Saturday, January 31, 2015

Jesus Helps Those Who Helps Themselves. And Study.


Submitted by: (via daltonjboyd)

Tagged: teacher , response , test , burn

Well Played, Delivery Guy

Admit it, You Did This

broner,dude parts,nostalgia

Submitted by: (via Acid Cow)

Not-So-Hidden Fees

Teenagers Will Argue About Literally Anything, Like Chicken Nuggets

9 of the Worst Date Stories We've Ever Heard

horrible,wtf,bad idea,stories,dating

Sure, everyone has been on a few bad dates now and again. But, if you find yourself in the level of dating hell we're showing you here today, I'd think about moving to a different country.

Submitted by:

Congratulations M'am, It's a Game-Winning Hairline

So That's Why You Wait Three Days

Apology of the Day: Comcast Sorry for Changing Subscriber’s Name to A-Hole

customer service,comcast,cable,prank

Here’s yet another reason to join the cord-cutting revolution.

A man in Spokane, Washington was surprised to find out that Comcast had changed his name from Ricardo Brown to “a**hole” Brown on his most recent bill.

He and his wife Lisa had been trying to cancel their cable subscription with the company, which should have been a very simple process.

But it was not.

They first reported the issue to consumer advocate Christopher Elliott, who wrote:

Instead of complying immediately, a representative escalated her call to a retention specialist, who tried to persuade her to keep the cable service and sign a new two-year contract.

His wife said she was not being rude, but the Comcast customer service agent decided to get back at them for not taking the offer in the most passive aggressive and childish way possible.

Elliot spoke with a Comcast rep who eventually apologized.

“We have spoken with our customer and apologized for this completely unacceptable and inappropriate name change,” he said. “We have zero tolerance for this type of disrespectful behavior and are conducting a thorough investigation to determine what happened. We are working with our customer to make this right and will take appropriate steps to prevent this from happening again.”

The company also promised to fire the employee responsible and has offered to both waive the $60 cable cancellation fee (how generous) and provide a refund of their two years of cable service.

Submitted by: (via Elliott)

Well, That's Sure Something

beer,drunk,eww,shot gun,funny

Submitted by: Unknown

Tagged: beer , drunk , eww , shot gun , funny