Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Truck Rolls Down Boat Launch Into Lake During News Broadcast

It's one thing to accidentally let your car roll into a lake. It's a whole other thing to immortalize your own incompetence in front of thousands of people due to a chance encounter with a live camera feed. Also, god damn do trucks sink fast or what?

Driver Stops Just Short Of Rampaging Tornado, Watches It Go By

Tornados are just one of those spectacles created by nature that can render us speechless, and generally paralyzed with fear. They completely consume the environment and throw everything into terrifying chaos. This driver however seems like they were kind of chilling with the whole formidable development. 

Karen Customer Has Rage Fit Over 37 Cents At Pizza Shop

There are certain things in this life that are very well worth getting fired up over. Maybe someone has the careless audacity to cut you in line at a crowded bar. Maybe someone makes a nasty remark to an employee who was just trying to make it through their shift with no drama. But to go ahead and have a full on temper tantrum over a pizza shop's pricing that involves literally 37 cents...well that right there is very far outside the bounds of what's reasonable, Karen. 

The Worst Things People Said On Dates

Dating can be an emotional rollercoaster. Especially nowadays with the wealth of dating apps available at your disposal, it's just hard to know whether or not you're going to end up seated across the table from someone who is absolutely nothing like the person they portrayed themselves as in their bio. Really the best course of action if one ever catches themselves in that kind of extreme scenario is to break out the best possible excuse to immediately bail from the rapidly devolving scene. Anyways, the cringe was laid on extra thick in these bizarre utterances from people that didn't exactly carry out their best dates. 

Tumblr Post: Mom Provides Kids Remarkable Coping Skills

There are a fair number of parents that might find themselves inspired after reading through this quick yet highly entertaining Tumblr post about how a mom went about handling her kids' engrained needs for healthy and effective coping skills. Basically, nature is where it's at. If only nature was as accessible to all of us as it was for this family. Maybe there's some way to put a fun and creative urban twist on this mom's approach though. For some more gold from Tumblr check out this Tumblr thread where Tumblr users deconstruct the conspiracy behind Poké Balls

Hippie Sister-In-Law Disapproves of Disposable Diapers, Throws Them All Away

We've all had some bad houseguests and minor problems with family, but to have someone insist that you're parenting incorrectly, throw away all your expensive baby stuff, then complain that they can't afford to replace it? That's some wild entitlement right there. For another fun one, here's a woman who stole what she thought was a pregnancy test, announced her pregnancy, and was wrong.

Absurd Snail Question Prompts Fabulously Detailed Answer

This should be a question they use for job interviews. No more of that "where do you see yourself in 5 years" garbage. It should be "how far from the snail do you see yourself in a millennia?" Of course, the real answer might be another question along the lines of "what's a snail gonna do with a million dollars?" If only we could apply this much energy and creativity to problems in our own lives. For some more impressive moments of creativity, here are stupid items Dungeons and Dragons players exploited to their limits as well as a wholesome story about a grandma who summons a demon.

Incompetent Scammers Who Were Their Own Worst Enemies

We don't want scammers to be better at what they do, but holy crap these guys are really bad at their jobs. It's a definite social good that these scammers are horrible at it, but still, it's almost sad. For more fun with scammers, here's a scammer who pretended to be a man's neighbor and another scammer who got a taste of their own medicine.

Client Hires Lousy Electrical Contractor, Contractor Ignores Plans, Ends Up With More Work

Crooked contractors can be a real handful. There are plenty of people out there in this world that are proactively looking to cut corners just to make the daily grind a bit easier. Unfortunately, the "not my job moments" can amount to severely inconveniencing other people that literally don't have time in their days to deal with all the fail-themed nonsense. For another tale of pro revenge check out the time that a city gave a man trouble over his property line, so he built a revenge bar.

Tumblr Users Deconstruct The Conspiracy Behind Poké Balls

We're big fans of Pokémon lore here. In this case, we have a comprehensive rundown that covers the deep societal impact of Poké Balls, and how the availability and pricing of different kinds of Poké Balls ended up generating rifts between different classes in the Pokémon universe. Of course Tumblr had to go there. There was no other way. If this Tumblr thread got you going, then check out this Tumblr thread about how Pokémon's Ash Ketchum is a jacked beast, or you could get lost in an entertaining Twitter thread about how Rattata could theoretically beat Goku.

Company Stops Reimbursing For Cellphones, Coworker Makes Sure They Regret It

There can be something strangely lovable about having a coworker on hand who decides to meet an unfavorable decision by their company, with a swift and brilliant act of malicious compliance. Bob sounds like he's just a bit of a mad lad. Clearly the guy wasn't just going to step aside without putting up a bit of a fight when it came to his cellphone situation being jeopardized. For another recent malicious compliance story check out this manager who forced their employee to get a sick note (even though it was illegal), and then how the doctor maliciously complied.

Puns That Are About As Funny As Puns Get

To be honest we're not huge fans of puns. Or maybe, more accurately, most puns. Most puns are the worst. Most puns are just the garbage juice at the bottom of the dumpster of actual comedy. But some puns. Oh baby. Some puns and dad jokes are so bone-shakingly funny they just want to make you shriek with laughter until you're as hoarse as Seabiscuit. See, that was a bad pun.

Creepy Signs That Are There For A Good Reason

It's important to remember that every creepy signis there because something happened that made it necessary. Someone fed their fingers to the horses, someone taunted the bonobos, someone sat under a coconut tree on a windy day, someone swam in the sewage outflow, and presumably, someone drank the cemetery water. So hats off to all the bad days that led to these spooky signs.

People's Most Ridiculous Cases Of Incorrect Pronunciations

Far too many of us have been caught up right in the middle of the humbling realization that we've been leading our lives without having any idea that we're pronouncing words far from the correct way. Maybe it's the result of some kind of prideful stubbornness. Like, you don't want to go out of your way to ask someone else around you how to pronounce a word the right way, for fear of being made fun of over it. Also though, hey, maybe this list will serve to clear up any blind spots you might've had lying around about the proper pronunciation of various words. 

Ryan Reynolds Drops Comedy Gold For Upcoming Movie, "Free Guy"

Ryan Reynolds has a heroic track record when it comes to dropping nuggets of pure comedy gold. Basically, it's good news for everyone when Reynolds has a new movie to promote. In this case, we have a genuinely hilarious little video from Reynolds that he released to get the hype train rolling even more for his new movie "Free Guy." For some more internet gold from Ryan Reynolds check out the time that he live-tweeted his reactions to "Green Lantern." Naturally, it was a scathing sequence of tweets.