Saturday, November 27, 2021

Entitled Coworker Keeps Stealing Desk, Alarm Clock Revenge Ensues

Entitled human beings are the bane of our existence. They come dashing out of the woodwork, and stir up all kinds of negative energy with their unyielding tidal wave of irrational demands and inconsiderate behavior. In this instance, we have a particularly insensitive coworker who feels comfortable taking what is clearly someone else's desk. Well, the dude definitely got what was coming to him. Those alarm clocks will get ya, man. Check out some more juicy revenge drama with this company that wouldn't hire an employee full time, and went on to regret it

Employee Realizes They Were Used In Work Plot Years Later

Work politics are weird, and having a shady figure with unclear motives is pretty much a standard boss. In this case a guy realized that his boss hadn't ignored his advice, but used it in order to prove a consultant wrong. Sort of weird and deceptive, but also clever and effective. For a boss with a more direct approach, here's a boss who used an eye gag to remove problem customers.

Downhill Skier Makes Insane Save After Crashing At 75MPH

Anyone who has ever skied knows that the sport can bring with it gnarly moments where you lose control while ripping down a slope, and wipe out like you never thought possible. Now, factor in the fact that this downhill skier was screaming down the mountain at a measly 75MPH, and then consider the fact that they were still able to make a recovery, and you've got nothing short of a miraculous event. 

Man Crashes Multimillion Dollar Yacht Into Pier

This isn't the first time we've seen someone make a complete fool of himself with a pricey new toy that he doesn't understand how to work in the first place, and we're sure it won't be the last. Clearly this guy missed memo on it being necessary to slow the boat down as you approach the pier. 

Funny Tweets To Remember Later and Chuckle Quietly

Is there a word for "observation that seems poignant in the moment and then sort of gets instantly muddled into the background noise of your head, only to pop up at the most inappropriate moment?" If not, that's kind of what tweets are. That's not a bad thing, they're fun. Balls of wit make up some of the great funny tweets and tumblr gems to quote later.

Entitled Folks and Their Restless Demands

Most people have a sense of decorum, but there's always some entitled person out there who's going to make a totally unreasonable demand and then act baffled and hostile when they don't get their free ice cream or car. It can be anyone and anything. A neighbor who wants a lawnmower, an ex who wants a Netflix password; anything. Nothing gets past these entitled people with laughable boldness.

Scientific Diagrams That Look Unintentionally Hilarious

Maybe these would makes sense with a few pages of physics or psychology textbook before and after, but as is, these scientific diagrams just look like jokes. The sheer lack of context is the engine that drives forward the strangeness, but it almost seems like textbook writers wanted to make this stuff as weird as possible.

Stupid Rules That Backfired Immediately

People want order, and in any institution like work or school that's usually a good thing. The problem is, the powers that be tend to get overzealous with what kind of standards they can make people cooperate with, and you end up with great loopholes and other terrible ideas with unintended consequences. There's a delicate balance of what stupid junk people are willing to tolerate.

Karen Goes Through Angry Mental Gymnastics Over Parking Space

The parking lot can bring out the very worst in someone. People can get all kinds of nasty, territorial, and straight up entitled over a parking space. In this case, we have an angry Karen who went out of her way to hassle an employee who was just trying to start up their work day, over a parking space that was rightfully their space to begin with. With that being said, picturing the look of pure and unadulterated rage on Karen's face when the manager closed the door when she was in the middle of her temper tantrum is enough to make one's heart glow with satisfaction. 

Weird, Bad and Absurd DIY Situations

A whole lot of us have looked at some fixture in our home and thought "man, it wouldn't be too difficult to gussie that thing up a bit. I could borrow Doug's saw and crack that baby open. Maybe throw some extra pipes in there. Yeah, I could have a super toilet." Most of us who have that thought realize very soon after that it's not as easy we might think it is. The rest of us go for it and end up with some low budget DIY engineering solutions.

