Tuesday, April 4, 2023

'I'm more important than an employee': Entitled airline passenger demands first class seat she never paid for

This airline worker bought the very last first class ticket, and settled in for a plane ride to Texas, until an entitled passenger disturbed him. 

The best part of going to the airport is the relief you feel once you're through customs and security and you find your gate. You breathe the biggest sigh of relief that you made it to your flight on time. Then, in your spare time while you wait to board, you get to shop at the airport stores, which are similar to a mall. If I ran things, I would let people shop at the fancy-pants airport stores even if they weren't flying, because the experience is really 10/10. 

On to the more negative sides of flying: basically everything else. Your ears popping, having to sit in a cramped seat for hours, delays, turbulence, other passengers being loud and/or smelly… the list goes on. 

And this airline pilot unlocked a special type of airline irritation. An entitled woman kept badgering for a first class seat that he actually really needed for work purposes, and had paid for with his own money. Plus, even worse, this took place before there were great stores in airports (probably, this was the 1990s). Tragic!

Next, these bosses have us cracking up — they shared the very stupid reasons they had to fire an employee. 

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