ test. Sometimes it's just a defense mechanism for not getting a joke. Sometimes people are so caught up in their own narcissism that they start to believe they have brain powers.


Text - ... O hrs Facebook for Android 2 Indonesia Outdonesia 8Memes 22 hrs e Like Comment A Share 1 share "Indo" in Indonesia comes from the Latin word for "India", thus your meme is metaphysically not funny. But nice try, thanks for sharing and welcome back! 12 brs Renly More Like


Text - @slothanova At least during the 1918 pandemic they had cocaine in their soda 6:06 PM 30 Jul 20 · Twitter for iPhone Coca-Cola Coca-Cola @CocaCola drgnstane 2020 blows, effective immediately we're putting the cocaine back in


Text - Pizza Hut Actually cocaine was removed from coke sometime in the late 1800s 12h 3 likes Reply Hide replies asto @ yo have a laugh... please. 1h 1 like Reply Hut Twish I could, this sounds really stupid but I think l'm too smart for mainstream humor. I always have this feeling to fact check shit most memes are so basic that they just seem unintelligent to me and not funny at all 1h Reply


Text - lam thinking of more than 10 theories of how and why our universe was created and who is god and i think of it every night it and it haunts my sleep


Text - 1 rok temu Loneliness is awesome tho. I like being that weird guy, sitting there emotionless and watching people. I like watching people and humans in general the lies they tell each other, them being fake it's interesting really, humans are so deluded it's fun to watch. 12 目2 2 ODPOWIEDZI


Text - T have, on many occasions, defended anonymous accounts. The threats and consequences are real for being who you are. The Jungian in me has to wonder, though, if anonymity is a hedge against integration. It allows you to flirt with the shadow, but never assimilate it 5:13 PM · Aug 14, 2020 · Twitter for Android


Text - Independently high Dunning-Kruger scores of tech bros and lefty post- Boomers with respect to stochastic processes work synergistically to keep Seattle at the vanguard of the movement to turn American cities into metaphorical and actual Dumpster fires. 7:37 PM · 8/13/20 · Twitter Web App


Face - I'm a turtle! Oh...and who is that on your back? That's Michelle. Pun You and 149 others 35 Comments 16 Shares A Share Haha Comment View 3 more comments 11 of 14 joe exotic in the back ground Like - Reply - 8m 1 Reply I'm too intelligent for this Like - Reply - 7m shell Like Reply - 6m know, I'm just too intelligent for this. I was like, "Me shell? My shell? But that doesn't seem right either. Damn illiterates" Like Reply 5m


Text - Well I used to beat grandmaster level computers. I don't play online at all but I also don't play games for anything meaningful. They are a device to learn in a quick format. No way Please let me play a game with you My intelligence quotient is 168. There's a reason l'm in on a scholarship in law school. Alrighty alright biggus dickus


Text - 3h My mother tested me at a young age and said that my IQ was around 140, That's more than most of the human race has. So before you have a conversation with me, understand that my intelligence is so unbelievably great that most of you imbeciles would not be able to comprehend. 1


Text - Stephen King O @StephenKing A priest, a minster, and a rabbit walk into a bar. The rabbit says, "I think I'm a typo." 01:12 07.08.20 · Twitter Web App 15,3K Retweets and comments 127K Likes 13h v Replying to @StephenKing It's spelled rabbi Steve. This is really embarrassing for you as an "author." O 118 27 15 O 542


Cat - New cat!!!!! Like Comment Share and 25 others like this. Wow.that cat is quite hirsute! Like Reply 01. 13 hrs hirsute? Like - Reply 11 hrs I take it you are not familiar with that word. It comes from the Latin hirsutus ("shaggy, hairy"). I am not like all the other dimwits who have a knee-jerk "ZOMG THAT IS A CUTE KITTY!" reaction. I see that cat, and my first thought is to comment on its appearance (but not in the way the ignorami do) And then I realized this would be an excellent teachin


Text - 4 years ago i like to watch old people laughing It 565 1 13 - 2 days ago G Really? Define what is 'old' to you? Are you old or are you infantile? I would enjoy analyzing you however you're IQ may be so low I may have to give up unfortunately as being concrete continuously would be very unstimulating; you could be referred out to another source. Take care of yourself and watch your words; as you may be taken the wrong way and l wouldn't want to see the outcome of your, sadly, lost soul. I


Text - Well for one i have a soul unlike you 2 Im smarter than almost everyone else around me which got me on the cia list Its not very fun + -5


Text - I love chatting up these girls at parties. "Oh hey Ali, I was just hearing about | your girlfriend's mom's summer house!" | smile psychotically in my extremely tight low cut dress & flee, only after i casually drop that i am writing my 5th book & teaching myself 4th century Greek 12:32 AM · 8/9/20 from Queens, NY Twitter for iPhone


Text - You ever think soo much you can feel your brain heating up. Who needs drugs to get fried when all you got to do is have a different circadian rhythm from the people around you. O Like Comment A Share 3

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Twitter Thread: Importance Of Science And Technology Education

There are people in this world that think that Wi-Fi and internet are the same thing. Just let that percolate for a second. Okay, moving forward, we live in an era completely dominated by technology, and that very technology continues to evolve at the kind of rapid pace that makes it pretty much impossible to keep up with. I mean, sh*t, we're looking at a future where we'll have the option to put actual computer chips in our brains thanks to Elon Musk. How about we don't go there? 