Ridiculous, Random and Stupendous Tumblr Gems

Get a bunch of people spewing words at each other and you're bound to catch some verbal lighting in a bottle. Whether it's people trying to remember the weirdest parts of their childhoods or complete strangers attempting to bond over extremely specific references, tumblr hits hard with the shiny tumblr gems.

Dude Accidentally Spends $800 on Wine

Like most reasonable people, we're out to find a bargain. Sadly when your brain malfunctions over exchange rates, things can get hairy. It's gotta be hard to take a sip of anything and think "well there goes the cost of a whole pizza." At least for once in your life it's probably good to do something absurd? Here are people's reckless uses of money they don't regret at all. For some worse prospects, here's some of the dumbest financial advice people gotten.

Humorous Tumblr Post Imagines College Students Living With Addams Family

Leave it to the creative and wandering minds of Tumblr to entertain the kinds of ideas the rest of the world would otherwise overlook. Like, you know, what it'd be like to live with the Addams Family as a college student. Basically, you'd be able to count on a rent-free kind of living situation that's counterbalanced by acts of constant sword fighting chaos, and some very nitpicky editors when it comes time to write your thesis. Check out some more gold from Tumblr with this recent thread about the summonable evil whales of Iceland

Funniest Things People Have Seen In Classrooms

Someone on AskReddit got a fun thread going about the most ridiculous things that people have witnessed in classrooms. Classrooms have an uncanny ability to bring out people's most devilish behavior. The tomfoolery very well could be a manifestation of people just getting bored out of their minds, and trying to keep themselves entertained. These might remind you of that one time you witnessed a full-fledged class clown create chaos in an otherwise peaceful classroom. 

Most Ridiculous Reasons Adults Threw Temper Tantrums

Just because you grow older and occasionally more wizened by the endless series of curveballs that life decides to throw your way doesn't mean that you're not susceptible to giving in to a full on childish temper tantrum. Sometimes, you simply wake up on the wrong side of the bed, and you hit your breaking point out of nowhere. Or, perhaps you end up being on the receiving end of a particularly irrational breakdown. Maybe you're out and about, minding your business at a grocery store, waiting in line patiently, only to end up seeing an adult completely lose themselves over an item that they thought was discounted, but come to realize is actually selling at full price. Or, better (worse?) yet, you're out driving around and realize that you're sharing the road with another driver who seems bent on making everyone else's life miserable by recklessly navigating the road with nothing but rage in their eyes.

You really never know when you're going to cross paths with someone who has ceased to maintain their grasp on peace. The moment that you witness that temper tantrum present itself though, that's when it gets very real, very quickly. It ultimately can fall on you to proactively, mindfully work to diffuse the situation as soon as possible. The thing about catching someone in the middle of a temper tantrum is that they're most often likely to lash back out at anyone and everyone that's just trying to help them settle down. Sometimes the best course of action can be to simply remove yourself from the environment altogether.

With that being said, these folks were certainly tested when they found themselves sharing space with someone who basically lost their mind for a hot second. We're not sure if the general reaction when you see one of these kinds of temper tantrums is panic, compassion, or more anger. In these tumultuous times that we all find ourselves muddling through, it seems like more than ever people are hitting their breaking limits. The world's always been a mess of chaos and life has certainly always loved to be difficult. But when you find yourself living through an era marked by historical adversity, it's particularly tough to keep that head above water and not lose sight of the fact that the hard times will give way at one point or another to just a little bit of that long sought after peace.

At the end of the day, we only hope that these adults were able to learn from their momentary temper tantrums, put the pieces back together, and crack on to do things a bit better and more calmly in the future. That's all you can really do. Just learn from the times that you weren't able to share the best version of yourself with the rest of the world. And I mean, hey, you might even be able to look back at the most ridiculous temper tantrums from a vantage point in the future that has you laughing over just how ridiculous things ended up getting.