Tuesday, January 10, 2023

‘Did You Block Me?’ : Best Dating App Fails of the Week for the Tired Crowd

Man… The dating app algorithms are truly against us. Tinder is both the best and worst thing that ever happened to the human species. On the one hand, we don't have to approach people in real life anymore. On the other hand… we can't approach people in real life anymore. It doesn't matter if you're looking for a FWB, a relationship, a situationship (as they call it nowadays), or a hookup. It's become less and more difficult at the same time.

We are promised good things when we swipe, but that's clearly not happening. Let's say you get a match, begin a convo, and make a date. You either get ghosted, stood up, or the person you meet is crazy. Sometimes you hit gold (pun intended) but those instances are rare. Don't even get us started on FOMO.

The illusion that Tinder creates is an endless supply of hot, emotionally available people. But really, there is just an infinite amount of idiots. So, if you're failing miserably at this little thing called a 'dating app', these fails are for you. Feel free to check out these memes for the broke crowd as well.

Crazed Cinema Karen accosts wheelchair bound patron for switching on their electric wheelchair

This world is deeply in need of a little bit of compassion and understanding. 

Employee Gives Two Weeks Notice, Hotshot Manager Tries To Fire Employee and Gets Demoted

Power can certainly get to some people's heads more than others. It sounds like this new hotshot manager was inconsolably blinded by the newfound power that they found themselves in possession of due to their new position. Well, let's just say that after the employee they kept trying to fire had had enough, they got their rightful comeuppance. It would have been great to see the look on the hotshot manager's face when they realized they'd managed to get themselves demoted. 

This story was originally posted on Reddit's r/IDontWorkHereLady subreddit by Redditor u/Thischick1, who shared their experience with the growing Reddit sub. Redditors voiced their appreciation for the original poster's actions and condemned the actions of the manager.

"You saved a number of people at some other restaurant from having to deal with her. Well done!" - u/freakinuk

Keep reading to see screenshots of the story (and newly added reactions) below. 

'Are you kidding? I would buy this immediately': Internet completely divided over utterly bizarre food label

As the saying goes, in marketing, all attention is good attention, but is that really true of this bizarre labeling choice? People had very strong opinions, both positive and negative, about the super weird label on this food. 

Twitter user @theactualemma shared a photo of a plant-based food product, with the caption, "I've never put something back on the shelf so quickly lol." The photo, as you can see below, shows a long mismash of a paragraph, with phrases like "yesss wee knowwwwww iiiit's on EVERYYY PACCKKKKKKKK." 

The singular sentence, which also has no punctuation, is proving quite divisive. Some people loved this copywriter's bold idea, and said they'd be swayed to purchase the product for themselves. Meanwhile, it was a major turnoff for other people, and there were tons of jokes to be made about this run-on sentence. 

I tend to side with copywriters doing whatever they feel like, for obvious reasons. However, in this case, I think the writing does look a bit last-minute, and it's not very informative about the product, which is certainly helpful when you're in the supermarket deciding between brands. I'd probably put it back on the shelf too, if only because it's a major eyesore to read! I hope the copywriter is out there still bringing big ideas to the table, where ever they may be now. 

Next, check out these tiny animals (and their owners) who are having a very bad day. 

‘It’s Still My Money!’ : Dad Decides to Reinvest Daughter’s College Fund Towards His New Step Kids Education Following Her Early Graduation, Family Drama Ensues

College in the States is hella expensive. Kids these days take out a ridiculous amount of student loans that equate to buying a house or two. Oftentimes, when parents can afford to, they'll help. We're talking big bucks here, upwards of 60 thousand dollars… that's an enormous sum of money to put into your education, but at this point, it's just how the world works.

When your family gets involved in your expenses, 'fun stuff' starts hitting the fan, if you get what I mean… Heated discussions and the occasional swear word enter the stuffy room where the older and younger adults stand yelling at each other in dismay. It's stressful. While scouring r/AITA, I came across a post by an ambitious young woman who was furious at her father for refusing to pay for the remainder of her education after an ugly divorce from her mom. Check it out down below.

For more delusional divorce content, click here to read about a selfish kid who doesn't have an empathetic bone in her body.

'Nobody likes a snitch': Evil coworker gets top performing competition at work fired for taking breaks

Never trust your coworkers! Especially not this guy, who was clearly threatened after 25 years on the job when the top-performing employee on the team had only been working at the company for a year. 


This thread, which was posted to Reddit's r/antiwork subreddit by u/CubsFanHan, only further proves the concept that if the work gets done, what does it matter if an employee takes a few breaks throughout the day? No one seemed to be suffering from those breaks, except for the jealous coworker. The most ironic part of the story is that the Redditor was fired by HR mere minutes after receiving a gift card celebrating him for his success on the team. Oh, well. If anyone is suffering long-term here, it's the company, which lost one of its most valuable employees. 


Keep scrolling below for the full story. For more, here's a post about a messed up new HR policy.