Sunday, December 18, 2022

Guy pettily trolls rich neighbor Karen who is mad about a new road joining her neighborhood to a 'poor' one

We're often told in life that we should always do the right thing, but what is one to do when the right thing is also wrong? Perhaps, this quandary is the best way to consider the situation at hand in this story. This guy has taken to pettily trolling his rich Karen neighbor, who is infuriated by the fact that public works have just completed a project that has added a road connecting her upscale neighborhood to a poorer one. 

It's pretty safe to assume that this Karen is probably just one of those people who resist advancement of any kind and have excuses for why no changes should ever be made to anything ever. 

Keep scrolling to see screenshots of the post and reactions. There's something totally glorious about baiting the rage of an irrational individual; after all, it is one of the oldest art forms on the internet. For more light trolling, check out this idiot who insisted a guy's house was a Chinese restaurant.  

Funniest End of the Year Memes for Employees Whose Current Workload is Becoming a 2023 Problem

The best part of the holiday season is that sweet spot on the calendar between Thanksgiving and the New Year where everyone's work comes to a complete stand still. Society just understands that we might as well chill during this time frame and it's completely normal for people to simply put an away message on their email that says, "OOO—Let's circle back in 2023". Those spreadsheet issues are just going to have to wait until January to be solved. 


Maybe it's become normalized because everyone is using up the last of their PTO, giving up on Q4 goals, and cracking a beer at 11am so that they can endure their family members who have decided to stop by with cookies every other day to get in the holiday spirit. Whatever you need to do to survive the holidays is definitely not going to include late nights at the office or working overtime. 2022 is over and any work problems are simply going to roll over into next year. 

'I reported him to the school admin, he's now banned from the property': These people got to say, 'You have no power here'

In life, there will always be people you don't get along with perfectly. For the most part, people tend to keep the peace and not destroy relationships. But as these people below shared, when someone no longer has power over your life, it can be the perfect time to gloat!

On the r/askreddit sub, the question was posed: What was the best "you have no power here" moment you have ever seen? And people sure had some entertaining answers! Their tales of sweet sweet revenge against their parents and bosses are wildly entertaining. Some people grow so powerful in their roles as bosses or parents that they start talking to people however they want, being rude or entitled. It's really satisfying to see these folks get their comeuppance after months or years of toxic behavior. In some cases, their own words were used against them. 

Scroll down to read the Reddit community's finest power-trip anecdotes. After that, gobble up some family drama of these people who spilled about how their fam has utterly destroyed their meals. 

'My bike got swarmed by 8000 bees': 20 Bike fails for motorcycle maniacs and bicycle brethren

Biking can get you from point A to point B, or it can be a great way to kill time just for fun. Many people start biking from the time they're children all the way through adulthood. But of course, just like with any sporty activity, there are some risks. Aside from possibly face planting into the ground, there are cars to deal with, oh and the high cost of even owning a bike! Check out these memes below, and always wear your helmet. 

Then, check out this story of an employee's last day gone wrong, with an update of how they handled it with their furious boss. 

'My sweet, beautiful family doesn't suspect a thing': Lying husband sneaks to hotel room to binge eat peanuts

Consider this a different kind of with a jar of peanut butter instead of a human. Regardless of the specifics, you can tell that this lie has been weighing on the husband's conscience. He shared his story via this thread on Reddit's r/TrueOffMyChest subreddit, and like many folks in the comments section, I was surprised to see this confession go in a very different direction than what I was expecting.


The facts are these: the Redditor, who has a daughter with a serious peanut allergy, rents a hotel room every few months and tells his family that he has a business trip. What's really happening is that he is getting his peanut fix. We're talking Reese's Pieces, a jar of Skippy, peanut butter cookies, the works. This dude literally eats himself to sleep. Then, like any lying husband, he gets rid of all the evidence and returns to his wife and kid. At this point, we suggest transparency, but we also want to acknowledge that this guy is giving the kind of unexpected wholesome content we love to see this time of year. On the scale of lies, this one is obviously mild. 


Keep scrolling below for the full story. For more, check out this story about an actual cheater

Company won't compensate employee for missed $1000 event, pays $5000 for round trip international flight instead

Sometimes you can't help but wonder if corporate executives have ever heard the expression "cutting off one's nose to spite one's face" as they seem to repeatedly make illogical decisions based on half-baked policies that really only hurt the business in the long run. Usually, it's as simple as the fact that someone decided something once, and that's just the way it's going to be forever. It can also be because something is easier on the books, and therefore that's the way it's going to be even if it actually costs more. 

Stories like this pop up in Reddit's r/MaliciousCompliance subreddit every week, and we're not close to growing tired of them. This particular thread was posted to Reddit's r/MaliciousCompliance subreddit by Reddit user u/Modokon, who shared the bewildering situation they faced when they asked their employer to compensate them for an event they couldn't reschedule. 

Keep scrolling to see screenshots of the post and reactions. For more workplace MC, check out this angry client who insisted that IT guys work during the week and disrupt their business. 

'I will throw him in the pool tomorrow at 1. If something happens to him you are responsible': Rude entitled Aunty demands free swimming lessons for her son

One mom did not hold back while demanding swimming lessons for her son - for free. This text exchange is between an "Aunty," and a swim tutor. For some time, the swim teacher had been giving free swim lessons to kids, even when offered money, just to be nice. But some people are so entitled that they'll ruin a good thing! This Aunty demanded that the teacher bend over backwards to accommodate her "anxious" son. By anxious, she means he doesn't like to be around other kids. She also demands to change the time so that the water will be warmer, and even scolds the babysitter for the crime of…replying several minutes later to a text message. 

In my opinion, the swim teacher is way too nice here, she is very polite throughout the entire exchange. The entitled Aunty, however, is completely out of her mind. She doesn't even attempt to be gracious or thankful for the FREE swim services the teacher is offering. 

Check out this infuriating text convo below. After that, the commenters gave the swim instructor great advice for how to humiliate the entitled Aunty in front of the other parents. I'd love an update to know if the teacher did get any other parents involved. 

After that, check out these interesting "pointless" stories of people's odd day-to-day fails.