Saturday, August 7, 2021

Customer Has Severe Food Allergies, Restaurant Fails To Be Accommodating, Customer Leaves 1-Star Review

The reality is that there are plenty of people in this world that unfortunately have to deal with very intense, potentially life-threatening food allergies. It ultimately falls on the restaurant to take those food allergies seriously, and at least try to cater to the information that they're provided in a timely manner. It sounds like this restaurant definitely failed to do so. Or, at the very least they could've thrown that order back out on the fly, and not had them wait all that extra time over some tomatoes. So, a 1-star review from the customer seems like a pretty reasonable development. Naturally, folks in the comments section were in agreement that the customer wasn't necessarily in the wrong for their decision to leave a scathing review. 

Tumblr Thread: The Yarn Community Is Filled With Fiery Drama

You probably wouldn't go ahead and draw the assumption that the yarn community is filled to the brim with fascinating controversies. For instance, the whole faking deaths theme runs prominent within the community. On top of that, there's even a bit about setting babies on fire. Um, like what? Hold up. For some more gold from the ever interesting world of Tumblr check out this Tumblr thread about a contortionist who went for a burrito mission to 7-Eleven and ended up traumatizing a cashier.

Creepiest Most Unexplainable Things That Happened To People

The world's brimming with unexplainable horrors. Fortunately, we're able to live a whole lot of life that isn't bombarded by unexplainable moments that can instantaneously turn the world as we know it upside down. With that being said, maybe these people's stories of their own terribly creepy experiences will make you feel better about any moments that left you with a sick feeling in your gut. 

Massive Loopholes People Managed To Exploit Successfully

There's nothing like happening upon a helpful loophole that just manages to make your life a bit easier. Some loopholes also hit different than others. If you're able to put any of these into practice as you go about your daily life, good on you. Check out some more pro tips that can give you an edge at life over here.

Korean Bank Forces Guy To Employ Stupid Loophole, It Works

The rigidness of life's rules can make things harder than they have to be. And sometimes when life forces our hand, we must make stupid loopholes. It happens all the time, like this dad's basketball loophole or this grandpa's three dimensional mailbox loophole or this kid who made a mockery of a robotics competition with his dry ice loophole. We must pat ourselves on the back for every dumb loophole we employ, because man, stupid loopholes make us feel smart.

Impressive Works of Highly Questionable Taste

When the average person sees an exquisitely painted image of Red Skelton being accepted into clown heaven, the first thoughts one might have will likely be something along the lines of "Huh, I didn't know clowns had souls" or "why does that one bear such a striking resemblance to John Wayne Gacy?" But some of us, a very select few, might think "finally I have something to replace the cross above my bed." Hey man, everyone has their thing, and that's where we get skillful creations of absurd taste.

Woman Refuses To Attend Bridezilla's Wedding, Asks If She's In The Wrong

Oh man, wedding season really brings the lunatics right on out of the woodwork. People are dangerously vulnerable toward getting caught up in the emotionally heightened antics that go into a wedding. All of the meticulous preparation and just trying to have the perfect day can give way to an aggressive state of perfectionism. In this case, it sounds like the woman who didn't want to attend an obvious bridezilla's wedding was very much so in the right place. For some more wedding drama check out this post about wedding moments that told guests that the marriages weren't built to last.

Woman Finds Annotated Bukowski Book, It's Filled With Comedy Gold

Bukowski is one of those authors who's really appealing to college freshman who are hellbent on being miserable. He's got that Holden Caulfield streak, where if you're not in the right mood for the kind of stuff he's slinging you can't help but go "okay man, we get it, holy crap." Even a fan of Bukowski would admit that his view of relationships wasn't exactly what one would call "healthy." Granted the guy who wrote a book called "Notes of A Dirty Old Man" probably isn't out to appeal to young female readers anyway, it's always funny to see his writing reflected on by someone who has enough sense to try not being sad. Melissa Turkington quickly found out that she bought a used Bukowski book with just a hint of added flavor.

Wild Things Students Did To Make Themselves Legends

There are a few reasons students become legendary. Sometimes it was a prank or wild thing that that student did and got away with. Sometimes it was a moment of defiance against some stupid school rule. Some of these are memorable because they're straight up dumb, but you be the judge. No one heard from us that it's a good idea to hide 30 open jars of mayo in the vents before leaving for summer. For some extra shenanigans, here are some mad lads who made the world their big briny oyster.

Twitter Thread: The Messy History Of Using The Bathroom In Space

Mary Robinette Kowal gets into the nitty gritty of space defecation and how "there's no good way for women to pee in space" was never a completely satisfactory answer for a lack of women in space, at least from the engineering side of things. Turns out, the ideas we had for going to the bathroom in space in general were... lackluster. To rely on the old saying, why is it we could put a man on the moon but we couldn't come up with a half decent way to get people a bathroom in space without having to sit in it?

Cheating Student Thinks They Have Professor Fooled, Learn Otherwise

Honestly, these students got off lightly. Things could've ended up much, much worse than they did for them. This definitely isn't the first time that we've come across a revenge that took place within the realm of education. There's just something about people not wanting to do their tests/essays/etc that results in acts of truly glorious revenge. 

Bride's Friend Wants To Use Her Wedding For Photos, Bride Refuses

The thing about calling out the people in this world that have gotten lost in the thick haze of their own blinding entitlement is that they can get very defensive when their antics are called out. It sounds like this bride's friend did anything but take kindly to being called out. She actually had the audacity to call the lovely bride a bridezilla. Totally uncalled for. Absolutely not accurate. It's definitely more of a friendzilla situation on our hands here. 

Low Budget Fixes And Feats Of Domestic Engineering

We are people with problems. And problems require solutions. But we don't always have a lot of money, so those problems require us to devise intriguing and sometimes inadvisable DIY solutions. Sometimes we try to solve problems that aren't really even problems, or we try to exercise our creative juices with weird and intriguing DIY projects. For more inspiration, here are some low budget car mods and questionable fixes. And for the mechanically inclined who just want to see something cool, here's people making a steel sphere with an explosion.

Strange and Stupid Junk People Posted For Sale Online

With the power to post weird things for sale online comes absolutely zero responsibility for the quality of that garbage people try to sell online. Whether it's someone trying to make a quick buck on a unique Dorito or someone else trying to get rid of an absolutely terrifying amount of baby teeth, it's the wild west out there. You hope they're all jokes, but some definitely have too much going on not to be legit.

Customer Doesn't Realize Files Must Be Double Clicked To Be Opened

Oh boy, just when we thought we might've encountered the very worst (or best) of the world's tech support horror stories, this bad boy comes along. As it turns out, some people are wandering aimlessly through the world without the necessary knowledge that you pretty much always have to double click on files to open them. It's no wonder that this tech support employee's jaw hit the floor. For another recent tech support horror story, check out the time that a man assumed a literal fire coming from his computer was a feature of his computer. Yeah, no.