Thursday, August 28, 2014

Forget Fines, You're Going to End Up on YouTube!

Forget Fines, You're Going to End Up on YouTube!

Submitted by: (via Laughing Squid)

Tagged: sign , pee , hacked irl , g rated , win

Pokemon ice bucket challenge

After 3 years relationship I still got it

Why I Don't Mind Downloading Music

The difference between cleaning the house with music vs no music

Most Importantly, What do Her Student Loans Look Like?

Most Importantly, What do Her Student Loans Look Like?

Submitted by: (via Marceltugwell)

$500k for 15 mins

If only...

Happened to my friend today

Best f*cking race game ever..

Where's Your Permission Slip, Mr?

Where's Your Permission Slip, Mr?

Submitted by: (via Evinalphabet)

It's just good science really

No comment

You remember them?

First world German problems

A BART Employee Reaches New Levels of Laziness

Roommate got drunk and brought home a random little person, who is now passed out on my couch and snoring like a bear.

UFO Caught on Tape

When Russia sent nearly 100 tanks to east Ukraine


Step dad gave me this advice when I started working in an industrial plant

It's True, Kids Turn into Demons When Promised Chuck E. Cheese

Submitted by: (via nziegler)

One of the main reasons I love Family Guy

One Man Experiences the Joy That Only a Chosen Few Ever Will

Submitted by: (via . Dus10125)

Tagged: fiber , Video , google , g rated , win

As I lay my head to nope.

As a family oriented person, this breaks my heart and pisses me off.

Skyrim is beautiful

When Doctor Who is on.

You Never Know Until You Ask...

Little Boy "Exasperated" at the Fact That He's Getting Another Sibling

"You just had TWO!"

Submitted by: (via ViralVideos)

This is not what I signed up for...

Just for some people. Yeah Patrick you're right.

This is what a £125,000 sim racing setup looks like.

Still made it.

What? Huh... Wait...!

Remember That Other Moon We Have?

Remember That Other Moon We Have?

Submitted by: (via John_Unfil)

A 2 Year Old Has Some Choice Words After Participating in the Ice Bucket Challenge

WARNING: Hilariously cute bad language, and poor parenting decisions.

Submitted by: (via Deja Vu)

So my Uncle overheard I was taking a girl out on a date this past weekend.

When you make a dirty joke in front of your female friend.

How 8th gen consoles stack up

Can't. Stop. Watching.

Why does he do this

Know Your Audience

I've made this for a friend, she's a huge Ironman fan. What do you guys think?