Sunday, June 8, 2014

When life gives you lemons, you're screwed

Anyone who has gone shopping with women will understand

Nicely done detail. The fan on the chair is also on.

Sounds like a good song.

Does it?

Rough day at work

So true...

Food for thought

The first thing I thought of...

Telling your buddy that you're dating his sister

Am I the only one feeling awkward about this one ?

Damn scary

89 years old and still able to jump from a plane ! You sir have all my respect !

When my girlfriend drags me to a dance club

I learned this one the hard way.

When you see your reflection on your laptop screen and you just look.

This is a workout I can get behind.

As someone with no parenting instinct, this is my reaction around kids...

That explains everything

Here kitty...

For all the wannabes

Peter Dinklage, in a strip club, with a glow in the dark hula hoop. Enough said.

Yeah, that's Nicolas Cage, dressed as a pimp, wearing a "You Don't Say?" shirt...

Free groceries during Ramadan in Dubai supermarket (month of fasting)

Elevator be trollin'

To all gamers feeling the same... THEY... WHAT HAVE THEY DONE?!

Can't take the heat…

Pothead with a telescope

Sex offender frog is ruining the pond

So that's what F stands for...

George R. R. Martin

I think she has a poltergeist in her arm.

4 simple rules for eating a banana

When I check my final grades

No bees, no..

...and the, Criminal of the year award goes to:

You know how bored I was?

That awkward moment…

I couldn't resist.

Very well-trained dog

Do not use in sunlight

Smoking causes health

Ready for Summer

So, do you like this shirt?

Cosplay taken to the next level.