Thursday, June 28, 2018

Pop-Tarts Brutally Shuts Down Attention-Hungry Customer For BS Tweet

customer service pop tarts twitter trolling social media ridiculous food funny - 6077189

Who doesn't love a ruthless Pop Tart burn? Give this social media guru a raise! 

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19 Managers Share The Dumbest Ways Employees Got Themselves Fired

employee coworkers cringe askreddit ridiculous dumb stupid - 6072581

These people did basically asked to get fired. The massive amount of carelessness at play in these stories is almost twistedly inspirational in its own regard. 

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Backstory On Formidable Guy Taking Doll Shopping With Him Will Melt Your Heart

tough guy surprise facebook social media win - 6072069

Don't judge a book by its cover. Dad of the Year right here, is setting THE gold standard for other fathers out there. 

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27 Creations of Questionable Taste But Amazing Execution

hair shoes fashion art creepy creative cars funny weird creativity - 6070789

If something is worth doing, it at least ought to be done well. More at r/ATBGE.

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