Saturday, July 29, 2023

'Can I tell my job the REAL reason why I’m leaving?': Man is ready to quit thanks to his wildly difficult new boss

One of the biggest questions people ask themselves when they're getting ready to part ways with the job is whether or not they should be honest about their reasons for leaving. Sometimes, you gain a great sense of catharsis by laying it all out on the line. Breaking down your grievances to your management team before walking away gives you the chance to get everything off your chest and bare your soul with brutal honesty. 

But if you don't talk about your reasons for leaving, you definitely won't be burning any bridges. Without a burnt bridge, it's possible for you to return to that particular job in the future if things ever desperately need to. One man took to Reddit to ask the world whether or not he should explain his real reason for leaving his job

Ultimately, he's decided to put in his notice because the new boss he's been placed under has him doing the job of five people, working during his approved vacation time, and taking advantage of him in the most disrespectful ways. According to him, there's no way he'll stick around — regardless of any amount of money they might offer. 

Sometimes, when you're done you're done. Redditors who responded in the thread are encouraging him to stay at the job while putting in minimal effort so he can continue getting paid. Others are encouraging him to quit in hopes that he'll receive a severance package. Others are frustrated with him for agreeing to go along with some of his new boss's disrespectful requests in the first place.

'Interviewer can't handle the truth': Dude gets denied employment after being brutally honest in an interview

When you've been stuck in the interview process for too long, it starts to get exhausting. Slapping a new smile on everyday, answering the same 3 questions, and thinking of how to spin your greatest weaknesses into positive, work-related gibberish feels futile. Sorry Patricia, my greatest weakness is not my overly strong work ethic… my weakness is an entire box of Little Debbie Shortcake Rolls. After a while, it's irresistible to throw a little spice into an interview just to shake things up and see how it goes. In this case, one man had grown tired with the dull interviewing process and in order to satiate the ravenous appetite of a recruiter, he reluctantly agreed to do an interview with a company he didn't care for. 

Because of his blasé approach, OP found himself in a bit of a pickle, lackadaisically wandering into an employment trap and turning a simple question into lecture. Scroll for the full story of how one man showed his true colors to an interviewer after they asked him the driest, most boring question out there: "Why do you want this job?" …Cue the snarky, brutally honest response. After this, check out this story of a guy whose witty cleverness was actually rewarded when he used sarcasm to get out of an exorbitant hospital bill. 

'He wouldn't stop singing Hamilton': Top 30 Funniest Reasons People Dumped Their Exes

Sometimes in relationships, things don't work out for bizarre reasons. We've all been in situations where we've been dumped unfairly (at least I hope we've all been there). But every so often you find yourself in a position where you have to be the person who breaks things off. At first, you're shocked. You've always been in the other role, so this is completely new to you. You're consumed with conflicting ideas about how to go about this, what you would like to hear if the roles were reversed, what needs to be said, and what definitely does not need to be said. You may even arrive at a place where you're considering staying with the other person because you're not a confrontational person and staying would just be easier. Thankfully, you think again and you realize that despite your issues with confrontation, this next step is absolutely necessary.


So you force yourself to break up with your partner. It's not an easy thing to do, and they probably didn't take it well (can you blame them?). But even if the reason behind the breakup seems so incredibly singular and unique, we guarantee you that it is not as weird as some of the reasons you'll find below. These reasons include strange similarities between your boyfriend and your father, ridiculous disagreements about the shape of the earth, and even conflicts over what kinds of food they will eat.


Keep scrolling below for this list of reasons why people dumped their exes. When you're finished, feel free to take a look at this list of text messages people should not have sent.

'For five seconds, I thought this was a T-Rex': 20+ Peculiar photos with confusing perspectives

Photography can be so much fun for amateurs and professionals alike. These days, almost everybody has an iPhone, meaning you have a super high-quality camera in your pocket all the time. It's never been easier to capture snapshots of the world we see around us.

These people below caught some really cool photos, whether intentional or not. They're the kind of pictures that make you pause for a moment and stare at it as you try and figure out what in the world is going on! 

The best of these photos are the ones involving animals. They never know what's going on anyway, and they're content to laze around all day, as they should. Except for the cat who looks like she's sitting on a highway: she's a working animal on patrol, obviously. 

Scroll down to check out these cool photos. Then, on her boss's day off, this employee managed to automate their boss's whole entire job!

