Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Son: Mom, Dad, I have to tell you something, I-I'm Chinese. Dad: Don't worry son, we accept you for who you are.

I am a large female, nothing is worse than saying this to our face

The bunny in the box trick.

As a non-Deadbeat Dad who was there for his kids.

Gem from a comic con

Wouldn't know for sure, but is this what a period feels like

Students laminated their finals study guides and studied in the hot tub

Wait, what?

My wife thinks I'm weird

The good old time

Act like a grown man!

He probably thinks this everyday

When I finish my last exam of the semester

Googled mood ring meanings... was not disappointed

Even if you don't know about cars at all, learn a little so you don't get ripped off; here is a good starting point.

Tiny Lemons

Scumbag Gandalf. And he even leveled up from it too!

And the award for the best dog reaction goes to...

They will never believe it.

Black Marussia.

Tyrion takes the Hound for a walk

It's confusing to everyone.

Just throw the stick

Kids Will Believe Anything

Kids Will Believe Anything

Submitted by: (via Pleated Jeans)

Shaved my wife.

The poor little Deer...

Just woke up from a dream where I was at a queen concert

A confession we can all admit to

On The Throne

That Was Really... Cunning of You

That Was Really... Cunning of You

Submitted by: (via Acid Row)

Tagged: breakup , puns , texting , g rated

Apparently, "Is butter a carb?" Is a quote from the movie Mean Girls...

Good times

Biased Duck

The blood vessels in our body

Say What You Will About Prohibition Supporters, They Had a Sense of Humor

Speeding in a wheelchair has consequences

Scumbag self-checkout machine

My life

I really wanted to follow them.

Traffic Cones: The Best Enforcers

They think I am so badass

An elephant booping a giraffe on the head.

At Least the Trash You Deal With is Less Literal

This Just In: Al Sharpton Can't Read

Even if You Don't Care About Basketball, You'll Love the Heartwarming Story of Kevin Durant's Mother and His Success