Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Employees Get Bamboozled by Chicken Lady

It's no question that employees are wary of customers. Most customers are fine, but the few who love to put retail workers in precarious positions are the kind of folks who will never be forgotten. For one that ended with more justice, here's a lying Karen that got decimated by the owner's response.

Stuck Group Restarts Roller Coaster With Headbanging

Getting stuck on a ride can really undo the magic of being at an amusement park in Lithuania. But there is a better, more ancient magic that exists, and that's the power of teamwork. This group managed to get their cart unstuck from a flat part of the ride with the help of synchronized headbanging. The music helps too.

Crafty Honey Badger Can Literally Escape From Anywhere

There is nowhere you can put Stoffel that he won't manage to escape from like an actual master. Let's also consider the idea that maybe, just maybe, Stoffel isn't trying to escape, but instead he's just messing with the people around him. The ultimate act of trolling. Way to go, Stoffel. 

Random, Funny and Resplendent Tumblr Gems

Deep down, everyone is a kind of dork. That's to say, we all have some kind of specific interest that no one else cares about. The beauty of tumblr gems is that with enough passion, vivid description, and manic interjection, any little detail can be turned into something relatable. These stupendous tumblr gems are just another example of everyone's true nature expressed as jabs, quips, and Scooby-Doo fan theories.

Lousy Sales Assistant Lies About Leads, Gets Outed

Some people are just impossible to work with. Not only was this assistant just straight up lousy at their job, but they continually ratted out their teammate for not being exactly on time, when they worked at a place that didn't even care about that to begin with. Well, eventually this all came back to bite them in the butt, and they were exposed breaking a much more serious rule in the sales game. 

Bookworm Student Has Book Confiscated, Master Plan Springs Into Action

We love a good old-fashioned wholesome petty revenge. Anyone who has a proclivity for reading books will likely get a kick out of this sweet tale. It's awesome that the teacher didn't meet that master plan with frustration, but instead just broke out in some appreciative laughter. For a more intense revenge tale, check out this pro revenge story about a testy HOA member who got someone's car towed, and then had the favor repeatedly returned

Teacher Flips The Script on Frustrating Administration

It's not every day that you get to use your boss's rules against them. There's something so wonderfully satisfying about when an unfair employer has to face their own music. Not every organization gets to feel the sting of their own unfairness. This job applicant got to call out a company's dumb interview process.

Weird and Wild Junk People Tried Selling Online

When it comes to selling random crap online, people are limited only by their imaginations, and that's kind of a problem. They sad that one man's trash is another man's treasure, but we'd be hard pressed to find the person who would consider soiled mattresses, creepy mannequins and hot dogs of mysterious origin as "treasure." Does that stop anyone from trying to sell their horrible junk online? Absolutely not.

Parent Forces Vegan Daughter To Cook Meat

The collective opinion in the comments section for this particular AITA seems to be that this parent was not in the wrong. They simply insisted on teaching their daughter a lesson about not wasting food, and also not forcing your beliefs on others. 

Karen Wants Late Check Out, Gets Rejected, Says Hotel Is Mean

Whenever someone goes out of their way to say that it's not their fault, it's very likely that it's in fact their fault. It sounds like this Karen hotel guest adopted a stance of being completely disagreeable from the very beginning. And then when she gets rightfully rejected, she proceeds to ask for the manager. Of course. We're just wondering how many other times she tried to pull a stunt like this. Like, she needs four hours to search her hotel room for an ID? Um, okay. Okay, Karen. For another Karen tale check out the time that a customer Karen asked to speak to the manager, and then proceeded to get righteously checkmated

Tumblr Thread: Bilingual Struggles Inspire Hilarious Fails

The brain has a hard time hopping between languages. Inevitably, brain farts occur. What begins as a humorous enough Tumblr thread about when you can tell that a bilingual character was clearly written by someone who is not a bilingual person, evolves into an even funnier thread about the various blunders that can occur in the bilingual realm. For some more gold from Tumblr, check out this Tumblr thread about the wild cons that people were able to pull off just by having complete, unwavering confidence

Worst Adult Temper Tantrums People Witnessed

You never know if you're going to encounter an adult out in the wild who spontaneously hits their breaking point, and devolves back into a childlike state that's brimming with emotional overreactions. This collection of the worst adult temper tantrums that people ever ended up witnessing is a whole lot of absurdity. 

Rude Gentleman Demands No Ice, Gets Less Than That

For some reason rude customers get this idea in their head that servers and bartenders are physically incapable of being mean right back to them. Sure it's often a safe bet that service people have to be nice to you, but why push it?  You see it time and time again, like this bartender maliciously complying with a customer who wanted a bigger glass, or this jerkbag who gave a server an ultimatum and ended up paying for 25 beers.

Restaurant Sign Dispenses Jokes and Wisdom

Why not get all your musings from a Tex-Mex restaurant sign in Austin, Texas? There's something so folksy yet official about sign jokes. Maybe the knowledge that a random person had to go out there and put up every letter by hand just gives it more meaning? Maybe it's the boldness of putting opinions on a big sign for thousands to see? Maybe we just like signs. It definitely works for this sign whose pun game is too on point.

People's Most Triumphant "I Told You So" Moments

We shouldn't be happy when bad things happen, but the whole world would be lying if it never admitted that some satisfaction comes with being right. That "I told you so" momentis sweet and it is strong. The feeling of righteous indignation is nice, even when it comes from your brother in law electrocuting himself while installing a lightbulb improperly.

HOA Member Gets Neighbor's Car Towed, Neighbor Returns The Favor

We're no strangers to HOA dramas here. We highly doubt this'll be the last time that we end up reading about a rude HOA member getting their rightful comeuppance. Just picturing the mystified and enraged expression on the HOA member's face from this story is enough to get the laughs rolling. It sounds like the guy was a genuinely dislikable dude, who also refused to get the message. For some more HOA drama check out the time that queen Karen, President of the HOA was defeated

Mad Lads Who Made The World Their Playground

While the rest of us are out going to work, living honest lives and jogging or whatever, there are mad lads out there playing by their own rules. Whether it be chicanery, shenaniganry or all-out tricksiness, these mad lads just don't give a dang about what any one thinks. They may range from outrageous to morally gray, but they're always out there.

Hyped Up Things That Totally Flopped

Right off the bat it's striking to see how many "next big things" that ended up totally flopping came right out of the Google factory. Maybe that's part of their secret though. Just going with a multitude of crazy ideas, and hoping that at least one of them will hit big. I mean, they definitely have the resources to funnel all those necessary funds into wild projects. Also, shout out to those Segway scooters. People were so stoked about them, and that's about where things left off right before all the hype came crashing down, and the reality of using a Segway ended up disappointing many. 

Bird Steals Nesting Material From Napping Fox

That fox must've been in one deep slumber. Also though, shout out to the bird for the fearless maneuvering. Homie was clearly on a mission to gather all that necessary nesting material. Things could've shaken out very differently for the bird.