Text - Sulka Haro @sulka I think Clarke's Third Law, "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic" has emerged in full force during the last 10 years and its having a profound effect on the society. A thread: 11:40 PM · 31 Aug 20 · Twitter for iPhone


Text - Sulka Haro @sulka · 15h Replying to @sulka We all carry phones that are more powerful than supercomputers not too long ago, better cameras than most film cameras most people owned etc. Internet messaging is increasingly real time. Machine learning algorithms can perform tasks that look human. 1 27 4 76 Sulka Haro @sulka · 15h Most people have no idea who all of this works and don't have the skills and knowledge to start breaking down the technologies to comprehend what's going on. This is


Text - Sulka Haro @sulka · 15h Now that people are used to using devices that feel magic - “I know this is a device but I have no idea how this works" - the ground has become fertile for an increasing amount of beliefs about tech. Us humans want to understand things and create rationales when they're missing. 1 27 13 103 Sulka Haro @sulka · 15h We also hear about adjacent phenomena. Facebook tracks us and it's bad for privacy! Cyber criminals lurk in the internets and want to scam you! The less


Text - Sulka Haro @sulka · 15h P Thus, utter conviction corona tracker apps must have privacy issues! Doesn't matter if actual experts say otherwise - how does one evaluate if someone is an expert if your evaluation criteria is mostly belief based? 27 5 85 Sulka Haro @sulka · 15h This is also increasingly evident at large scale. People with no expertise make decisions on governmental IT systems and believe things they hear from sellers. Anything is possible! And because the magic is so advanced,


Text - Sulka Haro @sulka · 15h We now have magic incantations, too. “We'll conjure the spirit of Blockchain and it will solve all our problems." To people with deeper understanding of technology, many of these claims are ridiculous. But surely more advanced magic must exist, so these claims are true! 27 19 128 Sulka Haro @sulka · 15h And this is making me feel exasperated more and more frequently. Sadly, there is no fast cure. We need a deep change in the education system to pass understanding o


Text - Sulka Haro @sulka · 15h If you can educate people around you on tech, please do. Start from the fundamentals. Everything we see is incrementally built and none of the components are complicated if you get deep enough. It's just hard to decompile complex systems, especially if... it's magic. 27 23 141

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Man Takes Scammer On A Crazy Ride

There's nothing that melts our hearts quite like a scammer getting their time wasted, after trying to waste someone else's time (and money). This particular scammer got taken on the kind of journey that we could only hope taught him a necessary lesson. And that lesson is to NOT be a scammer. They are the bane of everyone's existence. 


Text - What do you need? I'm having a busy day and I am looking forward to surprise some of the staff with some gift cards, this goes a long way keeping people motivated and I want you to keep this confidential. Yes sir Can you purchase quickly on my behalf and what local store do you think we have around to complete this purchase? I'm Text Message


Text - considering Walmart gift card, Target gift cards, Amazon gift card or EBay Gift card. DoI have your attention? Yes sir, I can go to Target and buy them. make a purchase of 16 pieces of Target gift Cards $200 face value each ,then you gently scratch the card take a picture of the cards pin,attach and forward it to me. How soon can you get this done ?


Text - I want you to keep this confidential Ok, I'm going to Target right now. I'll text you Soon. Okay You know a lot of the people in the office love Chick-Fil-A...maybe I should get Chick-Fil-A gift cards...just a thought Make purchase of target Ok, l'll be at Target in about 10 minutes


Text - Okay How's work going on your end? Did you see the video I put in Inbox? Yeah... text me when you get to the store Ok. Sorry, I got to Target, but I complete forgot my facemask and I can't go in. I gotta go back to the office and grab it. I left it on the desk at work. I was too much in rush Sorry, boss. My bad


Text - Okay Text me when you get back to the store Also, just wanted to check when I get back to the office....l can ask about using the company card to buy the gift cards. I can tell them I need to get a few things for the office? No one should know, if that's okay with you Make use of the company card I want you to keep it confidential


Text - I will keep it confidential yes. I'm very crafty when it comes to secrets Do you get that ? Get what? I don't want anyone to know anything about the cards yet Okay Oh, yeah one will know. Text me when you get back to the store


Text - This is the like the last time you had me plan the birthday surprise and I went to Dairy Queen and got that really awesome cake for everyone and hid it in the back fridge...nobody knew. And when they found out. Boom! Okay They are going to be really excited about the Target Gift Cards... l'll keep you updated Okay


Text - How soon ? I'm hurrying. Jumping on freeway Got the company card Okay I got pulled over for speeding Sorry.


