Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Entitled Driver Takes Back Delivery After Receiving $8 Tip

Sometimes entitlement can present itself on the part of the individual working the customer service gig. It doesn't always have to be the world's Karens making employees' shifts more miserable than they already are. The folks in the comments section for this video seem to be in agreement that the delivery driver was out of line with their decision to take back the delivery over an $8 tip. 

Aussie Hero Chases Down Runaway Car

The Aussies are full of surprises. It sounds like this guy responded to quite the intense, sketchy turn of events in the kind of way that has people singing his praises. Some folks freeze and others act. 

TikToker Reveals Most Annoying Things To Make At Chipotle

Anyone who has ever grinded through a customer service job knows that the gig comes filled to the brim with an infuriating series of scenarios. It could be an entitled Karen literally calling the cops over Taco Bell running out of her sacred nacho fries. The point is that you just never know what kind of nasty curveball you might end up fielding on a particular shift. TikToker @thecharlesniko decided to share a video that has since gone viral, where you can watch him shine the light on some of the most irritating things that one has to make as an employee at Chipotle. 

Employee Maliciously Complies To Director's Demands

Steve vastly underestimated this employee and how far they would go to carry out their malicious compliance. Also, Todd sounds like a real life wizard. 

Twitter Thread: Teacher Grades Class's Joke Skills

George Pointon took to twitter to matter-of-factly address the comedic skills of his young class. He ascertained that some overly relied on dirty stuff, some couldn't read the room and others had great timing. Kids don't make the greatest comics, but they also don't make great much anything else, as evidenced by this proof that kids are weird and dumb.

Entitled "Influencer" Expects Haircut For Cheap

This entitled "influencer" expected a big discount on a haircut because they were rocking ten thousand followers. Um, first off, these influencers need to give it a rest. Second, ten thousand followers is nowhere close to actually being able to call yourself an influencer. 

Entitled Karen Pitches Fit At Movies, Manager Kicks Karen Out

We're no strangers to coming across grueling stories of terribly entitled Karens that decide to ruin an otherwise peaceful and respectful atmosphere with their unyielding series of irrational demands. In this case, Karen was never going to come out victorious. She had the audacity to try and fake the manager out by telling them that she'd been at the movies before some other customers that were just trying to enjoy the movie in the first place. Suffice to say, you can't argue with that glorious video footage evidence.

Liar Says Automotive Locksmith Broke His Car's Rear Defroster

This lying customer learned a humbling lesson in the ramifications of telling a dumb lie to pull one over on an automotive locksmith who was just trying to help. Yes, it'd seem the customer decided they didn't want to pay for the services provided, so they hatched up a lie about their rear defroster being broken in the process of the job. The locksmith decided to petty revenge back in response to the lie, and what sounds like satisfaction ensued. 

Weird and Wild Junk People Were Told In Sex Ed

For a whole lot of people, sex ed was more of a fear factory than a sober discussion of scientific facts, and it's really weird how much unverified information and questionable analogies people are prepared to hare in order to get kids to do what they want. Yeah, a lot of awkward sex questions get asked in sex ed, but at least they sometimes get answered.

Mean Bosses And Maniacal Managers That Got Called Out

The internet's never been in short supply of people dishing out gnarly stories of maniacal managers and the righteous revenges that ensued. With that being said, what fun it is to come across a new subreddit dedicated to calling out management for being uncool to their employees. Check out another ridiculous manager story with this lazy Karen manager who let everything fall to pieces

Unlucky Moments of Misfortune and Chaos

Our successes wouldn't seem so great if we didn't have moments of failure and chaos, or so they say. It would probably be just as nice to enjoy a promotion or lottery win without having to deal with all the exploded toilets and dropped eggs that life tends to throw at us, but that's just a personal opinion. Either way,the world is merciless.

Drama Breaks Out Between Couple Over Stimulus Check

Those stimmy checks can be a tricky business. A drama broke out between this couple over the newly unemployed boyfriend wanting to go on a near-sighted spending spree with his newfound influx of funds, instead of helping out his partner who is set to be their sole source of income for awhile. The folks in the comments section are in agreement that his approach is just a little bit out of line. 

Tumblr Thread: The Yarn Community Has Serious Drama

One wouldn't think that the yarn and knitting community would go to bat for their extremely strong opinions on the kind of material that's most likely to set a baby on fire, or that there would be people faking their deaths, but you would be wrong. Tumblr gets into the politics and colorful internal drama of the yarn people. It's reminiscent of thistumblr foray into the drama of the art world.

Man Responds To His "Wanted" Ad On Facebook

We love to see this gem making the rounds again. We look back to a time, a strange and surprising time when what appears to be a runaway criminal named Anthony Ackers, up and decides to respond to his own "wanted" ad out in Richland, WA. What ensues is nothing short of a swift emotional rollercoaster, filled to the brim with banter and the inevitable moment when Ackers serves up his own demise. 

Lowballing Choosy Beggar Tries To Haggle, Fails Miserably

As long as we've had well intentioned people trying to sell stuff online, we've also had the choosy beggars dashing right out of the woodwork to stink up the whole online marketplace with their series of irrational demands. This dude was tripping from the very beginning. And then when they're given a righteous reality check, they try to play it off like they're just "trying to do business." Yeah, okay then. Check out more entitled people with their childish demands over here

Dumbest Things People Had To Convince Their Parents To Not Do

Just because someone's a "parent" doesn't mean that they're not hopelessly clueless in some facet of life. In fact, many of us have fielded all kinds of ridiculous questions from our folks about how to navigate the ins and outs of all this disorienting technology we have available at our disposal. Maybe these people's stories about the dumbest things they had to convince their parents to not do will send you on a trip down memory lane. 

Random Tumblr Gems of Varying Opacity

Tumblr is an island of misfit thoughts in the sea of confusing allegories, and it produces some real hilarious and totally random tumblr gems. Jumping from one absurd misunderstanding to another idiotic caption, it's hard to tell what stupid thought people will dogpile on next and roll into a tumblr gem to be unleashed from the depths.

Helicopter Ejection System is Basically a Rocket Tied to a Dude

The Kamov Ka 52 helicopter ejection system sounds more like some Rube Goldberg, Wile E. Coyote nonsense, but low and behold, it was the first helicopter designed to have an ejection seat. The system even blows up the spinning blades just before firing off. Granted it's a lot better than launching a pilot straight into a blender, the engineering involved in shooting someone out of a helicopter is... a lot.