Thursday, April 21, 2022

Mom Steals Child's College Fund, Uses it to Remodel Kitchen

How's that new kitchen looking, mom? That would be the question I'd ask every time I visited home after this discovery… If I ever bothered to visit again.

Just imagine stealing your child's future that was set aside for them in order to give your kitchen a facelift. What kind of selfish and evil person does a thing like that? 

True, most people don't have financial assistance from their parents and manage (although at great personal cost) but those who do have that kind of support should be eternally thankful. They often don't realize how much of a "free pass" it is to have that assistance and not be saddled with ridiculous student loans for the foreseeable future as a graduation present from society. Debt of that magnitude can determine the course of the rest of your life, it becomes imperative to line up a job immediately after graduation and that kind of pressure can cause you to miss some life-changing opportunities that might have otherwise come your way. 

From where I stand the case is closed here, this mother is the worst. What's your take?


Thumbnail Image: Jason Briscoe

Informative Tumblr Thread Explains "Ask" Vs "Guess" Culture

Does the world ever feel like it's completely full of bossy, manipulative people who just take and take from you, begging you to be the bad guy and force you to deny their unreasonable demands? Or does the world feel like it's full of incomprehensible passive aggressives who just expect things to be done a certain way and seem to get mad at you for simply asking a question? As it turns out, these are two different types of communication strategies that people use to get what they want, and this Tumblr thread goes on to explain the complexities of "Ask" Culture and "Guess" Culture.

It would at least behoove us to know when we're supposed to be subtle and when we're supposed to be direct, if only so fewer people walk around feeling like their very presence is an inconvenience to those around them. Ya know, it's a thought.

Now can I get a ride to the airport?

Spa-Obsessed Husband Maxes Out Wife's Credit Card, Doesn't See Why That's An Issue

OP's husband just so happens to be unemployed while also having a habit of getting weekly high-end massages that cost $250 a pop. Not only that, it seems that he's not even financing them himself. The internet was pretty quick to point out that for someone without a chronic health issue, no income and a baby on the way, that's a whole lot of money to be stealing from your wife to spend on massages. 

The presiding judges of the internet also brought up the thought that maybe this guy is getting something a little more than a massage. But still, even if this guy was getting totally legal spa treatment, spending a thousand dollars of your wife's money is some pretty unreasonable behavior. 

And if this guy really is getting "a little extra" from these expensive massages, there are far cheaper ways to cheat on your pregnant wife.

For some more unreasonableness, here'sthe husband who played victim after telling his wife she needed a boob job.

People Share Their Spiciest Clean Insults

When someone screws up super hard, it's easy enough to just call them a dumb asshole. But many of us hear that so often, the words fall like water off a goose's nasty dumper. So what we need are insults that really cut someone down without upsetting anyone else at Thanksgiving. Or at least insults that are clever enough to afford us plausible deniability were someone to actually get mad after we call them some version of a gaping wound in the collective progress of mankind.

We could also learn to be less critical, but we're only gonna do that when people stop screwing up so hard. So before Jeff in accounting learns to suck less, we're gonna have to take it out in a semi-acceptable, yet still completely disrespectful way.

For some extremely specific insults that have probably never been said before, here are some rare insults that left people uniquely destroyed.

Story Update: Kleptomaniac Nephew Steals $4k Engagement Ring, Parents Refuse to Intervene, Ring Recovered Regardless

This guy saved up for a year for a $4k engagement ring for his girlfriend, hoping to take the next step with her. He could not have possibly anticipated what would happen to that ring when he accepted his brother's family into his home after his brother lost his job. 

This thread was posted to Reddit's r/AITA (Am I the A--Hole) subreddit by the owner of the ring. He posted the subject to appeal to readers and gauge whether or not he was in the wrong for kicking his brother's family out after his nephew stole the ring. The initial thread was titled "AITA for kicking my brother and his family out after his son stole my engagement ring?"

He has now returned with an update to the initial story to provide commenters some closure as to what happened to the ring and to explain how everything has played out since that time. 

The original thread is first (Items 1-10) with the update following (from item 11.) 

Guy Exacts Revenge on Scammer By Exposing Him

Almost dying to lay foundations for a scam is a serious level of dedication that we've never devoted to anything. 

When this scammer was brought back from the brink by a nurse he was so grateful that he decided to pull a scam on the nurse and her husband. But he didn't know who he was messing with, this husband was going to chase him to the ends of the earth and expose him for his dastardly ways.

This thread was posted to r/ProRevenge by the husband who exacted the revenge on this nearly-almost-dead scammer. He posted the story with the title "[Long AF] I was unemployed, this guy scammed me. Revenge is still pouring on him." This is a long tale indeed but worth the read for those with a long enough attention span. 

Ol' Benny Lowy had his name besmirched and ran through the mud and he deserved every bit of it.

Scroll on for the full story below.