Friday, April 8, 2022

Woman Skips Mother's 5th Wedding For Job Interview, Internet Supports It

Sometimes life presents us with two paths. And sometimes those choices almost make themselves. Should we stifle our own personal growth because someone close to us assures us that this is definitely gonna be the one that sticks? It seems unlikely. And it's a good time to affix one's thinking cap.

Attend another one of your mom's weddings? Or go to a possibly-life changing job interview? Only one has the possibility to actually alter your life in a positive way. Plus, it seems like if you've been to four out of five of your mom's weddings, that number isn't so bad.

As many commenters astutely pointed out, it's not like this will be the last one anyway. It's basically just a countdown to the next one.

But this is far from the most ludicrous circumstances people have found themselves judging someone's marital status. Here are some of the trashiest wedding people attended.

Funny Times People And Things Got Singled Out With Or Without Reason

Most days we manage to fly under the radar of the universe. A good day is when nothing catastrophically bad happens or when no one puts your name on a billboard and calls you an "ass bastard sack of crap." But that's just most days. There are some days when the universe finds us. And like a magnet for ridicule, we are told in no uncertain terms by the world that we suck. 

And no one is immune to the scathing, red hyper-critical eye of life itself. Your just desserts could come in the form of a fly in your soup. A toilet through your windshield. An uncatchable nude man covered in grease coming to ruin your barbeque. But very often, it's a personalized sign telling everyone that you're not allowed to have ice cream. And that stings.

Here are some more humorously absurd times people and things got singled out.

People Share The Most Terrifically Trashy Weddings They've Attended

Depending on who you ask, weddings are either the "most special day" of someone's life, or they're a "massive waste of time and resources, only matched by funerals." Whatever your personal opinion on them, most of us can agree that being a guest at a wedding is a pretty fun time. It's almost always nice to see your friends and family enter a new stage of their life, and there's usually dancing and free drinks.

Weddings are expensive, and "trashy" doesn't inherently mean cheap. Inexpensive weddings are often awesome because the bride and groom typically actually love each other.

But some of us out there are bound to drop the ball on the big day. Be it a failure to prepare, or a failure to keep your shady aunt from running away with the gifts. There are weddings where, by the end, you're left shrugging and going "hey, at least they got married."

Sometimes you get dinner and a show, like this time a brother stood up for his brother's ex and absolutely demolished him during his best man's speech.

Two-Part Story: Boss Fires Employee in Cruel April Fool's Prank, Employee Complains, Boss Gets Fired For Real

This boss must have attended the "Michael Scott School of Business Management" because this is a joke taken right out of his playbook and, just like Michael Scott, he let this joke go on for way too long. 

This thread was posted to Reddit's r/antiwork subreddit on the evening of April Fool's day this week. The poster u/--Savathun-- tells the story of the cruel prank that their boss pulled on them but telling them, in a manner that seemed completely serious, that they were fired when they came in on the morning of April 1st. The boss watched as they took several hours to collect their things, destroy personal documents, and then head out the door on their way home. Then, and only then, did the boss reveal that it had been a prank. 

This employee wasn't having any of it and decided to file grievances against the boss.

We overlooked it earlier this week which is why this is only coming together now. Luckily, in that time, the OP posted t update that details the fallout from the prank and the sweet taste of victory and just desserts. 

This Update post starts on item 9 and follows the original post and comments.