Thursday, July 24, 2014

Blacklight phone hack.

Nope, I will not punish my son for defending himself.

You Know What Emoji Needed More of? NEWMAN!

You Know What Emoji Needed More of? NEWMAN!

Yep, the Seinfeld version of the Emoji app is here. Because sometimes, a smiling pile of poop can't convey what a fluffy shirt will.


When I found out my nephew, who's only 10, follows 297 gay blogs on Tumblr

When a little kid asked me if I knew of The Simpsons

When you break up with someone/in love

That's a Lot of Hops in Your Beer

That's a Lot of Hops in Your Beer

Submitted by: (via Dubyawinfrey)

Tagged: beer , cute , bunny , funny , hops , after 12 , g rated

He (She?) told me I have a nice smile too

Deadpool likes staring Death in the... eyes...

No one taught me sh*t

Yeah so true

Epic Mindf**k!

A basketball player drills a behind the back shot while dashing out the door... fun stuff

My thoughts on the whole Thor being a woman thing...just wondering...

Weird Tube of the Day: Social Media in a Nutshell

Excuse me for not conforming with your average liar.

Don't feed the bears

DOTA 2 International champions 2014

Spider-Man VS Venom.

This sums up my PC gaming experience.

Obvious Trends

Is This Bus Boy Moving in Fast Forward?

Submitted by: (via Josh Jordan)

Tagged: fast , restaurant , what , Video , g rated , win

I have a dangerous brain surgery scheduled for today and I'm like

Meanwhile In Japan : Horde Of Deer Occupying The Road At Nara

Tell me I'm not the only one...

What led you to believe I ever even want to see you again?

Amazing kick

I'm Just Dreaming Big

Johnny Depp doesn't age

You know these people are out there...

This is why cats are afraid of the water.

This is why cats are afraid of the water.

To all the waitresses complaining publicly on Facebook.

Is it just me or does Putin kinda remind you of a Bond villain?

Poor Spider-Man

Poor Spider-Man

Submitted by: (via Random 900)

This movie kicks Frozen's ass

F**k Strategies.

Twitter Account of the Day: A Project Collecting the Tweets of People Who Say "Working on my novel"

This was my Saturday night

"It's not funny.."

This was the picture today in the Netherlands, where it was one minute of silence, because of the accident with MH17.

Cats are liquid