'Why are you so short and snippy?': Employee with sick parent reprimanded for being in a bad mood at work

One simply can't be happy-go-lucky at work all the time. It's not realistic, it's not truthful, it's not honest. And aren't we meant to be all those things in the workplace? As we all know, life comes with its ups and downs, and the realities of adulthood often involve a balancing act that can at times feel like too much to take on at once. 


This Redditor understands this concept all too well, as they were dealing with their ailing mother while trying to get through the work day five days a week. It got to the point that OP could barely perform a collected calm and started to get a bit abrasive at work. Everyone was informed of what was going on in their personal life, yet they continued to poke and prod. Eventually, OP was asked to go into a meeting with their superiors, who reprimanded them for being a curmudgeon. They showed no sympathy for what they were going through and even had the audacity to ask for their mother's estimated "expiration date" to prepare for the interrupted workflow. Seriously? Does it get more insulting than that? They were essentially treating OP's mother like a work conflict and nothing more. 


Thankfully, folks in the comments section were generous and thoughtful, which ultimately makes this a more wholesome read. Keep scrolling below for the full story and for the best reactions. When you're finished, here's another story about an employee who was asked to deduct money from their paycheck.

‘Everyone left the company on my first day’: New hire gets left in charge of IT systems after everyone quits

When getting hired by a company, the last thing you'd imagine to happen would be everyone leaving on your first day. But that's what happened to u/mTbzz, who was hired as a sysadmin. This company was using some pretty obscure software from IBM, so OP was walked through it. He even met the other 2 senior sysadmins and they had a good talk about experiences and the job. The next day OP found out that all three of these people would no longer be working at the company, and he was left with systems he didn't know how to maneuver, with no accounts, and no manual.

The absurdity doesn't end there… OP was told that he must call ISP to negotiate a new deal and switch their internet company in order to save money. This was never in OP's job description, and OP promptly told his boss that they should request that someone else do it. Tough luck, as OP's boss didn't give in. Scroll down to continue reading about the unraveling of events.

For more, here are customers who attempted to get their waiter fired after he laughed at their requests.

'It was tense when she walked in': Rude Karen pretends to be friends with the District Manager, gets put in her place when he shows up

Work in any customer-facing role, and at some point, you're bound to encounter someone demanding special treatment because they're friends with the owners or some other upper manager. Nine times out of ten, these people are absolutely full of it, and mentioning their name to the owner or manager at a later date will be met with an eye roll, facepalm, or "Who?" No, this person isn't their friend; in some cases, they might be a mutual acquaintance, but what kind of friend would go into their friend's business, be rude to staff, and demand free or discounted items? 

Sure, there are probably some jerk owners with jerk friends who treat staff poorly. This means it can often be hard to know when to comply with the "friend's" demands—to avoid being personally named in a complaint from someone who could be their closest mate—and when to shut it down.

When this entitled customer repeatedly treated staff at this chain restaurant poorly, name-dropping the district manager as if they were a close friend, they had the staff—who were worried about keeping their jobs—on a hook. It wasn't until the District Manager himself addressed the situation that her deceit was revealed—they were mere acquaintances and, even then, only through their kid's school.

Next, see this customer who left a 1-star review for a bike shop after they helped him for free.

'[My] software was the heart of the company': New management gets what they deserve after firing the IT guy who created their workflow software; he deletes the program on his way out

When you become the cornerstone of a company, it's unfathomable that management could ever fire you. In this case, a man who worked hard to become the heart and soul of a warehouse distribution company, was completely hoodwinked when management gave him the boot. OP had worked with the company for several years, cementing himself as a critical piece of the company's work flow. He took this a step further when he literally coded and created a new software (which was mobile AND desktop compatible) that allowed communication between the sales team and warehouse team to be seamless. With multiple gold stars on his lapel, OP felt invincible… That is, until new management came along. 

OP's old boss was fixin' to retire and when he did so, a new haughty manager came in and stomped all over the playground, beating his chest like a red-faced bully to assert himself over his new lackeys. Keep on scrolling to read about how one simple malicious compliance set this company aflame when the new manager overstepped his boundaries and stepped on OP's toes. In this tale you'll find treachery, villainy, and a climactic end to one man's career in the warehouse. 

For more employees who lit the company on fire just before walking out the front door, check out this story of a guy who hid all of the company's keys after turning in his resignation.