Tuesday, April 4, 2023

'LOL, He Blocked Me' : Top Dating App Flops of the Week (April 4, 2023)

Reopening the Tinder app is a catalyst for reinstalling vivid memories of those failed dating app conversations you tried so hard to forget and stash away in a secret brain drawer. The floodgates open, and there is an immediate surge. You find yourself recalling what made you uninstall the app in the first place. The flashbacks are so strong, you don't stand a chance… you were blocked, you were scoffed at, you were unmatched, you met a bot (or two). But in today's day and age, we don't really have a choice in the matter. How else are we supposed to meet people?

What, like just approach someone in real life? Now I'm scoffing. As if. All our bravery is long gone, climbed out the window like a moody teenager who didn't get their way. Telling someone you like them face to face seems like something straight out of a fairytale. So we're gonna have to suffer in silence and swipe away until we reach that dreaded swipe limit.

Scroll down for some of the best dating app conversations of the week. For more, here you can check out last week's.

AITA: "Manspreading" plane passenger gets roasted by readers for in-flight behavior

I feel like this is one of those AITA posts where the user probably knows what the judgment will be before they even ask. Still, whether or not they were wrong was decided when they chose to use a term like "manspreading" in the title. After that, the conversation was only going to go in one direction.

I'm going to go ahead here and say that I don't agree with Reddit's decision. Yes, dear reader, that might surprise you, but I don't think this Original Poster was in the wrong... at least not solely. This statement will probably surprise you less when I go on to clarify that I, myself, am a tall man, and when I get stuck in the middle seat, there's nowhere for my legs to go but out. 

Let's get this cleared up, too: You don't always have control over what seat you get assigned; the fact that every Redditor seems to think otherwise is strange, with most of them using this as their primary argument. It leads you to think that these commenters have never had to make a last-minute flight when a loved one was sick or haven't ever been booked into last-minute travel for work. 

When I end up in the cursed middle seat, I'm either jamming my knees into the back of the person in front of me, which is annoying for the person in front of me and incredibly painful; or my knees (and thus legs) have to be spread outwards into "contested" territory. 

Yeah, it's not an ideal experience for anyone, and it may not be completely fair. But what's a tall person supposed to do? Cut their legs off the knees? 

Life isn't always going to be fair; if it were, they'd be issuing height evening stilts to make everyone the same height at every concert so that everyone has the same view, and every race would be moderated so that every contestant crossed the finish line at exactly the same time. 

I know this argument is sort of a red-herring fallacy, but the point still stands. To me, how the people reacted in this story is the most important ethical determination. The other passenger came way out of left field and went wild without first trying to communicate the effect his actions were having on her; certainly, if she had asked, he would have moved. If he still didn't move, then he would be in the wrong.

Anyways, those are my thoughts, what are yours?

For more AITA, check out this guy who charged a good samaritan who broke the window on his truck canopy for a new one, even though it was already broken.

'I'm more important than an employee': Entitled airline passenger demands first class seat she never paid for

This airline worker bought the very last first class ticket, and settled in for a plane ride to Texas, until an entitled passenger disturbed him. 

The best part of going to the airport is the relief you feel once you're through customs and security and you find your gate. You breathe the biggest sigh of relief that you made it to your flight on time. Then, in your spare time while you wait to board, you get to shop at the airport stores, which are similar to a mall. If I ran things, I would let people shop at the fancy-pants airport stores even if they weren't flying, because the experience is really 10/10. 

On to the more negative sides of flying: basically everything else. Your ears popping, having to sit in a cramped seat for hours, delays, turbulence, other passengers being loud and/or smelly… the list goes on. 

And this airline pilot unlocked a special type of airline irritation. An entitled woman kept badgering for a first class seat that he actually really needed for work purposes, and had paid for with his own money. Plus, even worse, this took place before there were great stores in airports (probably, this was the 1990s). Tragic!

Next, these bosses have us cracking up — they shared the very stupid reasons they had to fire an employee. 

‘AITA for turning up at my sister’s work?’: Woman learns about her long lost sister, surprises her at work, internet reacts

Here's a good rule of thumb in life: don't surprise your long-lost sibling at her place of work. In fact, maybe don't surprise her ever. It's just not a good look all around. Even if you're excited about having a sister and you can't seem to understand why she is, well, less than enthused about this insane family secret finally revealing itself. Don't do it. And while we're at it, don't post about what happened to Reddit unless you want the universe to roast you for what you truly are: a stalker. 


That's right, folks. This original poster clearly didn't do very much thinking about how this story would be perceived by the ruthless judges of the AITA community. Well, she found out in the worst way possible. Keep scrolling below for the full story and for the best comments. For more stories like this, check out this post about the top 5 Karens this week.

20+ Top DIY Fails for Lone Rangers Who Chose to Walk the Road Alone

The answer that reveals itself after asking, 'Why bother paying someone if you can do it yourself?', is 'Just don't'. Later on, you may regret it, but at the time, building your own coffee table out of literal coffee beans instead of buying one seems like a sensible idea. Perhaps you're feeling creative, maybe you just don't want to spend that extra money on getting something done correctly; potentially you just want to challenge yourself.

Then you fail miserably and wonder, 'what was I thinking?'. Below you will find plenty of examples that run rent-free in my head. You'd think, how are people failing so miserably when there are so many DIY tutorials running rampant on the internet? That is a good question, folk, one I do not, unfortunately, have the answer to. Scroll down for some of the most epic DIY fails from the r/DiWHY sub.

For more, here is a funny but sadly relatable meme dump for your enjoyment.

'Forgot cheese on cheese pizza, twice': 30+ Bosses share the super stupid reasons they had to fire someone

We hear a lot about bad bosses, so today, let's turn the tables and see why these bosses had to fire their employees for particularly outrageous behavior. 

Bosses of Reddit joined in to share the actually crazy reasons they had to let their employees go. In any workplace, there are going to be your share of Perpetually-Late-Patties and Fake-Call-Out-Freds. But these employees took it one step further. They didn't just toe the line, they jumped over it. 

I saved my favorite story for last — a story of a catering employee who was so incompetent at her job that she sounds like Amelia Bedelia. She was told to put some water bottles into a cooler of ice, and she instead opened every single bottle and poured it into the cooler. Her boss must have done a facepalm heard round the world! She took things way too literally, and she's not the only employee to be too literal in the workplace. Keep scrolling to check out this incredible thread. 

And speaking of facepalms, click here to laugh at these peoples' failed texting conversations. 

‘The work I did wasn’t on him, it was on you’: Leadership tries to block employee from opportunities, he ends up with a more senior position than them

We love a triumphant ending in which ruthless managers at a company get exactly what they deserve. This thread was posted to Reddit's r/pettyrevenge subreddit by u/baka-tari, a new manager who was brought in to oversee a team that included Willie. Willie made a comment about the uncomfortable layout of the office that rubbed the other managers the wrong way. So, essentially, they attempted to blacklist Willie and find a way to keep him from getting other opportunities in other departments. The Redditor, however, noticed that WIllie was actually quite gifted at his job and didn't deserve any of this treatment. When Willie was able to get a job at another location within the company with the Redditor's recommendation, the other managers were shocked to learn that Willie had gotten an even better job than them. Good on Willie and good on the Redditor for their support! 


Keep scrolling below for the full story and for the best comments.