Sunday, June 5, 2022

Furious Customer Insists Guy Isn't Owner, Doesn't See Giant Poster With His Face On It

People have disagreements all the time, but usually those disagreements are had over subjective opinions, like "is it a good idea to make another Indiana Jones movie?" or "does this stink?" Arguments tend to break down when they're about things that people perceive as objective facts. There's not a lot of wiggle room when someone can't accept your definition of reality.

The greatest argument moments are the ones that can be won by simply pointing at a thing that exists. In this case, a furious customer decided to lie and insist that this guy wasn't the actual owner of the store, and that he knew the owner. This position came crashing down when it was pointed out to him that the dude he was arguing with had his big giant face plastered all over the front of the store. If there's a time to know when to fold 'em, this might be it.

For another wild one, here's the Karen who was destroyed by a business owner after leaving a 1-star review.

Nursing Home Maintenance Guy Gets Revenge On Scummy Satellite TV Companies For Elderly Residents

No matter how divided we become on certain issues there's still one thing that unites all of us… Utter hatred for our television network provider. These terrible companies have been a plague on all of our existence for years. Hidden fees, shady billing adjustments, limited-term plans that double in price after a year, the shady tactics are endless and they are employed ruthlessly. For a long time, these companies relied on their elderly subscribers being none-the-wiser to their shady strategies and used these people to rake in the cash. 

Well, this maintenance guy was there to put a stop to the exploitation of the elderly folk at the nursing home where he worked. He cared so deeply about his residents that he made certain to get revenge on each of the companies that were attempting to exploit them

This thread was posted to Reddit's popular r/ProRevenge subreddit by the maintenance worker who orchestrated the revenge against these terrible companies. 

Read on for screenshots of the thread below.

Snooty Tinder Girl 'Heather' Gets Wrecked When She Tries to Make Moves On Her Dreamboat

There's something about the letters "H" and "I" being paired together consecutively that just sends "Tinderellas" over the edge. There certainly is a trend of posts like this where the guy opens things up with a "Hi." and then is yeeted straight through to the center of the earth by an incredulous reply. Like, at least they opened up the conversation… If you'd wanted some grander way to start the discussion, you could have opened things up yourself. Beggars can't be choosers, so if you're not the first to message, you should take what you can get. 

Instead of just messaging "Hi." back 'Heather' took it upon herself to address the fact that she felt she was too good and too precious for such a lazy opening, which was a poor strategy considering she was still interested in the fellah' who had addressed her. 

He didn't like her attitude and "Swerved her like a quarterback." sending her sprawling in the grass.

21 Brutally Coincidental Moments Of Irony

We get it, everyone uses the term "irony" incorrectly. Technically "irony" describes a situation where there's an implied meaning that's incongruent with the literal meaning. FINE. But the way everyone actually uses the word irony is "when a fitting, humorous coincidence happens." Let's agree to disagree and say that a lot of these terrific coincidences aren't without some small amount of irony, since there's some subtext to each image. How about that? Does that make you happy? We know it doesn't, but we don't care. 

All we want to do is enjoy those little moments of life that are just way too perfect. Narratively speaking, it's pretty awesome when a guy named "Rob" gets robbed. That's something we can all enjoy. Except maybe Rob. Maybe he should have been named Skip.

So here are some fun images to sink your eyes into. And for an extra dash of strangeness, here are some blursed images of concerning hilarity.