Text - I'm still going to go to Target, but I have to wait until the officer let's me go I just wanted to let you know it's going to take me a little bit longer How soon are you to the store ? After the officer gives me a ticket or hopefully writes me a warning... was going 30 miles over the speed limit, so I could get to Target and get this done for you quickly


Motor vehicle - Take me when you get to the store Do you think he'll give me a warning? Sorry, I'm just nervous...l've never been pulled over before Still waiting He gave me a warning!!...can you believe it! It's because be kno wmy ded whor




Text - about getting 20 Gift cards instead of 16 Can I get 20 instead? Let me see what's going on Driving. I'll text you when l'm outside What are you doing right now Driving to target You still want me to go to Target right? Yeah You can make purchase


Text - You can make purchase of 20 pieces Ok, thanks. Sorry it's taking me so long. Yeah Text me when you get to the store Ok. Take a picture for me Ok...almost there


Text - I'm driving on freeway TJ-max I'm out front of Target. Just parked. So l'll purchase cards and then head back to office and scratch them off in my office and send to you You can scratch the cards when you get to your car before heading back to office


Text - I don't have any change to scratch it off in my car... Okay Thanks. Oh, how will you be presenting the gift cards to everyone? Do you want me to get 20 cards? I can get some funny ones Do you want me to get some streamers? Just let me know... Ok, I didn't hear back, so I got some streamers. And I got the 20 Gift


Text - And I got the 20 Gift Cards with $20 each Are you done with the purchase Purchase 20 pieces of $200 target gift card Are you done with the purchase Do I have your attention? Yes! Crud...sorry. Ill back in to Target and get those adjusted Sorry. It was $200 each I got jumbled after the null


Text - I got jumbled after the cop pulled me over Are you there ? Hold on...I'm talking to the target person about adding more to each gift card Okay Оkay Okay You alright? You said okay three times Are you mad? Okay, she's going to


Text - Okay, she's going to adjust the balances. I'm just waiting. I know this may be an awkward time but when can we talk about that raise you've been promising me We've gone back and forth on this, but I really think that $2/hr raise will really help me at home. Let me know when you are done with the purchase Did you see what I said


Text - Did you see what I said about the raise? It okay .. I'm not mad Loved "It okay .. I'm not mad" Okay Okay? Wait, did you see what I said about the raise? Can we talk about this real quick? I kinda feel like you've been putting me off I think if you can't at least acknowledge me, then maybe I should consider just putting








Text - Yes sir Okay How soon Do I have your attention ? ?? Are you there ? I'll text you back in a minute. I'm still talking to Target car got broken into when I went into Target I can't believe this!!! I'm sorry boss. I'll text when 'nmdene tollking to


Tire - I'm sorry boss. I'll text when l'm done talking to security. The assholes even slashed my tires Look I till have the gift cards though, they weren't stolen


Text - Because they were with me Do you mind if I use the company card to pay for a Tow Truck and a ride back to the office? Scratch the cards pin off and send me the picture Do that now I'm outside, I can't do it right now. I mean, I guess could use one of the shards of glass...hold on...let me try it Are you there ?


Text - Okay Hold on, l'm sitting here on the hot pavement trying to scratch off these target gift cards with a shard of glass. I just cut my finger. Jeez...don't be so pushy I'm doing what you want Oh, you know you can just peel these things off? This is so much easier Ok. I'm sending you first picture Okay


Text - Is that good? I have gotten any picture yet Maybe it's taking a minute I sent it ok. Got a better one A357 T T 4TNSA OI3 DA0e 5 1501. ni urchas ance Cannor atafned illegaity tinchi be Eeditod Wat-Ada t du Canada Information sur le v le rec Wai Sarte e peut etre - 80-537 Ou de mare nt du em acemra e carte de e TA earte elle at tdeaver la carte sero e peset are b151 4099 7022 1811 PIN# 08S64 874 5AL 01363 08252


Text - Resend it Are you not getting my pics? Why don't I just give them to you at the office If you're having a hard time Take picture of the cards clearly Ok You might get another. It's a test from a Walmart gift card I got for Christmas from my mom in that a better shot for you?


Text - Is that the kind of shot you're looking for? Are you there Yes...are you there? l'm waiting for a tow truck Did you see my car? Can you believe that? Thank God they didn't steal my dakimakura pillow in the trunk. ? Did you see the text about my car getting broken into while I was at Target?




Text - This is my anime pillow... They didn't steal it in the trunk of my car... I was going to use my Target Gift card to buy two more and have a matching set My anime pillow has my attention...if you know what I mean


Text - I got the picture Scratch all the cards pictures carefully and send me the picture Ok. Did you see my anime pillow pic? That's waif waifu Here's my goodest boy with my other pillow




Text - of all 20 gift cards with $200 dollars each...are your ready? Do you have the cards with you and the receipt ? I have them all perfectly lined up and I have the receipt Are you ready? Yeah SCAMMERS... NICE TRY.. ASSHOLES!

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