Friday, June 16, 2023

Top TGIF Memes for Employees Running on Empty Who Need it to be the Weekend ASAP

Some work weeks hit harder than others. This week, the wind was sucked out of your sails and you're spiraling towards Earth with nothing on your mind except happy hour drinks on Friday at 5PM. Thank god it's Friday! Weekday warriors can all agree that no matter what kinds of projects you're working on, the second the clock strikes for lunch on that lovely last workday of the week, it's all gossip, water-cooler chatter, and busy work until you're finally set free into the world with fully developed weekend plans on your mind. Ahh, the loveliness of the two days you have to yourself is immeasurable. All those at-home projects you gave yourself– cleaning the shed, fixing that squeaky door, and sending your great aunt a thank you card– can all wait. We're looking for FUN ONLY this weekend to recover from useless Zoom calls, corporate babble, and a whole lot of BS work on Excell.  Long live the weekend!

'She told me that I am being a jerk': Wife last-minute cancels catering service for 20 people insists husband helps

If you change a plan, especially at the last minute, you need to take responsibility for the increased workload that you've made for everyone. This principle holds true even when you suddenly decide to cancel a catering service because you'd rather cook for 20 people yourself. If you have the ability and time and would like to take on that task, more power to you, but don't expect others to give up their time and energy to help out when they were quite happy with the original option in the first place.  This is the scenario that this husband posted about on Reddit's r/AITA subreddit when his wife, along with his brother's wife, decided to cancel the catering service that he had arranged for his mother's retirement party. The wives thought they would take it upon themselves, but the husband's wife grew angry when he refused to help her with the undertaking, calling him sexist for leaving the women to cook. Reddit has sided with the husband on this one. What's your take? After you've passed judgment here, check out this husband who wouldn't stick up for his wife when his friend was feeding their cat toxic food.

'We got here first so we got dibs': Woman kicks entitled friend out of Airbnb for demanding nice bedroom

This friend really believes in calling dibs, also known as the rule of the land in most situations. If you run to the car faster than anyone else, you get dibs on where you sit, or if you call dibs first on movie night, you get to pick the film. But this friend is calling dibs on something else entirely — the room she's choosing to sleep in during a vacation with her friends.  U/yayabanana17 wrote to r/AmItheA**hole to settle an argument. As she explained, the group was planning to travel with eight people, comprised of three couples and two single people. The OP was in charge of renting the Airbnb, so she chose one with four bedrooms, then asked the group if that was okay, and everyone agreed. But once the friends got to the Airbnb, one of them had called dibs on a room she wasn't intended to have.  The OP responded in the comments section to numerous requests for information. Commenters were torn between saying the OP should get to have any room she wants, and saying that the friend was still paying for other parts of the trip, and had equal rights to the room she wanted. Just because the friend is single, doesn't make her any less entitled to the king bed — or at least that's what some commenters believe.  Decide for yourself with the story below. Then, send some of these sassy work memes to your office besties. 

'Its a lot of money for them to pay': Employee volunteers for expensive training course only to leave the company a few months later

This, folks, is how to get back at your boss! Not only did this Redditor manage to find a way to get three paid days off work, but they're also learning a valuable skill they can take with them elsewhere when they leave the company. Essentially, this office finally need to comply with rules and had to pay for an expensive first aid training course for a couple of employees.    OP volunteered knowing they were going to be leaving the company shortly afterward, but their bosses have no knowledge of their future at the company just yet. This perfect sabotage means that they will have to pay yet again for another employee's first aid training right after the Redditor departs. As OP mentioned, it may be a small win, but it's a "win-win" for them. Now, they'll have a skill they can put on their resume, they get to forgo their duties for a few days, and they get to enact a little petty revenge along the way.   For more stories like this, here are some of the top petty revenge tales!

Top 24 Starter Pack Memes of the Week

The concept of starter packs started way back when the internet was way cooler than it is now. It essentially refers to a compilation of various items that encapsulate the essence of a specific activity, and the objective of creating said starter pack is to playfully satirize and mock said activities via related items. If you'd say it sounds like a bundle of stereotypes, technically, you'd be correct. It is the stereotype manual for those who are just entering a particular domain, while simultaneously offering an amusing way to depict or poke fun at it. It's worth noting that Redditors, denizens of the popular online community, ahem, Reddit, who we may have some light beef with at the moment, particularly revel in the enjoyment of a well-crafted starter pack, thus giving rise to the plethora of social memes you will encounter below. While starter packs inherently possess a humorous and light-hearted nature, we'll have you know that they also serve a somewhat practical purpose, proving valuable to people who are novices in a specific area of interest or hobby, seeking guidance on how to embark upon their new endeavor. Okay, that last part is a little bit exaggerated, but you get the gist of it. Scroll down for the best starter packs of the week. For more, here is an employee who attempted to get their coworker fired, but failed miserably at their plan.

'Am I wrong for physically taking food away from [my] coworker?': Employee spots their new replacement stealing coworkers' food from the office

There's nothing like an office party to figure out who's really a team player and who isn't. This Redditor was leaving their company and had spent the last two weeks on the job training their replacement, Amy. OP's boss threw a "going away" party that happened to have a ton of leftovers. Now, it's quite clear from this post that OP is a team player who always thinks about the well-being of their coworkers (personally, this mentality is foreign to me). They ensured that all leftovers would be divided equally among the coworkers so everyone could take some food home.   However, Amy was the anti-team player in this situation. She tried to take more than her fair share home, to the point that OP had to physically remove some of those leftovers from her hand. What a way to make a strong impression during your first two weeks on the job, Amy!   For more stories like this, here's one about a new manager's dress code policy.