Monday, July 11, 2022

Woman Finds $300 Hidden in the Purse She Buys From a Salvation Army Store Along With Mysterious Note on Why the Money Is In There

She was already stoked on the Coach bag she just scored for $6.99—she was not expecting a HUGE extra perk inside. 

20+ Funny Signs That Added Levity to Direction

Signs are an important tool that can be used to communicate vital information to individuals who might be passing by. This information can be incredibly pertinent, such as a warning about some danger that might be lurking just beyond their instructive posting. 

If you are incredibly near-sighted and have gotten lost while traversing the dessert wasteland of Arizona. Luckily you will find "Fall Warning" signs before you topple your way into one of America's most majestic landmarks, the Grand Canyon. Though we'd probably be concerned if you hadn't seen it at all in the first place.

Likewise, if you're driving down the freeway, signs in the form of advertising billboards will offer you a delightful distraction from the dreadfully boring task of hurtling forwards at 70mph in a one-ton chunk of (constantly exploding) steel. 

See, signs are important and these signs are no less important than the ones I have described above. So enjoy scrolling through this sign extravaganza. 

Two-Part Story: Husband's Flying Steak Mistake Makes Wife Wife's Boss Spit-Take

This legendary two-parter was originally posted to Reddit's r/TIFU subreddit a whopping 7 years ago. The thread has since been accepted into Reddit's unofficial Hall of Fame and stands as one of the top posts of all time. 

The original thread was posted by the husband, Redditor u/defenestrate_me_now, who told the tale from his point of view as it took place on that evening. This thread was posted with the title "TIFU by throwing my steak out a window" and starts on item #1 of this list. Two years later his wife, u/mrs_defenestrator, revisited the subject and returned to the sub to tell the story from her point of view. This thread was posted with the title "TIFU by allowing my husband to come to dinner at my boss' house" and begins on item #11. 

Commenters, like the people present that fateful night, were perplexed by the logical reasoning behind his actions. 

"One question OP.... Let's say the window was open and the steak is gone. She returns a minute later... What you just tell her you devoured it?" replied Hovathegodmc.

Keep scrolling to see screenshots of these legendary threads and some of the reactions they prompted. 

For more TIFU check out this ridiculous Zoom meeting fail. 

Crazy Karen Attacks Older Sister, Accuses of Being Teen Mother, Accosts Her in Park

An older sister was accosted and accused of being a teen mother when she took her sibling to play at the park. She frequently did this to give her mother some breathing space so that her mother could rest or complete other tasks. The crazy Karen approached her and started calling her derogatory terms related to her assumption that the older sister was a teen mother. 

This story was posted to Reddit's r/EntitledParents subreddit by Reddit user u/kathjoy, who shared the events as they unfolded when she was 15 years old. Luckily an acquaintance was around when the incident occurred (FM in the story) and was able to remove the girls from the situation and bring the girl and her sister to a safe place.

Commenters were appalled by Karen's behavior and condemned her actions.

"It's amazing what people will say to someone they don't know," responded carliikitty. "Why the f*#k is it her concern anyway?"