Monday, June 20, 2022

People Share Weird Rules They Had To Follow At Friend's Houses

Everyone has some kind of vivid memory of going to a friend's house as a kid, being told how things are a little different, but never being given a complete explanation as to why

Everything's going fine, but all of a sudden your friend explains that you aren't allowed to say the word "beef," and that you can't wear shorts at the dinner table or else his dad will fly into a violent rage. It's unclear at the time, but since you're a kid, and you're used to following rules you don't understand, you just kind of roll with it. Later your friend explains "also, we're not allowed to go on the couch, and even though the dog's name is Martha, we have to refer to her as "Madame" whenever my mom is around."

Alright dude, sure.

For some intriguing tales of rule-based drama, here are people describing times they were responsible for new rules.

Lawyer Applies To Scam Job, They Use His Work, He Successfully Charges Them For It

Finding a new job is a wild process. You just have to throw out as many darts as possible, hoping you hit something. And then when someone does return your email, you have to parse out if this company is legit, and not just trying to fleece you. It's a process, but most of us have to deal with it.

It happens all the time. A job application requires you to complete some "sample" work for them, then they just ghost you, turn around and use your work anyway. It's a great way to use desperate people as a source of free labor, and it's extremely frustrating as an applicant. But this guy had another idea planned when this law firm used his "sample" work for a case they were working on. And through some tremendously savvy lawyering tactics, the dude managed to bill the shady bastards for his trouble.

"Tired Girl" Girlfriend Mad That She Got Ditched While Oversleeping

Let's get a show of hands for all the "Tired Girls" who are in this thread. Our girls who, if given the chance, would give Rip Van Winkle a run for his money and embrace a near-eternal slumber. 

As the partner of a "Tired Girl" who can sleep for 14 hours at a time, I feel like I know this boyfriend's struggle. The hours I spend just waiting for her to wake up sometimes end up being longer than the days themselves. 

This thread was posted to Reddit's r/AITA (Am I the A-Hole) subreddit by the boyfriend, Reddit user u/wallerbelt. He posted the topic with the title "AITA for leaving the house while my girlfriend is still sleeping?" in order to appeal to readers and see if he was in the wrong for his actions. His girlfriend certainly thinks he is. 

The conflict started when the two made plans to go to the coffee shop in the morning. Instead of waking her up so that she could have time to get ready he woke her up as he was heading out the door and told her not to rush and to meet him when she was ready. 

It seems to me that he was trying to be as considerate of her needs as he possibly could be. He wasn't maliciously leaving her behind while he went off and did their plans alone. He tried to let her sleep as long as possible and was more than willing to wait for her at the coffee shop so that they could spend the rest of the time together. 

I can see the argument that he "changed" the plans by leaving without her but he did so because he was trying to be considerate. If we want to be harsh here we could even say that the girlfriend should be more considerate and make sure that she got up with enough time to get ready for their plans. She can set an alarm or something and take some responsibility too.

What's your read? Who is the a-hole here?

Guy Gets Absolutely Eviscerated By Tinder Girl After Terrible Pickup Lines Fail Epically

Everyone who is of the dating age knows how this pep talk goes. "C'mon, bro. What have you got to lose? The worst thing that can happen is that she'll say no, and then at least you've tried. It's better than not trying at all." Well, let this post stand as a testament to the fact that, while mostly true, it's not always true. Sometimes, they don't just say no. Sometimes, they're out to end your whole dating career before it has even started.

To be fair to the girl here, cheesy copy-paste pickup lines are the worst. While they might make fun content for posting online, they should never actually be used for a serious attempt at dating. Incredibly attractive people get a pass here (as they do with everything else and dating.) If you insist on using a cheesy pickup line and it fails, by no means should you then try to use pickup line #2 on the same girl. Either pack it in or go with more traditional methods. If that second pickup line fails, then trying a third pickup line would be right out. At that point, you would deserve anything that came in your direction. 

This sorry sod made the terrible mistake of trying three pickup lines, and he has paid oh-so-dearly for his mistake. There has never been a more appropriate use for the phrase "murdered with words."