Monday, February 28, 2022

Boss Ridicules Employee After They Work Overtime on Their Day Off, Employee Quits

In this viral post, commenters are shocked about this employer's behavior and support the worker's subsequent decision to leave.

Worker u/issathrowaway2 has posted to the r/antiwork subreddit seeking advice, and a little understanding, from discontented fellow workers. They describe working for a small, family-owned business that wraps cars. They are 24 years old and note that it is their first job in this industry. 

This latest incident has caused them to throw in the towel, but u/issathrowaway2 has been looking to leave this job for at least six months. They only decided to stay on longer once they were, begrudgingly, given a raise. 

Their boss had asked them to come in on their day off and help out as they had some "good customers" who were demanding same-day service on a Saturday. When what was supposed to be a 2-hour job ended up taking 10, they had to cancel the freelance appointment they had booked to make it work. 

When they came in the next day... They learned that the entitled customer had complained over an insignificant detail. After being berated by the boss for this, it was all over.

Wholesome Memes To Refill That Health Bar

It's important to acknowledge, at least sometimes, that we are human beings with thoughts, feelings, and goals. As much as we'd like to say that the world around us doesn't affect our usually chipper selves, it does. Like, oodles. And that's why it's important to remind oneself of the smaller, nicer things about life that give us a sense of purpose. Do wholesome memes solve any real problems? No, but that's not the point. It's about being able to re-center yourself enough to face the day with a fresh sense of meaning and composure.

It's also about finding animal pictures that you can send to your friends. But hey, if wholesome memes give you a means to make your friends happy, then that's a noble purpose too.

We're all traveling old-timey hobos on this journey of life. Sometimes it's important to hitch a ride on the vibes train down to well-being station. And hopefully you don't get hassled by railroad police who are looking for any excuse to beat you with iron rods of disappointment.

Here are some more blessed images to serve as a reminder that some things are nice.

New Owner Lets Company Burn, Employee Yoinks Whole Business

This employee was fine and dandy working for his old boss Steve, but when the company was sold to a less-than-worthy 3rd party, things kinda went to crap.

But even so, OP made a point to do good work, and none of their clients even knew about this Kyle guy, so things just sort of kept rolling. That was until they hit a breaking point. 

But in the end, as if written by Tolkien, the true owner of the business emerged. A champion of client services.

This employee took things into his own hands and launched a full scale assault to pick up all those clients with a totally new business. Kyle didn't even know what hit him, and the guy just had to back off and concede that he'd been beaten.

Under most circumstances, stealing your employer's clients would probably result in a giant lawsuit, but they didn't go there and OP skated by like a goddamn champion.

Red Flag Job Interview Moments When People Knew They Weren't Gonna Take The Gig

We've all had moments in our lives when we've been happy to take whatever job we can get. Luckily, once you get a few years of experience under your belt, you get to the point where, not only do you have the ability to turn down horrible job offers, but you've also been to enough weird job interviews that you have the wisdom to look for job interview red flags.

Luckily for prospective job seekers, bad bosses are pretty stupid, argumentative, terrible liars who will usually show their true colors during the interview. And sometimes they'll just say some totally bonkers garbage like "I need you to sign this piece of paper saying that you are fine with my not paying you for 5 months."

Working for a crap employer is one of the most sure-fire ways to make yourself miserable, and it looks like these people were able to dodge some pretty serious bullets with their gut feelings and a dash of "oh hell na."

Dungeons And Dragons Memes For The Beautiful Dorks Out There

Sure, the real world has its perks. You get to taste food and go on waterslides. But honestly, this place doesn't hold a candle to the enthralling world of fantasy that we can create in our own minds. With some just some dice, a few pieces of paper, and one friend who would rather spend their time ordering everyone around than playing themselves; we can inhabit strange worlds, be great warriors, and kill any innkeeper we want because they refused to serve our orc necromancer.

But this world of fantasy has its challenges. We must stay on the good side of the dice, think on our feet, and avoid drinking random potions we find on the ground.

But hey, if you drank the bubbling ground poison, at least you can make another character who has high enough perception to notice the skull and crossbones and label that says "poison-do not drink."

And here's a delectable dose of dungeons and dragons memes to inspire your next campaign.

Guy Quits on the Spot When Boss Calls Him a Liar, Never Signed the Non-Compete

Redditor and r/antiwork subscriber u/usedallmypowerups posted this story to the popular subreddit today.

r/antiwork is a subreddit that has been gaining huge momentum on Reddit as the "Great Resignation" goes into full swing. People have been increasingly sick of poor working conditions and horrible bosses and are taking their fate into their own hands as they break out into new fields and ventures. The movement has received increasing support as people share their experiences to commiserate and educate one another and encourage work reform.

In u/usedallmypowerups' story, they describe something that happened to them "a number of years ago" when they were working for a startup. The startup turned out to be a "glorified temp agency" due to its poor working conditions and high rate of turnover. ey describe that their boss was an absolute jerk and it was not out of the ordinary for him to lash out at employees.

That boss would soon learn that there is only so much abuse people can take.