Saturday, February 4, 2023

'Stupid, but sweet': Kevin tries to ask girl out, accidentally commits arson

While trying to ask his crush to the Sweetheart Dance, one teenage goofball took his prom-posal to the extreme. 

What's the most creative way you've ever asked someone out? For many of us, it may be as boring as writing a card or just asking the person. But that didn't fly back in the day, as u/Smoke_Water shared to Reddit. He reminisced about his high school days, and the lengths that his dumb friend, Skip, took to get the girl of his dreams.

The girl was Sally, and as u/Smoke_Water wrote, she was hard to impress. He and his friends sat around spitballing ideas for Skip to use to ask her to the big dance. Skip decided to take the nuclear option! 

Next, check out these people who spilled the times that they instantly knew they weren't going to like someone, whether that be a neighbor, coworker, or even a student's parent. 

"'Wait...why is it so far over budget?' my boss asks": Update! Stingy bookkeeper Karen faces annual review, gets unwelcome surprise from management

Get ready for this incredibly satisfying update from one person who cashed in some malicious compliance at their workplace. 

As u/newtekie1 shared in 2022, they had to drive between two workplaces in their personal car, meaning that they relied on the company to reimburse any travel costs. But when Karen arrived at this workplace, she was determined to make budget cuts that made her look good, while inconveniencing basically every employee. She was such a penny pincher that she demanded the OP take the shortest drive between offices, even though the OOP tried to explain that that would add costly tolls each journey. 

Now, six months later, this Redditor is back with a wild update. It's finally time for Karen to get her comeuppance! And luckily for the OOP, they were able to catch the attention of upper management, who could actually do something about this Karen's role in the business. 

Speaking of Karens, one woman shared these tales about her mother's oddball antics in restaurants, and wondered if maybe, just maybe, her mom was a Karen.

'He's blatantly lying and making me out to be the bad guy': Shady Older Brother Sabotages His Sibling's New Relationship, Betraying His Family and Keeping Secrets From His Own Wife

Brotherhood is a sacred relationship. Typically, that sort of bond can't be broken, nor would anyone risk damaging their brotherly relationship because of pettiness, mean insults, or least of all, because of a girl. Well, one man proved that brotherhood is not as sacred to some, because he pretty much threw his own biological brother under the bus, effectively ending his relationship with his long-time girlfriend, publicly shaming his drug rehabilitation, and driving a very large wedge between them. On top of that, this shady older brother was hiding the entire situation from his own wife, showing his truly pathetic colors to the entire Internet. 

This story was aired out recently on Reddit, where the younger brother (let's call him Danny) went online to ask for advice on how to handle the situation wisely, thoughtfully, and honestly, to just to get an outside opinion on things. Danny explained that he used to be a drug addict and had been clean for over a year. While he was turning his life around, he met a young woman who he was truthful with about his past; they loved each other and eventually found an apartment to move in together. Everything was looking great in Danny's life until, out of the blue, his girlfriend broke up with him, claiming false accusations and sharing a ton of weirdly detailed information about things that never happened. She took off.

Well, Danny was suspicious about the whole situation immediately because one of the incidences she brought up as one of the reasons she couldn't continue dating him was an extremely delicate subject that he shared with only two people: Danny's therapist and his older brother, who we can call "Greg".

Apparently shady-Greg shared some deeply personal information with the girlfriend, driving her away from Danny on purpose. On top of that, after planting seeds of doubt, Greg gave the girlfriend a huge chunk of money so that she could go off on her own and find a new apartment. Danny confronted Greg about his deceptions and the whole situation escalated. Greg openly humiliated Danny and went off on how he was unreliable and a failure, but when Mrs. Greg walked in, he hushed the whole conversation, attempting to keep her out of the loop. Greg convinced Danny's girlfriend to break up with him, but doesn't want his wife to know. Sketchy, right?

Danny couldn't believe the lengths that his older brother would go to ruin his life. The backstabbing alone is enough to drive someone away, but from your own brother it's so much more painful. Commenters on the post agree that Greg is a POS and that Danny should tell the wife about the entire situation, because something here seems a bit fishy.

'That would be the last time they saw my kid': Overprotective Mother Scorches Her New Boyfriend for Taking Her Teenaged Daughter on a Motorcycle

Motorcycles are dangerous, everybody knows that. In fact, that's the reason why so many people think it's hot to ride a motorcycle. There's something about the complete lack of self preservation, danger, and rebellion that we feel when looking at a guy on a bike. But there's a line that can be crossed when it's no longer cool and rebellious to be on a bike and it's simply dangerous, scary, and reckless, especially when it comes to your teenager. One Redditor, a motorcyclist and part-time bad boy, recently learned the hard way what happens when you cross that line, potentially ruining his relationship and setting up a teenaged girl for a lifetime of biker guy fetishes. 

The man recently posted on AITA, wondering if he was being a jerk to his girlfriend (whom he was about to move in with). She had asked him to pick up her 14 year old daughter after school and he happily obliged, not specifying that he would be picking her up on his motorcycle. OOF.

The man was excited about a potential bonding moment with the teenaged girl, considering they were just about to move into his house, and he took it upon himself to load her up onto his motorcycle without the mom's explicit permission, going on a nice little joyride in the mountains before returning home. When the girlfriend found out later that evening, she was absolutely livid that her teenager was on the back of the motorcycle, scorching the Earth where the man stood for endangering her daughter. Shocked, the man wondered if he might have screwed things up with his girlfriend and, in Reddit's opinion, he certainly screwed the pooch on this one. 

'That was insanely disrespectful of you': Woman gets annoyed at sister who made family dinner

Cooking is such a personal thing, especially when you're cooking nice warm meals for the family you love. You have to take the time to look up a recipe, write down all those ingredients, shop, chop it all up, and stand at the stove stirring everything together. The best part is when the meal turns out beautifully and you get to serve it to your hungry spouse, relatives, or kids. 

Of course, there are many differences between families and between how they share their meals together. Some people have all their dinners together as a family, where they can bond and talk about their day. Other people tend to watch TV while they eat, or will eat alone. All of these are fine, of course. But for the OP, the main problem here is communication with her sister. I hope she apologizes to her sibling after all the hard work she put into making this meal! 

Next, read one this amazing Kevin story – one OP shared his experience as a teenager, helping his friend try to find the perfect way to ask out the girl of his dreams. Too bad that plan went up in flames

'Your MIL is LITERALLY TOXIC': Guy's MIL gets defensive after major babysitting bathroom fail

This lady makes a compelling candidate for the worst mother-in-law! This thread, which was posted to Reddit's r/AmITheA**hole subreddit by the appropriately named username u/CharminUltraSoft316, details how the original poster and his wife came home to discover that their mother-in-law had not cleaned up after their kids' unfortunate bathroom fiasco. And when we say she didn't clean up, we mean that there was poop everywhere: in the sink, on the toothbrush, everywhere.


For context, the mother-in-law gets paid to watch their kids each week, but now the future of that relationship is clearly up in the air. After confronting their mother-in-law, she got super defensive and accused the Redditor and his wife of being slobs in addition to a variety of other insults (including calling her daughter fat). After all of that, it makes total sense why they disinvited their mother-in-law from their son's upcoming birthday party. Hopefully, they can have fun without her, and hopefully, their son doesn't have another accident.


For more content like this, here's a post about an aggressive Kevin.